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2023年7月11日,第 24 届国际花园节“RACINES | ROOTS”向公众开放。今年,该活动的艺术总监 Ève De Garie-Lamanque 邀请设计师通过汲取前几届的经验,构想一个对生态、经济和文化负责任的现在和未来生活环境。
本届艺术节包括 22 个位于原址的当代花园,其中包括 5 个全新的花园,以及独立的装置作品 Mer du Vent 和 Absolues Jardin。来自魁北克、安大略、瑞典和德国的 12 名设计师出席了花园节的开幕式,本届花园节将持续到2023年10月1日。
The 24th edition of the International Garden Festival, titled RACINES | ROOTS, is now open to the public. This year, Ève De Garie-Lamanque, the event’s Artistic Director, invited designers to imagine a present and a future that is ecologically, economically, and culturally responsible by drawing on the teachings of past generations.
The current edition of the Festival comprises 22 in situ contemporary gardens, including 5 brand-new ones, as well as the stand-alone installations Mer du Vent and Absolues Jardin. Twelve designers from Quebec, Ontario, Sweden and Germany were present for the opening of the Festival, which will run until October 1st, 2023.
花园节主题 | ROOTS
随着数字时代的到来,全球化和技术进步的迅猛发展正在改变我们与时间、物质世界和彼此之间的关系,本届花园节以 ROOTS 为主题,摒弃了工业革命所植入的无根之见,转而采用一种寻求从共同遗产中获取滋养的方法。
该主题反击了作为全球化一部分的同质化力量,融入了马提尼克岛诗人兼哲学家爱德华·格利桑(Édouard Glissant,1928-2011 年)提出的全球化概念。它通过使用本地植物、本地材料(无论是重复使用还是对环境影响有限的材料)以及传统的施工方法,并结合当代视野,将地方社区和生态系统都纳入其中,邀请人们回归本质。ROOTS 旨在挑战现状,创造新的人性化环境,力求跨越时代和学科。
With the advent of the digital age, globalization and the rapid speed of technological advancement that are changing our relationship with time, the physical world and each other, ROOTS rejects the unrooted vision implanted by the industrial revolution to embrace an approach that seeks to be nourished from a common heritage.
The theme counters the forces of homogenization that is part of globalization, incorporating the notion of globality coined by the Martinique poet and philosopher Édouard Glissant (1928-2011). It invites a return to what is essential by integrating the use of native plants, local materials – whether reused or with limited environmental impact –, as well as traditional methods of construction combined with a contemporary vision that embraces both regional communities and ecosystems. ROOTS intends to challenge the status quo and create innovative human scale environments. It seeks to transcend generations and disciplines.
5个新的花园 New Gardens
01 Le Jardin des quatre colonnes
Vincent Dumay, Baptiste Wullschleger | Sweden + France
With a project that is both poetic and a manifesto, we hope that the public will discover solutions for a more desirable and virtuous future. Our intent is to raise awareness of the question of the finite character of our resources. Le Jardin des quatre colonnes is an experience that unfolds through time, where elements built with raw earth within a living environment will evolve freely over the years.
Adobe construction is a technique that consists in compacting soil mixed with moisture in successive layers inside a casing – it makes visible what normally lies hidden beneath our feet. The fluted boles are built using a tubular casing which gives them their specific shape evoking Doric columns.

Vincent Dumay(建筑师)毕业于巴黎高等建筑学院,在瑞典和法国从事建筑工作。他致力于探索泥砖建筑的表现潜力。他曾在奥地利的 Martin Rauch 公司担任泥砖砌筑工,最近又在罗马的瑞典学院继续深造。
Baptiste Wullschleger(建筑师兼园林设计师)是 Les Oiseaux Architectures 的创始人,也是一位热衷于自然和野生动物摄影的摄影师,他利用自己的观察力,使自己的项目朝着与自由和野生的非人类幸福共存的方向发展。2023 年初,他与 Philippe Benoit 共同出版了《L’ensauvagement :Cohabiter avec le vivant sauvage》一书。
A graduate of the École d’architecture Paris-Est, Vincent Dumay (architect) operates in Sweden and in France. He experiments with the expressive potential of building with mud-brick. He previously worked as a mud-brick mason at Martin Rauch in Austria, and more recently furthered his research at the Swedish Institute in Rome.
Founder of Les Oiseaux Architectures, a keen naturalist and wildlife photographer, Baptiste Wullschleger (architect and landscaper) leverages his observations to gear his projects towards the happy co-existence with the free and wild non-human. In early 2023, he published “L’ensauvagement : Cohabiter avec le vivant sauvage” with Philippe Benoit.

