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STUDIO GRONDA 是伊科斯·安达卢西亚项目的建筑和室内设计公司,该项目是由希腊酒店连锁店Ikos Resorts委托其建造的西班牙首个全套豪华综合体,并且是一个定制版的综合体,志在成为国际上的高端典范,提供顶级的接待体验。 STUDIO GRONDA设计团队草拟了该项目的总体规划,也对其新酒店的建筑,室内设计,景观和照明进行创新布局设计。 这座占地4,000米的综合大楼将于2021年4月对外开放,旨在提供独特的居住体验并志在确保能为每个人提供令人愉悦的空间。
STUDIO GRONDA is the architectural and Interior Design firm behind the Ikos Andalusia project, the first all-inclusive luxury complex in Spain, commissioned by the Greek hotel chain Ikos Resorts. This is a customised complex destined to become a shining example at the international level of what a high-end, all-inclusive facility can be, ensuring a successful, top-level hospitality experience. STUDIO GRONDA drew up the master plan for the project, as well as its architecture, interior design, landscaping and the lighting for the new hotel. This 4,000-meter complex, designed to deliver unique experiences and ensure truly enjoyable rooms, will open in April 2021.

▼酒店夜景鸟瞰 Video © Studio Gronda
伊科斯安达卢西亚岛位于地中海沿岸,在马贝拉镇和埃斯特波纳镇(马拉加)之间,被认为是太阳海岸上的休闲绿洲。 在这个项目中,STUDIO GRONDA开始了当今最复杂设计的酒店项目,首要任务是要全面对七栋独立建筑的进行改造设计,这些建筑共411间客房和套房。 用餐区设有由米其林五星级厨师经营的6间餐厅和6间酒吧, 还附带有和4,000平方米的游泳池,之后向大家展现 与该地区的自然环境和谐地融为一体的新奇独特的度假胜地。
Ikos Andalusia的理念便是基于酒店连锁店不断追求的目标,使其每家酒店能给旅客带来独具一格的的生活方式体验。
在原基础上又重新建造了7座新的建筑,在结构上转变为高豪华的全新建筑群,所有客房均在宽敞的露台上享有海景,躺椅和吊床设施。 Ikos Andalusia的建筑采用轻质天然木材和一流的装饰,旨在专注于用户至尊享受体验,这也是其设计的目的性。通过以综合体的游泳池,花园和海洋之间的相互作用与其材料和空间以及经过改建的景观来传达其特色与豪华。
Located on the shores of the Mediterranean, between the towns of Marbella and Estepona (Malaga), Ikos Andalusia was conceived as a relaxing oasis on the Costa de Sol. On this project STUDIO GRONDA spearheaded one of the most complex hotel projects today, fully designing the transformation of seven independent buildings totalling 411 rooms and suites; a Dining area housing 6 restaurants run by 5 Michelin-star chefs, and 6 bars; spaces for leisure and well-being; and 4,000 square meters of swimming pools. A new exclusive and unique resort harmoniously integrated into the area’s natural environment, in which STUDIO GRONDA showcases the Greek chain’s essence through architecture and design that promote serenity and sophistication.
Ikos Andalusia’s philosophy is based on the hotel chain’s ongoing quest to make each of its hotels a truly unique lifestyle experience.
Seven totally new buildings were constructed, converted from obsolete structures into a high-luxury complex, where all the rooms boast sea views, day beds and hammocks on their spacious terraces. With light natural woods and first-class finishings, Ikos Andalusia’s architecture aims to focus on the experiences that the user can enjoy, such that the design has a purpose. In this case the goal was to convey all the exclusivity that such a luxury destination can offer, through its materials and spaces, as well as transformed landscaping, to achieve an interplay link between the complex’s swimming pools, gardens, and the sea.
Two century-old olive trees symbolizing the culture of the area welcome guests, located on both sides of the entrance to the resort, where seven minimalist- architecture buildings capture the eye; sand-coloured, modern in their essence and local in their roots. Each building is a tribute to ancient windcatchers, an architectural feature of Arab origin used since ancient times to cool buildings; in this case, seeking to take full advantage of the presence of the Mediterranean Sea, by which the complex’s facilities stand.
在主楼中,三层楼的大堂以其定制的实木网格结构而引人注目,可让自然光线进入。 该空间两侧为专属接待区的四棵40英尺高的棕榈树,自然气息浓重。
In the main building the three-storey Lobby stands out for its custom-made solid wood latticework, which lets in natural light. The space is dominated by four 40-foot palm trees flanking an exclusive Reception area.

