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Thanks Bauen for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Bauen.
Bauen:客户在一个偏远的地方找到了一个适合其晚年居住的理想之地,在那里,主角并非建筑,而是景观本身。得天独厚的自然环境条件让住宅的设计已然完成了 90% ,剩下的就只差具体的建筑方案了。
Bauen: With the purpose of conducting the project, a retirement home, the clients found the ideal spot in a remote region, in which the main character would not be the architecture but the landscape itself. Keeping in mind these premises, 90% of the house was already solved; it only remained to propose the architecture of the house.

Having the advantage of a 360° view of the mountain range, designing the house was not an arduous task. One of the strongest criteria of design was to not interfere in the site conditions, leaving the vegetation untouched and avoiding invasive earth movements. Another crucial point kept in mind was that the house should not obstruct the view from higher spots of the sierra, which positions the house over an irregular topography, this implantation solution makes the volume almost imperceptible entering the field and one only becomes aware of its presence when reaching a few meters closer to it.

The various shades of green –consequence of the different schedules, stations and weather- allow the views to be ephemeral and grant new landscapes every day.

The choice of material derives from the logistic planning that was needed to get to the location; the solution was a prefabricated system of metallic structures. This system allows the transport to be made in distinct stages, something beneficial since the land was difficult to access.

该项目中,所有结构部件运抵现场后,组装加制作过程共持续了 7 天,加上此前在距离施工现场 200 公里外的一个车间里持续 60 天的制作过程,整座建筑的工期耗时甚短。该项目唯一在现场施工的部分是支撑房屋的三面混凝土墙,这三面墙体提升了房屋的构图,并最大限度地减少了对自然的干扰。
Once all the pieces arrived, the structure montage process was of 7 days, adding the previous process of manufacturing that lasted 60 days in a workshop located 200 km away from the construction site. The house rests on three concrete walls –the only segment of the construction made in site- that elevate the composition and minimally interferes in the lands nature.

▽混凝土墙体支撑起建筑结构,最大限度地减少了对自然的干扰 Three concrete walls support the building structure and thus minimise disturbance to nature

The structural resolution ends up designating the aesthetic of the house, the structural spans become the windows and are simply closed with glass, where every square meter of the project allows the striking surrounding view to pass through, making the desired harmony possible.
▽通透、简洁的室内空间 Transparent indoor space

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目名称:Himmel House
项目地点:巴拉圭 Guaira
竣工年份:2020 年
总建筑面积:292 平方米
公司所在地:巴拉圭 Asunción
首席建筑师:Aldo Cristaldo Kegler
其他参与者:Dina Agüero、Luz Serena Hiebl、Saúl Acosta、Fátima Estigarribia
结构计算: Alfredo Espínola
结构装配:Metales Procesados S.R.L.
摄影师:Federico Cairoli / www.federicocairoli.com/
Project Name: Himmel House
Project location: Guaira, Paraguay.
Completion Year: 2020
Gross Built Area: 292 m2
Office Name: Bauen
Office Website: www.bauen.com.py/
Contact email: aldocristaldokegler@bauen.com.py
Firm Location: Asunción, Paraguay
Lead Architects: Aldo Cristaldo Kegler
Other Participants: Dina Agüero, Luz Serena Hiebl, Saúl Acosta, Fátima Estigarribia
Structure Calculations: Alfredo Espínola
Structural Assembly: Metales Procesados S.R.L.
Photographer: Federico Cairoli / www.federicocairoli.com/
“ 不同时节、不同位置和不同天气塑造的深浅不一的绿色,让景色瞬息万变,在这里,每天都有新的风景。”
更多 Read more about:Bauen