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Thanks Lemay for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Lemay.
Lemay:建筑设计公司 Lemay 隆重推出了一个令人赞叹的项目,他们对最初于 1956 年落成的蒙特利尔露天剧院 Théâtre de Verdure 进行了改造设计。现在,剧院启用全新的“四季”概念,重新定义了剧院与公园、建筑与景观、建筑与自然之间的关系。在包容性和多元化愿景的指导下,剧院的使命得到了拓展,其遗产身份得到了重申,这一公共空间比以往任何时候都更加开放,也更易为艺术和文化爱好者所使用。
Lemay:Architecture and design firm Lemay proudly introduces its stunning redesign of Montreal’s Théâtre de Verdure, originally inaugurated in 1956. The theatre has now been enhanced with a new 4-season concept that redefines the relationship between theatre and park, architecture and landscape, and the built and the natural. Guided by an inclusive and pluralistic vision that broadens the theatre’s mission and reaffirms its heritage identity, this public space has been made more open and accessible than ever for lovers of arts and culture.

露天剧院 Théâtre de Verdure 位于 La Fontaine 公园之中,剧院建筑通过向公园开放而与周围的景观相融合,最大限度地扩大了舞台和周围绿地的视野。Lemay 的新设计从水池岸边一直延伸到公园内部,不同用途的布置方式彰显了永恒的存在感。
Framing the landscape of La Fontaine Park by opening onto it, the architecture of the Théâtre de Verdure maximizes views of both the stage and the surrounding greenspace. Lemay’s new design makes its presence felt from the banks of the water basin all the way into the interior of the park, with different uses arranged in a way that promote a timeless presence.

Lemay 公司高级合伙人兼项目首席设计师 Eric Pelletier 表示:“介入 Théâtre de Verdure 的改造设计是一次为游客提供建筑、景观和艺术体验的绝佳机会。通过设计,建筑与景观两者之间的界限变得模糊。形成了一个以建筑为中心的巨大景观场景。”
Designed to contribute to the experience of visitors and passers-by, the architecture invites discovery, both inside and outside the site. The result is a new green, modern, and lively public space that offers a vibrant place for lovers of arts and culture to witness unforgettable moments.
“Intervening on the Théâtre de Verdure was an incredible opportunity to offer its visitors an architectural, landscape, and artistic experience. In an approach where the limits between the two became blurred, the project developed as a vast scenography of the landscape through architecture,” explains Eric Pelletier, Senior Partner at Lemay and Lead Designer on the project.

场地的改造超越了独立舞台的概念,创造了一个与自然融为一体的新的戏剧场所,不仅能让所有人重新发现剧院,还能重新发现公园和这处盆地空间。该剧院拥有一流的舞台基础设施,可以举办大型户外艺术演出,最多可容纳 2500 名观众他们可以在剧院内的座位上或专用绿地上观看演出,在观看舞台上精彩表演的同时还能欣赏到迷人的景色。
The site’s reanimation goes beyond the notion of a standalone stage and creates a new theatrical destination integrated with nature, allowing everyone to rediscover not only the Théâtre de Verdure, but also its park and its basin. Complete with a first-rate stage infrastructure, the venue is ready to host major outdoor artistic productions, comfortably accommodating crowds of up to 2,500 spectators who can watch from the space’s seats or dedicated greenspace while being carried away by the spellbinding scenery and what is happening on stage.

“在整个项目过程中,我们一直致力于重申剧院的遗产身份,并精心开发与场地记忆相关的新干预措施。” Lemay 公司景观设计部副主任 Marie-Ève Parent 解释道。
“Throughout the project, we were keen to reaffirm the theatre’s heritage identity, and we took care to develop new interventions compatible with the memory of the site,” explains Marie-Ève Parent, Associate and Discipline Director in Landscape Architecture at Lemay.

为了让人在任何时候甚至在演出时间之外,都能进入该场地,Lemay 设计了新的入口,并延长了环绕这片盆地的人行道。通过种植低矮的植被和保留树冠,为剧院和周围的公园开辟了新的视角,使剧院在场地中更加突出。
In order to make the site accessible at all times, even outside of performances, Lemay created new entrances and extended the pedestrian path around the basin. By planting a low vegetative cover and preserving the canopy, new perspectives that open up both on the theatre and on the surrounding park have been created, making the theatre pop within the site, rather than shield it from view.
▽入口 The Entrance

Lemay 采用 NET POSITIVE™ (净积极影响)框架中的可持续发展战略,最大限度地减少了项目对环境的影响。设计师让几乎所有的空间都向外开放,甚至包括一个突出到剧院邻近池塘上的露台。设计以最小的场地干预,增加了该区域的植被覆盖,并使剧院与景观融为一体。在材料上,当地可用的材料是首选,例如项目使用原产于加拿大的道格拉斯杉木,而非类似建筑中通常所使用的巴西 ipe 木材。
Lemay applied the sustainable strategies of its NET POSITIVE™ framework to minimize the project’s impact on the environment. Designers made practically all spaces open to the outside; even the green room, which is a balcony that projects onto the pond surrounding the theatre. Interventions were kept to a minimum on the site to increase the area’s vegetative cover and augment the theatre’s integration into the landscape. Locally available materials were preferred, such as Douglas fir, which is native to Canada, over ipe, a Brazilian wood species that is often used in similar structures.
▽剧院效果图 Theater renderings

This emblematic site is a well-known hub of arts and culture, hosting thousands of free shows over the years. As of this year, artists of all stripes are taking to its stage once again with a celebratory calendar of free performances ranging from works of dance and sweeping orchestral performances, to theatre shows and circus feats.
▽剧院效果图 Theater renderings

▽公园平面图 Park plan

▽设计手稿 Sketch

▽剧院平面图 Theater plan

▽剧院剖面图 Section

项目名称:Théâtre de Verdure
项目地点:加拿大 蒙特利尔
机电工程:Bouthillette Parizeau
结构工程:Calculatec Inc.
土木工程:Marchand Houle
声学专家:Atelier 7Hz
林业工程:Luc Nadeau
舞台布景设计:Trizart Alliance
总承包商:Axe Construction
Project Name: Théâtre de Verdure
Location: Montreal, Canada
Architecture: Lemay
Landscape architecture: Lemay
Mechanical and electrical engineering: Bouthillette Parizeau
Stuctural engineering: Calculatec Inc.
Civil engineering: Marchand Houle
Acoustic specialists: Atelier 7Hz
Forestry engineering: Luc Nadeau
Scenography: Trizart Alliance
Regulations: Technorm
General contractor: Axe Construction
“ 项目重新定义了剧院与公园、建筑与景观、建筑与自然之间的关系。”
审稿编辑: SIM