在服务方面,新度假村将设有各种美食场所,其丰富菜肴品种时和独特室内装饰使旅客目不暇接,留下独特的印象。 乌佐(Ouzo)的天花板由数百个陶土花瓶组成,让人联想到古希腊的油罐。 它还在饭厅里摆放了一件特别定制的艺术品:一幅手绘壁画,在其三面墙壁上显现,暗含着古希腊文化。
In terms of services, the new resort will have various venues dedicated to cuisine, whose common objective will be to offer unique experiences both in the selection of their dishes and, through the decoration of their interiors, to dazzle the senses. Ouzo features a ceiling made up of hundreds of clay vases reminiscent of ancient Greek amphorae. It also houses a specially commissioned work of art in the dining room: a hand-painted mural gracing its three walls and alluding to ancient Greek culture.

较低层的房屋在安静而私密的环境中,其中提供有中国,泰国和印度的亚洲美食。 这家餐厅装饰精美,材料选择考究,包括半私密和开外区域,餐桌周围摆放着一棵盛开的大樱桃树,是其标志性元素。
The lower level houses Anaya, serving up Asian cuisine from China, Thailand and India in a quiet and intimate setting. A restaurant with meticulous decoration and a flawless selection of materials, it includes semi-private and outdoor areas with tables located around a large blossoming cherry tree as a signature element.

Mirrors with vintage frames, Thonet chairs and natural wood panelling on the walls make the French bistro Provence one of the most outstanding restaurants at Ikos Andalusia.

在主楼中,伊科斯·安达卢西亚(Ikos Andalusia)的客人能看出,这是一家占地1000平方米的餐厅,专门提供高级国际美食,并且其带有标志性的大型玻璃酒窖。 在餐厅的后面,客人可以在宽敞的厨房里观看厨师的工作。
In the main building, Ikos Andalusia guests will find Flavors, a 1,000-m2 restaurant specializing in high-level international cuisine and whose trademark is its large glass cellar. At the back of the restaurant guests can watch chefs at work in its spacious kitchen.

橄榄树与游泳池形成的共享氛围,被花园所环绕,成功展现了西班牙酒吧的特色节日气氛。 厨师在厨房外的一张大乡村餐桌上准备传统小吃。 在装饰方面,STUDIO GRONDA选择了由当地艺术家手工绘制的瓷砖地板以及拱形天花板上的刻度灯的手工艺品。
With views of the pool, and surrounded by gardens, Oliva captures the festive atmosphere of Spanish bars. Chefs prepare traditional tapas at a large rustic table located outside its kitchen. For the decoration, STUDIO GRONDA chose to honour the crafts of the area with a tiled floor painted by hand by a local artist, as well as to scale lamps on the vaulted ceilings.

海滩俱乐部设有一间非正式的民族餐厅,即提供美食选择,也可欣赏运动区和海滩的美景。 其天然纺织品,大吊灯。 木镶板为其墙壁和地板增色不少。
Beach Club rounds out the gastronomic options with an informal and ethnic restaurant offering views of the sports area and the beach. Highlights include its natural textiles, including large hanging lights. Wood panelling graces its walls and floors.

STUDIO GRONDA团队在主楼所有饰面创造高品质的体验感并赋予每个区域自己的身份。 从公共区域到私有区域的过渡中的每个最后细节也谨慎考究。
灰泥墙衬砌着温暖,明亮的走廊,将客人引到三层楼的客房,房间内有单独的大厅,可欣赏海景,和花园种的西班牙南部典型的植物。 在卧室,STUDIO GRONDA遵循相同的设计风格,营造出地中海,永恒而又低调的氛围。
The rooms are distributed in seven separate buildings, which generates a small village feel favouring a human scale and a sense of intimacy.
The STUDIO GRONDA team selected all the finishes found in the main building in order to create a high-quality experience and endow each area with its very own identity. Every last detail in the transition from the common area to the private areas was also carefully seen to.
Stucco walls lining warm, illuminated corridors guide the guests to their rooms, located in three-level buildings, with a separate hall, sea views, and gardens sown with plant species typical of southern Spain. In the bedrooms STUDIO GRONDA followed the same design line, creating a Mediterranean, timeless and understated atmosphere.

