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Original Design Studio, TJAD: Sanqiao Asian Games Park is located on the south bank of the Qiantang River in Hangzhou’s Binjiang District. The design’s goal is to “build a new waterfront that combines urban, cultural, ecological, intelligent, local, and forward-looking characteristics.” It is the advanced phase of the 12-kilometer waterfront public space renovation project in Binjiang District of Hangzhou, undertaken by the Original Design Studio of TJAD.
▽回归“城市场所”,多义的公共空间, Returning to the “Urban Venue”, the Multifunctional Public Space

本项目是杭州市滨江区重点迎亚运项目,是“办好一个会、提升一座城”亚运筹备理念的深度践行。设计以“橙蓝丝带、超级海塘、城市切片”为整体规划理念——从“亚运”到“亚运+”,串联一条长达17.4 公里没有围墙的城市运动体验带;从“安全”到“安全+”,构筑一座复合多种功能与多样活动的滨江超级新海塘;从“日常”到“日常+”,营造一组缝合滨水公共空间与腹地的多主题城市切片。
This project is a key initiative of Hangzhou’s Binjiang District to welcome the Asian Games and is a profound embodiment of the Asian Games preparation philosophy of ‘hosting a good event and uplifting a city’. The design follows the overall planning concept of “orange-blue ribbon, super seawall, urban slice” — transitioning from “Asian Games” to “Asian Games+”, connecting a 17.4-kilometer urban sports experience belt without walls; moving from “safety” to “safety+”, constructing a super new seawall that combines multiple functions and various activities; transitioning from “everyday” to ” everyday+”, creating a set of multi-themed urban slices that establish a connection between waterfront public spaces and the hinterland.
▽项目区位图, Project location

“橙蓝丝带”——单一滨江公共空间的复合化提升 “Orange and Blue Ribbons” -The composite enhancement of a singular Riverfront public space
The riverfront public belt in the Binjiang District, which originally had a certain ecological foundation, has been open to the public as a living waterfront for many years. “Orange and Blue Ribbons” is the first response to the overall and systematic renovation and enhancement along the river. The design further advances based on the complete connection of the orange and blue ribbons along the waterfront. When reaching Yundu Station, the running track is elevated above the building, becoming an essential component of the architectural form, offering different elevation walking paths and perspectives of the river. The urban landscape becomes three-dimensional, unfolding in different dimensions.
▽橙蓝丝带,从“亚运”到“亚运+”,立体复合、上下翻飞的路径 Orange and Blue Ribbons, transitioning from “Asian Games” to “Asian Games+”, three-dimensional composite paths flying up and down.”

“超级海塘”——水利设施与公共空间的艺术性结合 “Super Seawall” -The artistic integration of hydraulic facilities and public spaces
In response to the call of the Zhejiang Provincial Water Resources Department regarding the Anlan trillion seawall project, the content of raising the flood prevention level of Anlan is integrated into the riverside landscape renovation. While keeping the height of the riverside barrier unchanged, combined with the artistic concrete wave-dissipation platform, the seawall’s height was raised to 10.3 meters, completing an elevation upgrade of about 4.5 kilometers of the seawall. The defense standard of this segment of the seawall around Hangzhou Bay was improved from a once-in-a-hundred-years event to a once-in-three-hundred-years event.
▽超级海塘,从“安全”到“安全+”,通过多样类型化解前后高差的方式 Super Seawall, transitioning from “Safety” to “Safety+”, resolving the elevation differences through various types

“城市切片”——沟通江景与城市的空间纽带 “Urban Slice” -The spatial link connecting river views and the city
To strengthen the connection between the urban hinterland space and the waterfront public space, multiple “urban slices” are set up on the site to facilitate vegetation and path connections. From the wave form, a unified language evolved, incorporating landscape features such as tree pits, rest pavilions, display walls, and exercise equipment. Combined with the tree species design on both sides, all of them form a distinctive channel facing the river.
▽城市切片,从“日常”到“日常+”,链接城市腹地与江边公共空间的途径, Urban Slice, transitioning from “Everyday” to “Everyday+”, connecting the urban hinterland to the riverside public space.

As the starting northern section of Hangzhou’s riverfront public space, the Sanqiao Asian Games Park includes areas such as the Skateboard Park, Wetland Park, Yundu Station, and the Asian Games Mound.In the recent on-site verification and comprehensive selection by the Hangzhou Greenway Construction Promotion Coordination Group, the “Riverfront Section of Zhijiang Greenway in Binjiang District” is awarded the “Most Beautiful Greenway in Hangzhou City in 2023.”
▽改造前后卫星图, Satellite images

▽三桥亚运公园内空间节点拼贴图, Collage of spatial nodes within Sanqiao Asian Games Park

生态性响应——三桥亚运湿地公园, Ecological Response – Sanqiao Asian Games Wetland Park
It is the most representative one among the nine newly built parks along the river. It possesses various functions, including wetland protection, science education, ecological sightseeing, and leisure and entertainment, allowing citizens to have fun with the water.
▽湿地公园鸟瞰, Aerial view of the Wetland Park

运动性响应——三桥亚运滑板公园 Athletic Response – Sanqiao Asian Games Skateboard Park
It is one of the three newly built sports parks along the river, seamlessly connected to the Olympic Sports Center. It covers an area of about 3,800 square meters and includes facilities such as basketball courts, extreme skateboard parks, children’s sandpits, and rocking horses.
▽斜晖中的滑板公园, Skateboard park at sunset