02 Maillage
Friche Atelier (Frédérique Allard, Jean-Jacques Yervant, Aliénor de Montalivet) | Quebec, Canada
自古以来,人们就知道植物的染色特性,将其作为植物和动物纤维的染色剂是一项拥有千年历史的技术,利用植物的不同部分(叶、根、花、果实……)。Maillage 从隐喻的角度探讨了纺织品和植物这两个世界之间的联系。
The use of plants is at the heart of the development of our civilizations. Whether for nourishment, protection, healing or clothing, their multiple applications have allowed populations to survive and prosper.
The dyeing properties of plants are known since Antiquity, and their use as a colouring agent for plant and animal fibres represents a millennium-old know-how, exploiting the different parts of a plant (leaves, roots, flowers, fruits…). Maillage explores on a metaphorical level the relation between two worlds, that of the textile, and that of the vegetal.

Friche Atelier [景观建筑师兼合伙人 Frédérique Allard;HMONP 认证(法国)建筑师兼合伙人 Jean-Jacques Yervant;景观设计师兼园艺师 Aliénor de Montalivet] 是一家景观设计和园艺公司,致力于开发将功能性、可持续性和敏感性完美结合的独特项目。
空旷的田野可能会让人联想到寸草不生的地方,而 “Friche”(休耕地)实际上是对万物复苏之地的比喻,在这里,大自然可以真正发挥它的作用。它象征着开始,是思想萌芽和项目生根的地方。工作室或“atelier”就像休耕地一样肥沃,是一个有利于探索和思考的工作空间。在这里,每个项目从萌芽到成熟都能得到精心地对待。
景观是生活和体验的场所,是时间流逝的见证,也是构成它的大自然和经常光顾并照料它的人们不断发展的空间——这正是 Friche Atelier 所遵循的理念基础。
Friche Atelier [Frédérique Allard, landscape architect, partner; Jean-Jacques Yervant, HMONP-certified (France) architect, partner; Aliénor de Montalivet, landscape architectural technician, horticulturist] is a landscape architecture and horticulture firm with a focus on developing unique projects that seamlessly marry functionality, sustainability and sensitivity.
While an empty field may evoke images of an area where nothing grows, “Friche” or fallow land is actually an analogy for a place of renewal, where nature can really do its thing. It symbolizes the beginning — the place where ideas germinate, and projects take root. As fertile as fallow land, “atelier” or studio is a workspace conducive to exploration and reflection. A place where every project is carefully cared for, from germination to maturity.
This idea is at the foundation of Friche Atelier — the idea that a landscape is a place of living and experiencing; a witness of passing time; and a space where both the nature that makes it up and the people who frequent and take care of it evolve.

03 Matière-Matière
Studio Haricot (Marie-Pier Caron-Desrochers, Tristan Morissette), Rose-Marie Guévin, Vincent Ouellet | Quebec, Canada
Matière-Matière 是一种色调与色调关系(纹理叠加纹理,色彩叠加色彩)的内在体验:这些体量就像从场地中结出的果实,是植被的延伸。三面墙体在树林中弯曲、汇聚、伸展、收缩。
Matière-Matière is the intrinsic experience of a tone-on-tone relation (texture upon texture, colour upon colour): volumes emerge like fruits from the site, as extensions of the vegetation. Three walls bend, converge and project themselves, dilating and contracting.
The project is an invitation to tactilely feel one’s way through a materiality stripped bare, inside moments of uncanny encounters. This structure of hemp concrete, deposited in the context of a patch of wheat and a carpet of mulch, offers a parallel between the possible transformations of vegetal fibres up to the materialization of the proposed spaces.

Rose-Marie Guévin、Tristan Morissette 和 Marie-Pier Caron-Desrochers 在学习建筑技术时建立了深厚的友谊。后因各自的教育生涯走上了不同的道路,但仍然保持着亲密的联系。在蒙特利尔,Marie-Pier 和 Tristan 在 UQAM 学习环境设计,而 Rose-Marie 则前往拉瓦尔大学建筑学院学习,并在那里遇到了正在攻读硕士学位的 Vincent Ouellet。
2022 年,Marie-Pier 和 Tristan 创立了 Haricot 工作室。Marie-Pier 目前正在从事多学科实践,而 Tristan 则与 Vincent 和 Rose 一起搬到了魁北克市,继续他的建筑事业。
Matière-Matière 项目的呈现是基于一种交织在一起、背景互补的友谊沉淀。
Rose-Marie Guévin, Tristan Morissette and Marie-Pier Caron-Desrochers’s friendship took root while they were studying architectural technology. Their educational careers took them on separate paths, but they remained close friends. In Montreal, Marie-Pier and Tristan studied environmental design at UQAM, while Rose-Marie headed to Université Laval’s École d’Architecture, where she met Vincent Ouellet on her master’s program.
In 2022, Marie-Pier and Tristan founded Studio Haricot. Marie-Pier is currently engaged in a multidisciplinary practice and Tristan is moving to Quebec City with Vincent and Rose to pursue his career in architecture.
The consortium is above all else a friendship with intertwined and complementary backgrounds.

