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Thanks DARP for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by DARP.
DARP:El Refugio是位于麦德林市东部El Retiro市山坡上的第二座建筑。
DARP: El Refugio is the second construction within a property located on the top of a hillside in the municipality of El Retiro to the east of the city of Medellín.
The house is reached through an esplanade surrounded by a native forest and a pine forest on a slope covered with vegetation on one side and with the main house on the other. From this point, a sequence of atmospheres and spaces begins to unravel, stimulating and intensifying the experience and the relationship with the landscape.

The construction was decided to be placed below the level of the existing house, taking advantage of the steep slope of the lot and to preserve the visual relationship between the access site, the mountains and the pine forest.

通往新建筑的通道十分隐蔽,它是地平线上的一道裂缝,使人可以向下行走,并让人处于一个由植被塑造的空间中。该楼梯通道连接了建筑的主要平坦区域和一个露台,可以作为一个会议空间,一个观察点,一个通道,以及与现有房屋的衔接。露台围绕着El Refugio延伸,在环境中交错排列,可以满足不同的使用方式。
The access route to the new building is not evident, it is a crack in the horizon that allows one to descend and puts the visitor in a space shaped by vegetation. This staircase connects the main flat area of the property with a terrace, which functions as a meeting space, an observation point, an access route, and an articulation with the existing house. The terrace extends around El Refugio and is staggered in front of the landscape, in order to allow different forms of appropriation.
This configuration allows separating the house from the terrain, protecting it from humidity and giving it more privacy.

El Refugio的平面图为一个矩形棱镜,其内部空间由彩色玻璃窗进行塑造,旨在延展内部空间以及整合其与周围的自然环境。屋顶突出到景观中,试图在私人区域和室外区域之间建立一种动态的关系。内部空间由两个生活空间和两个服务模块组成。
The floor plan of El Refugio is a rectangular prism, which shapes its interior space with stained glass windows that are used to open and integrate the interior space with the surrounding nature. The roof projects into the landscape, seeking to establish a fluid relationship between the private areas and outdoor areas. The interior space is made up of two living spaces and two service modules.
The first module is made up of a dressing room and a bathroom supporting the bedroom. the second module works as a piece of furniture that separates the two rooms and contains storage spaces and a small kitchenette with the possibility of integration into the social area.

El Refugio周围的花园设计旨在加强项目的关键要素:与景观融合,创造小空间,使空间逐渐融入原始森林。
The proposal of gardens around El Refugio seeks to potentiate the main elements of the project: integration with the landscape, the creation of small spaces that gradually integrate the space into the native forest.
The project arises in response to a need for expansion, a quiet and secluded space that reads and reinterprets the spirit of the place where it is located.

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

设计公司:DARP – De Arquitectura y Paisaje
instagram: @dearquitecturaypaisaje
摄影师:Mauricio Carvajal
Project name: MOUNTAIN CABIN
Project location: Columbia
Design firm: DARP-De Arquitectura y Paisaje
Website: https://www.darp.com.co/en/
instagram: @dearquitecturaypaisaje
Photographer: Mauricio Carvajal
“ 一个令人身心放松的安静而隐蔽的空间。”
更多 Read more about:DARP–De Arquitectura y Paisaje