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MAIO Architects:在“蒂米什瓦拉 – 2023 欧洲文化之都”的框架内,“苗圃:蒂米什瓦拉的 1306 棵树”提案占据了城市的象征性中心地位,因此,该提案也旨在邀请人们重新定义和强化公共空间的使用及其与绿化的关系。

该提案由一个临时的结构组成,其中包含一个苗圃和公众活动的开放空间。该装置可以被视为对如何使用、设计和感知公共空间的一次公开测试。在该地区正在进行的城市转型背景下,该提案希望围绕城市的使用和时间性及其与不同社区和机构的联系,开启新的视角和讨论。在完成其时间生命周期后,该干预措施将根据市民对新绿地的需求,遵循 100% 重复使用的逻辑,将装置中的这些​新的树木和植物种植在城市周围。除了将该提案理解为象征性的里程碑之外,该项目还希望在装置周围或内部举办和推动自然与家庭融合的活动。

MAIO Architects:Within the frame of Timisoara 2023 European Capital of Culture, the proposal NURSERY: 1,306 PLANTS FOR TIMISOARA occupies a symbolic centrality of the city and therefore aims to be read as an invitation to redefine and intensify the use of public space and its relation with greenery.

The proposal consists of an ephemeral structure hosting a tree nursery and open spaces for public activities. The installation can be seen as an open test for how public space can be used, designed, and perceived. Having in mind the ongoing urban transformation of the area, the proposal wants to open new perspectives and debates around the uses and temporalities of the city and its engagement with various communities and institutions. Once finished its temporal life-cycle, after hosting them, the intervention will provide new trees and plants to be planted around the City—according to the citizens demands for new green spaces, following a 100% reuse logic. Beyond understanding the proposal as symbolic milestone, the project aims to host and boost activities around or within it where the natural and the domestic merge.



项目背景 Context

这个位于蒂米什瓦拉市中心的干预活动必须在一年时间里发挥城市催化剂的作用,让人们对公共空间的创造、使用和感知提出质疑,而这一地点恰好位于该市极为敏感、核心和有争议的地方,也就是 1989 年革命爆发的胜利广场。这个公共空间被设计成一个散步场所,但实际上并不是一个真正意义上的广场,其装饰性的不可进入的绿色区域构建了交通并分割了空间。

对于蒂米什瓦拉这样的城市来说,主办 “2023 欧洲文化之都”具有深远的意义。这不仅是对城市和市民的意义,也是在欧盟的大背景下,与欧洲其他城市展开对话,并在这些城市之间形成共同准则的重要契机。什么是未来城市?自然和更可持续的模式在其中扮演什么角色?这是一座塔楼或其材料是什么并不那么重要,重要的是这个装置——一个临时苗圃——所包含的植物将来会被种植在城市的各个角落,从而引发一场关于未来城市化的辩论。

The intervention, sited in Timisoara’s city center, had to function for one year as an urban activator, problematizing how public space is created, used, and perceived by people, precisely in an extremely sensitive, central, and contested place in the city: exactly where the Revolution sparked in 1989, Victory Square, a public space that was designed as a promenade but doesn’t really function as a proper square, with its ornamental non-accessible green area structuring the circulation and dividing the space.

For a city such as Timisoara, hosting the European Capital of Culture 2023 has a deep meaning. Not only for the city and its citizens, but also regarding its immediate EU context, opening a dialogue with the rest of cities of Europe and the common shared guidelines among them. What is the city of the future and what role do nature and more sustainable models play in it? It was less important that it was a tower -or its materiality-, than the fact that the installation -a temporary nursery- contains plants that in the future will be planted along the city generating a debate about its future urbanism.



该项目最初是对公共空间的一种宣言。该装置结构将在未来为蒂米什瓦拉市提供 1306 株植物,旨在通过绿色植物的管理对公共空间的决策政策进行总体反思,尤其是对公共空间的管理进行反思。


The project started as a statement towards public space. Providing in the future its 1306 plants to the city of Timisoara, the construction aims to be understood as a general reflection on decision making policies about public space and, specifically, about its management, in this case through greenery.

The tower aims to boost an urban and political debate while adding a new dimension to the accustomed perception of the square. In the last decades we have witnessed a process of black-boxing— a process of occultation of the assets of cities and their management—. Therefore, bringing to the centre of the city a public nursery, aims to make visible a layer that sometimes remains hidden while allowing to emerge a statement about the policies and public spaces.



