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Thanks NEXT architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by NEXT architects.
NEXT architects:荷兰梅尔克韦格桥(Melkwegbridge)穿过诺德霍兰德施·卡纳尔(Noordhollandsch Kanaal),将皮尔默伦德(Purmerend)的历史中心与西南边正在不断发展的魏德文内(Weidevenne)地区连接起来,这座桥的规划建设是运河及其周边区域总体规划发展的第一阶段。
NEXT architects: The Melkwegbridge (the Netherlands) crosses the Noordhollandsch Kanaal and connects the historic centre of Purmerend with the growing Weidevenne district in the south-west. The bridge is the first stage in a masterplan for the canal and its periphery.

“The aim of the design team was to create a new area with a specific identity, which could work as a connector between the old and the new centre.”

The most striking part of the bridge, designed by NEXT architects, is a massive arch which reaches a height of 12m above water level and stands in a continuous line with the Melkweg-road, thus offering an incredible view over the city. The high lookout gives pedestrians the opportunity to take a step back from their daily environment and, on a new level, experience the relation between the new and historic city of Purmerend. The lower bicycle deck is made out of a 100m long bicycle deck that crosses the water like a pendulum. The length of this deck was necessary due to the minimum slope conditions for bicycles and wheelchairs.

Seperating cyclists from pedestrians, gave the opportunity to maintain the direct line of the historics Melkweg (Melkroad) within the bridge. The pedestrian bridge weighs 85 tons, consists of 130 steps and is supported by a steel arch. The design makes it able to retain the spatial openness of the channel and its surroundings. At 12 metres, this arch is high enough to allow boats to pass beneath; The lower deck splits into two parts that revolve open when boats are approaching.

Both bridge sections flow smoothly into each other and form one whole. This unity is enhanced by the continuity of materials and colors. In the edges of the bridge LED lines are applied that follow the contour of the bridge and guarantees a spectacular view on the bridge even after sunset.
▼夜景 Night View

项目名称: Melkwegbridge
类型: 桥
地点: 荷兰皮尔默伦德
跨度: 66米
建筑成本: 6.000.000,00欧元
状态: 已完成
初步设计: 2007年9月
最终设计: 2009年11月
开始建设: 2011年5月
完成日期: 2012年10月
客户: 皮尔默伦德市政府
建筑师/设计师: NEXT建筑事务所
合作者: Ronald Rietveld Landschaparchitectuur
结构顾问: 阿姆斯特丹工程局( IBA )、ABT adviesbureau voor Bouwtechniek
承包商: Van Hattum en Blankevoort
主承包商: VSF
装置: Istemawa
Project name: Melkwegbridge
Program: Bridge
Location: Purmerend, the Netherlands
Span: 66 mtr
Building cost: Euro 6.000.000,00
Status: Completed
Preliminary design: Sep 2007
Final design: Nov 2009
Start building: May 2011
Completion: Oct 2012
Client: Municipality of Purmerend
Architect / designer: NEXT architects
Collaborator: Ronald Rietveld Landschaparchitectuur
Advisor construction: Ingenieurs Bureau Amsterdam (IBA), ABT adviesbureau voor Bouwtechniek
Contractor(s): Van Hattum en Blankevoort
Main contractor: VSF
Installations: Istemawa
更多 Read more about: NEXT architects