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Thanks Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP.
Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP:晴日耕田,下雨读书…… 这座大地下的图书馆正是为这样一群人而建造的。图书馆位于一家农业生产公司经营的克鲁克田野农场(KURKKU FIELDS)一角,这片平坦干燥的土地坐落在一个堆满建筑垃圾的山谷上。
Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP:Plowing the fields on sunny days and reading books on rainy days… Library in the Earth is for such people. The site is located in a corner of KURKKU FIELDS operated by an agricultural production corporation. The flat and dry land was sitting on top of a valley filled with construction debris.

我们的目标是恢复通往被农民称为“Mother Pond”的一个葱郁山谷,并认为建筑不应该占据耕作的土层,而应谦逊地存在于繁盛的植物和土壤微生物之下。土地被视为一切生命的源泉,是母性的象征。我们的愿望是在土地上开辟一条小裂缝,创造一个适合农民休息的宁静之地。
We aimed to restore the lush valley that leads to the pond that farmers called Mother Pond, and believed that the architecture should not occupy the cultivated soil layer, but rather exist humbly under the flourishing of plants and microorganisms in the soil. The earth has been regarded as the source of all life and a symbol of motherhood. Our wish was to make a small cleft in the earth, and create a tranquil place suitable for farmers to rest.

The cleft looks like a water drop when viewed from above. As you wonder into the approach and pass through the plowed ground, a corridor of bookshelves appears.
▽从高处俯瞰,“裂缝”如水滴 The cleft looks like a water drop when viewed from above

Architectural elements such as beams and columns have been eliminated, while the concrete void slabs cantilever out from the outer retaining walls and wing walls. The floor, walls, and ceiling all have an earthen finish and connect smoothly, and the lawn that has been planted up to the vertical edge of the slab hangs down lushly and gives the space a sense of dampness. This detail allows for the balance of irrigation and water retention to be adjusted according to the season.
▽从图书馆内部向外看 Looking out from the inside of the library

▽向外悬挑的混凝土 Cantilever concrete

The ceiling heights inside are determined by the slope of the ground, so there are areas with low ceilings and small hidden rooms that only children can enter.

At the deepest part, there is a hall for storytelling. In the womb-like space that uplifts the lawned ground, folds of bookshelves surround the stepped seats, and books from the collections of farm workers and books for children line up.

40 毫米厚的书架垂直框架延伸至顶部,支撑着整个空间。当一根细细的竖梁支撑着下一根竖梁,而这根竖梁又被相邻的竖梁支撑着并如此当重复构成一个圆时,一个大空间就能被支撑成一个整体。在相互支撑链的末端,一个社会空间产生了,而这是单靠强大的个体无法创造的。
The 40mm- thick vertical frames of the bookshelves extend overhead to support the space. When a thin vertical beam supports the next one, and that vertical beam is also supported by its neighbor, a large space can be supported as a whole when the repetition makes a circle. At the end of the chain of reciprocal support, a social space arises that cannot be created by strong individuals alone.
The top light at the center of the structure, which symbolizes the agricultural community of KURKKU FIELDS, frames a view that resembles the earth covered in blue sky and clouds.

It is a library that thinks of the earth while being embraced in the wisdom of the earth and human beings.

▽平面图 Plan

▽剖面图 Section

建筑地点:日本 千叶县 木崎市
场地面积:732.02 平方米
总建筑面积:113.09 平方米
设计公司:Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP
结构设计:Kanebako Structural Engineers
图片来源:Koji Fujii / TOREAL
图纸来源:Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP
Project Name: Library in the Earth
Building site: Kisarazu, Chiba, Japan
Principal use: Library
Site area: 732.02 m2
Total floor area: 113.09 m2
Completion: April 2022
Design firm: Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP
Structure: RC + Timber
Structural design: Kanebako Structural Engineers
Photo credit: Koji Fujii / TOREAL
Drawing credit: Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP
“ 晴日耕田,下雨读书,这座位于大地之下的图书馆能够让人沉静,享受在土地中阅读和思考的乐趣。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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