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Auroville Design Consultants: “人居景观栖息地—可持续城市生活综合体应用研究示范项目”,旨在当前全球能源危机和气候变化的迫切需要下,探索设定人居环境标准,作为未来可持续、和谐发展的模式。这种住宅、社区和办公空间综合开发的模式,作为未来低能耗建筑标准的基石,同时也希望通过解决技能发展的问题提升印度建筑行业社会劳动力的能力,改变建筑工作中使用高能耗材料的情况,减少人居环境的碳足迹,实现印度对IPCC(联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会)的承诺。
Auroville Design Consultants: The “HUMANSCAPES HABITAT- is an applied research and demonstration project of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Living Project” for benchmarking in habitat as a course correction for a sustainable and harmonious mode of development which is an imperative need in present global crisis of energy and climate change. This mixed-use development of residences, community and work space would be a touch stone for standards for low-embodied energy building. This project also wants to address the issues of skill development upgrade the capability in the unorganized labor sector of India in the construction sector to transition construction jobs from building with high embodied energy materials to building materials and technology to reduce the carbon footprint in the habitat sector to meet India’s commitment to IPCC.
▼鸟瞰 Aerial view

▼外环境 Exterior

Using local building materials and skills, the residences become a net energy-positive habitat by generating its own energy, using renewable energy. Zero-discharge of water, reduction and recycling of solid waste, drought resistant local endemic species landscaping and growing organic food as a model for urban agriculture would be a hallmark of this project. Reducing point to point travel by integrating work and living spaces, using integrated community and IT infrastructure (ICITI), and using clean mobility options like e- vehicles for external contact will be a natural consequence of the campus set-up.

▼当地建筑材料和工艺 Local building materials and skills

1. 打造可持续的建筑环境。采用被动式太阳能建筑围护结构以适应气候,最大化利用空间以减少建筑面积,并采用低能耗建筑材料,以及几乎不需要加工和机械的施工技术。
2. 实现水、能源和废物的循环环境。水的零排放、固体废物的减少和循环利用、当地特有的抗旱物种景观和有机食品种植的城市农业典范将成为这些住宅的标志。
3. 生态人居。以“共居”生活理念,促进邻里之间的互动,实现包容性社会发展、经济和环境增益。通过融合生活、办公、娱乐和基础便利设施的功能,实现空间的多种运用,减少建筑面积,使居民能够与农业和生产性景观、废物利用和能源再生产生积极的互动,成为社区开放学习园区的一部分。
4. 建立“SustaiNet”知识资源协作网络,完成进一步传播。该网络将促进各机构间的知识共享和传播,在项目期间及建成后,为学者、学生和专业人士提供包容性的学习体验平台。
The habitat project has integrated four goals as part of the sustainable human settlement program of development:
1. Sustainable built environment to have building envelopes that are solar passive to be climatically suitable built with efficient space usage to reduce the built-up area and low embodied energy building materials with construction techniques that require minimum processing and machinery.
2. Integrated environmental planning of water, energy and waste so Zero-discharge of water, reduction and recycling of solid waste, water-efficient landscaping using local endemic species, and growing organic food as a model for urban agriculture would be a hallmark of these residences.
3. The human ecology, using the principles of “Cohousing” concept of living, facilitating interaction among neighbors for inclusive social development, economic and environmental benefits. A functional fusion the living, working, recreational and primary amenities allowing a multiplicity of space usage to reduce the built-up area to enable the inhabitants to interact actively with the farming and productive landscaping, waste recycling and energy generation as part of the open learning campus.
4. Establish a collaborative network of knowledge resources called ‘SustaiNet’, to facilitate further dissemination. This network will enable inter-institutional knowledge sharing and dissemination, a platform for academics, students and professionals to have an inclusive learning experience during and after completion of the project.

▼鸟瞰 Aerial view

项目地址:印度 泰米尔纳德邦 奥罗维尔
景观公司: Auroville Design Consultants
首席设计师:Suhasini Ayer
设计团队:Suhasini Ayer, Gavury Ramadas, Ramya Prasad, Abraham Ninan
客户:Auroville Foundation
照片来源:Akshay Arora, Ramya Prasad, 无人机, Kayalvizhi Thirumavalavan, Attreyee Ghose
Project name: Humanscapes Habitat
Completion Year: 2018
Size:1753.57 sq.m
Project location: Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Auroville Design Consultants
Website: www.aurovilledesign.com
Contact e-mail: suhasini@designconsult-av.com
Lead Architects: Suhasini Ayer
Design Team: Suhasini Ayer, Gavury Ramadas, Ramya Prasad, Abraham Ninan
Clients: Auroville Foundation
Photo credits: Akshay Arora, Ramya Prasad, The Drone zone, Kayalvizhi Thirumavalavan, Attreyee Ghose
审稿编辑: gentlebeats
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