04 Racines de mer
Cassandra Ducharme-Martin, Gabriel Demeule | Quebec, Canada
Racines de mer 是对未来建筑环境的反思。它为游客提供了探索魁北克领土和传统技艺的可能性。一方面,轻巧的木质框架没有任何遮挡,彰显了这种在北美无处不在的建筑方式的优雅。另一方面,其屋顶设计灵感来自于莱索岛上的建筑——由海藻制成,利用了圣劳伦斯河的的丰富资源,并揭示了其暗藏的潜力。
In a climate similar to ours, on the island of Læsø in Denmark, women built, with the help of eelgrass, a marine plant, the roofs of their houses. Due to the waterproof and fireproof properties of these marine plants harvested on beaches, these roofs have resisted the ravages of time for more than three hundred years.
Racines de mer proposes a reflection on the built environment of the future. It offers the visitor the possibility of discovering Quebec’s territory and traditional skills. On the one hand the light wooden frame, left uncovered, celebrates the elegance of this method of construction, a system omnipresent in North America. On the other hand, its roof made of seaweed inspired by those of the island of Læsø exploits the riches of the St. Lawrence River and reveals its dormant potential.

Gabriel Demeule 拥有拉瓦尔大学建筑学硕士学位(2019 年)。在进入魁北克市的 Jérôme Lapierre Architecte 建筑事务所之前,他曾在 Lab-École 和 Agence Spatiale 工作,并在该行业站稳了脚跟。最重要的是,Gabriel 一直在努力通过其创作来尊重各个地方的领土,他向往一种无声的建筑,既让人沉迷,又让人淡忘。
Cassandra Ducharme-Martin 拥有魁北克大学里穆斯基分校的生物学学士学位(2021 年)。她曾参与比克国家公园首次稀有蕨类植物(Botrychium)的数量统计研究,并参与了魁北克植物区系的多个研究项目。作为一名冷水潜水员,Cassandra 在圣劳伦斯河的意外发现中找到了乐趣和灵感。
Gabriel Demeule holds a Master of Architecture from the Université Laval (2019). He gained a footing in the industry working at Lab-École and Agence Spatiale, before moving on to the Quebec City firm Jérôme Lapierre Architecte. Above all else, Gabriel strives to honour our territory through his creations. He aspires to a silent architecture that charms and fades away.
Cassandra Ducharme-Martin holds a Bachelor of Biology from the Université du Québec à Rimouski (2021). She was notably involved in the production of the first demographic study of rare ferns (Botrychium) at Bic National Park, and has also participated in many research projects into the flora of Quebec. A cold-water diver, Cassandra finds intrigue in the serendipity of the St. Lawrence River.

Jinny Yu, Ki Jun Kim, Frédéric Pitre | Ontario & Quebec, Canada + Germany
Visitors are invited to enter a submerged maze: a puzzle with various possible routes and dead ends meant to confuse and challenge those who explore. At the same time, the top of the wall of the trenches, which is at ground level, allows for the possibility of deciphering the pathway with an overall view of the route before entering. Upon entering the subterranean world, visitors reach the first level of the substratum of the root system, and walk around a network composed of earth and white clover representing the pattern of the roots of two trees linked by fungal mycelium.

白三叶草就像加拿大的许多移民一样,来自欧洲,却扎根北美大陆,与当地土壤的生态环境相互影响。S’Y RETROUVER 邀请参观者放慢脚步,反思殖民主义的根源和问题。
The white clover, just as many settlers in Canada, came from Europe and took roots spreading across the North American continent interacting with the ecology of the native soil. S’Y RETROUVER invites visitors to slow down and reflect both on the root system and issues of colonialism.

视觉艺术家 Jinny Yu(渥太华/柏林)、建筑师 Ki Jun Kim(柏林)和研究员兼植物学家 Frédéric Pitre(蒙特利尔)是一个国际化的跨学科团队,三位成员有着各自的实践领域。Jinny 和 Ki Jun 是生活伴侣,Frédéric 是他们的好朋友。他们对非殖民化和环境问题有着共同的看法,并通过将各自的专业知识、生活经验和不同视角结合在一起,为公众制作了这个非常有意义的项目。
Visual artist Jinny Yu (Ottawa/Berlin), architect Ki Jun Kim (Berlin) and researcher-botanist Frédéric Pitre (Montréal) are an international multidisciplinary team whose members also have their individual practices. Jinny and Ki Jun are life partners and Frédéric a good friend. They share decolonial and environmental concerns and collaborate by bringing together their expertise, lived experiences and different perspectives to produce a meaningful project for the general public.

“ 景观是生活和体验的场所,是时间流逝的见证,也是构成它的大自然和经常光顾并照料它的人们不断发展的空间。”
更多 Read more about:Jardins de Métis / Reford Gardens,v2com