事件性响应——三桥亚运雕塑 Event Response – Sanqiao Asian Games Sculpture
To resolve the height difference on the south side of the Asian Games Mound near Wentao Road, colors from the Asian Games logo extracted, and the Olympic year numbers embedded into the concrete slices, an artistic concrete sculpture is designed to serve both as a resting place for pedestrians and a display for Asian Games knowledge. It is one of the eight major art sculptures in the riverfront project.
▽亚运雕塑, Asian Games Sculpture

艺术性响应——滨江艺术混凝土 Artistic Response – Artistic Concrete
The prefabricated blue translucent concrete railing not only enhances the integration of the railing with the road surface but also combines comfort for citizens to lean on, convenience for viewing, and aesthetic lighting, becoming a new landmark of the charming riverside.
▽滨江公共空间, Riverfront public space

功能性响应——云渡驿 Functional Response – Yundu Station
Yundu Station covers a total construction area of 1945.4 square meters, consisting of one underground floor and one above-ground floor. The underground level is constructed from concrete, while the above-ground level uses a steel structure. The building has a length of 104 meters, a width of 30 meters, and a height of 7.9 meters. Previously, the site of the station was the cruise wharf located on the east of Qianjiang Third Bridge. With the imminent opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games, Yundu Station takes on both the function of the original wharf and the urban basic service system in the new environment. Based on this, the design adopts an approach akin to a surgical intervention on the site. By creating folds in the structure and form, and crafting a public activity roof, the building seamlessly integrates with its surroundings in both shape and function. This approach blurs the once-clear boundaries in the urban landscape, fostering more opportunities for encounters between people at this venue.
▽融合的场地关系,蓝色丝带顺势而上, Integrated with the site, the blue ribbon flowing upwards

▽立体的城市风景,屋面贯通的跑步道, three-dimensional urban landscape, with a rooftop running track

In order to achieve the “floating blue path” and a sequence of changing scenic views, Yundu Station conceals auxiliary spaces such as restrooms, management rooms, and equipment rooms underground. Above ground, a steel structure is utilized, consisting of a repetitive arrangement of four rhomboid blocks. Each block is supported by a pair of parallel diagonal struts and a pair of V-shaped diagonal struts, and together, these four blocks hold up the roof. Through a well-thought-out structural design, while achieving a large cantilever, the construction remains delicate. The eave thickness is only 200mm, creating a floating and transparent architectural effect.
▽平行斜杆及V型斜杆, parallel diagonal struts and V-shaped diagonal struts

The Yundu Station, with its integration of interior and exterior, distant and close views, artificial and natural elements, creates a continuous, interactive, and rich space. The hosting of the Asian Games will infuse event-based characteristics into Yundu Station and SanQiao Asian Games Park. While functions such as distribution, relaxation and viewing, and sports experiences will be prevalent during the Asian Games. Yundu Station will return to an accessible “urban site” providing people with a variety of activities stage.
▽长卷里的城市风景, Cityscape in a Continuous Scroll

▽悬挑下的城市生活, Urban Life Beneath the Cantilever

▽驿站轴测图, Axonometric Drawing of Yundu Station

▽首层平面图, First Floor Plan

▽地下一层平面图, Basement Floor Plan

▽剖面图1-1, Section 1-1

▽剖面图2-2, Section 2-2

▽立面图, Facade

Project Name: Hangzhou Riverfront Public Space – Sanqiao Asian Games Park
Architectural Firm: Original Design Studio of Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.
Lead Architects: Zhang Ming, Zhang Zi, Chen Bo
Overall and Architectural Design Team: Yao Guanjie, Zhang Xiaoya, Feng Yuqing, Mou Xiaotong, Sun Jialong, Chen Luqiyao, Cao Dong, Ma Hanxiao, Li Mengyao
BIM Design Team: Zhang Dongsheng, Wang Lingyu, Yan Zifu
Structural Design Team: Wu Honglei, Zheng Chaoyi, Duan Xuanmeng, Lin Chen
MEP Design Team: Liu Jian, Jia Min, Zhang Sien, Lv Zonghu, Wang Haidong, Zhu Han, Shen Hangtao, Cai Ting, Zhao Zhenzhou
Landscape Design Team: Qiu Wenmin, Li Xiubing, Lan Yuan, Zhong Yong, Luo Jian, Zou Qian, Su Jinghua, Xing Chuhan
Lighting Design Team: Yang Xiu, Bian Chen, Li Di, Li Mengru, Li Binhao
Technical and Economic Team: Pang Xiaolin, Zhou Lingjun, Zang Junlong, Chen Xinyun, Tong Zhou, Ge Yuwei, Zhang Chunxia, Cao Yexin
Green Building Team: Ren Guohui, Xue Fanghui, Zheng Xiaowei, Meng Fanlin
Logo Design Team: des:glory Consultants
Cooperation Team: The Achitectural Design&Research Institute of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University Co.Ltd.; Qin Anhua, Huang Jiayao, Zhou Kang, Ma Kai
Client: Hangzhou Binjiang Environmental Development Co., Ltd.
Main Contractor: Hangzhou Xiaohong Construction Environment Group Ltd.
Supervision Company: Hangzhou Tianheng Investment Construction & Supervision Co., Ltd.
Project Location: Binjiang District, Hangzhou
Completion Year: 2023
Photography Copyright: Zhang Yong, Original Design Studio
“ 设计构筑一座复合多种功能与多样活动的滨江超级新海塘,营造一组缝合滨水公共空间与腹地的多主题城市公共空间。”
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