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Thanks Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Photos provided by Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio.
园影景观摄影工作室: 静安雕塑公园,是上海市中心唯一专类雕塑公园,是一个开放式的城市公园。是以人为本,以绿为主,以雕塑为主题,以展示为手段,绿化与雕塑、小品相互渗透、和谐统一的城市公园;同时为广大市民提供游憩、休闲和接受艺术熏陶的活动场所,创造上海中心城区公园绿地与文化设施结合的典范。以下图片由园影工作室拍摄提供。
Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio: Jing ‘an Sculpture Park, the only special sculpture park in the center of Shanghai, is an open city park. It is people-oriented, mainly green, with sculpture as the theme and exhibition as the means to green the harmonious and unified urban park which is permeated with sculpture and sketch. At the same time for the general public to provide recreation, leisure and receive the artistic edification of the activity places, to create the Shanghai central city park green space and cultural facilities combination model.The following pictures are taken and provided by Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio.

▼公园中各个雕塑的尺度 The scale of the sculptures in the park

▼绿树浓荫 The trees shade

▼水景与游人的互动 Interaction between waterscape and visitors

摄 影:园影景观摄影工作室
Project name: Jing ‘an Sculpture Park
Location: Shimen 2nd Road, Jing ‘an District, Shanghai
Project Type: Park
Floor area: 65,000 square meters
Photographer: Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio
更多 Read more about: 园影景观摄影工作室