实木前门营造出温暖的氛围,每间客房均装饰有不同的艺术品。 沙色的墙壁具有木格架和暖色地板,定制的瓷砖协同整个房间的照明营造出一种轻松的氛围。 ,每个房间都有一个伸向露台的沙色沙发和一个内置大沙发。
The front doors are of genuine wood, providing a warm touch, and each of the rooms is decorated with different pieces of art. The sand-coloured walls feature wooden latticework and the flooring, custom porcelain tiles. The lighting that imbues the entire room creates an atmosphere that favours relaxation. As for the furniture, a sand-coloured sofa that stretches towards the terrace, and a large divan, are found in each of the rooms.

Ikos Andalusia还拥有为家庭所有成员设计的多个室外和室内游泳池,更多私人区域和一个无边泳池。 呈现级联设计,引导着客人前往海滩。
Ikos Andalusia also boasts multiple outdoor and indoor pools designed for all members of the family, more private areas, and an infinity pool. Presenting a cascade design, they perceptually guide guests towards the beach.
▼泳池区视频 Video © Studio Gronda
该综合建筑还设有旨在提高其宾客辛福感的空间,包括健身房和安妮·塞蒙宁巴黎水疗中心,其中设有9间私人理疗室以及一间套房,大型室内休闲室,土耳其浴室,桑拿浴室和其他设施 各种类型的设计师淋浴间,均与通往20米室内游泳池的室外走道相连。
The complex also includes spaces designed to promote its guests’ well-being, including a gym and an Anne Sémonin Paris Spa, which offers nine private treatment rooms, as well as a suite, a large interior relaxation room, hammam, sauna, and different types of designer showers, all connected to an outdoor walkway leading to a 20-meter indoor pool.
项目名称:Ikos Andalusia
主创建筑师:Diego Gronda
设计团队:Felipe Alvarez, Ismael Martinez, Jairo Ruiz, Laura Botero, Loly Prieto, Lucía Santos, Luisa Valderrama, Nacho Alvarez
图片:Ikos Andalusia / Diego Gronda / 效果图来自 Factoria 5
Project name: Ikos Andalusia
Completion Year: September, 2020
Size: Seven independent buildings totalling 411 rooms and suites; a Dining area housing 6 restaurants run by 5 Michelin-star chefs, and 6 bars; spaces for leisure and well-being; and 4,000 square meters of swimming pools.
Project location: Marbella-Estepona (Málaga, Spain)
Architecture Firm: STUDIO GRONDA
Website: studiogronda.com
Contact e-mail: studio@studiogronda.com
Lead Architect and Creative Director: Diego Gronda
Design Team: Felipe Alvarez, Ismael Martinez, Jairo Ruiz, Laura Botero, Loly Prieto, Lucía Santos, Luisa Valderrama, Nacho Alvarez
Photo credits: Ikos Andalusia / Diego Gronda / Renders by Factoria 5
客户 Clients
– Vie Villas Phuket. (Thailand).
– Cinecomic Icon Siam Bangkok, (Thailand).
– Icon Hall, Icon Siam. Bangkok (Thailand).
– PVR Cinemas. Mumbai, Chennai, Gurgaon, New Delhi, Bangalore (India).
– PVR Colombo Cinemas. (Sri Lanka).
– Maker Maxity (Mumbai, India).
– Nobu Hotel Shoreditch. (London, England).
– VP Plaza España Design Hotel. (Madrid, Spain).
– Saddle. (Madrid, Spain).
– Hotel Renaissance. (Barcelona, Spain).
合作方 Collaborators
OM3 Project Managers of Studio Gronda to coordinate all the consultants who depend on us and are the following:
– CARIDAD 92 (Local Architect)
– JALMAN (Design Architect)
– LUIS MIGUEL DEL CERRO (Execution Director)
– DMIngenieros (Local engineers)
– GATELL (Mechanical Design engineers)
– VCN Ingenieria (IT Design)
– TBIngenieros (Fire Protection Design)
– BMLD (Lighting)
– ILUNION (Security Consultant)
– I2A (Acoustic)
– MORILLAS (Signage)
– MDL Ingenieria (Activity)
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