公共空间 Public Space



Timisoara is undergoing a process of urban transformation. Therefore, the project has in mind the future transformation of Victory Square, a very symbolic and visible place, inviting to a new understanding of a friendlier and more sustainable public space —from its drainage to how it allows ecosystems to live together—, diverting from recent proposals such as the one for Liberty Square, next to the site, where part of the green was removed and substituted by pavement.

The installation could be seen therefore as an open test for public space where people are invited to understand plants as agents able to regulate climate in cities but also to boost public occupation. Having in mind the future urban transformations of the area, the project aims to open new perspectives and debates around the uses and temporalities of the city and its engagement with various communities and institutions.



再利用 Re-use

临时生命周期结束后,该项目将遵循 100% 重复使用的逻辑,将这些新的树木和植物种植在城市周围。因此,关于如何以及在哪里种植的公开辩论成为了该装置艺术的核心。

Once finished its temporary life-cycle, after hosting them, the intervention will provide new trees and plants to be planted around the City, following a 100% re-use logic. The open debate about how, and where, becomes therefore central to the core of the installation.



项目方案 Program


The installation works mainly as a place for events, an alternative outdoor cultural infrastructure for small-scale activities like gardening workshops, micro-exhibitions, guided tours but also as a scene for sound and movement performances. Also, in a flat landscape where all rooftops are private, a vertical proposal offers a unique view over the city, while providing information regarding the heritage of Timisoara—both built and botanical.



植被 Vegetation

意识到大自然以及更广泛意义上的新型城市化在未来城市中所扮演的角色,景观设计事务所 Studio Peisaj 在提案中融入了深厚的背景知识——从当地物种到该地区的园艺文化传统。苗圃整合了不同层次的绿色植物,包括多年生树木、灌木和开花植物到具有生产性和观赏性的一年生树种,这些植物全都来自蒂米什瓦拉的社区花园或该市的园艺研究和高等教育机构。

Being aware of the role that nature and, more broadly, new forms of urbanism will play in the future of our cities, the landscape office Studio Peisaj added to the proposal a deep contextual knowledge that ranged from local species to the cultural tradition of horticulture in the area. The Nursery integrates different layers of greenery, from perennial species of trees, shrubs, and flowering plants to annual species (productive and ornamental)- produced in community gardens in Timisoara or at horticultural research and higher education institutions from the city.



Peisaj 工作室提出了(生物)多样化的构图,向当地的景观园艺家(Wilhelm Múhle、Frantz Niemetz 等人)致敬,他们在商业和公共花园中开垦土地,为这座城市赢得了日渐高涨的国际声誉。他们对城市景观设计理念和欧洲现代园艺发展的参与,向我们展示了他们与自然的复杂关系和积极的创业态度。从另一个角度来看,该装置在两种本质之间营造了一种城市风景体验。第一种是存在的本质,即从外部观察(水平或垂直)大自然,而自然往往被认为只是一种装饰。第二种是身临其境的,生态系统的一部分,是生活在其他生命实体的生活中,一种生态中心主义。除了将生物多样性作为蒂米什瓦拉的核心特征元素外,该项目还涉及关怀,包括教育和社会层面。除了被用作其他场所外,这里还是教学空间和交流场所。而且,作为当代公共空间,也是容纳异议和激进主义的空间。该装置在一个远远超越人类和城市本身的范围内,就未来、城市及其居民展开建设性对话,这有着非常重要的意义。

Studio Peisaj proposed (bio)diverse compositions which bring homage to local landscaping horticulturalists (Wilhelm Múhle, Frantz Niemetz and others), who cultivated land in commercial and public gardens, contributing to the city’s booming international reputation. The involvement in the city’s landscaping concept and in the development of modern European horticulture shows us a complex relation with nature and an active entrepreneurial attitude. From another perspective, the installation entails a scenic urban experience between two hypostases. The first one is that of existing and of looking from the outside at the (horizontal or vertical) nature, which is much too often regarded as just a decor. The second hypostasis is immersive, is of being part of the ecosystem, of living in the life of the other living entities, a sort of ecocentrism. Besides biodiversity as a central identity element of Timisoara, the project is also about care and includes a pedagogical and social dimension. Gardens were, among other places, pedagogical spaces, places of encounter. And, as contemporary public spaces, also spaces for dissent and agonism. It is great that the installation produces constructive conversations about the future, the city and its inhabitants within a frame that goes far beyond the scale of humans and the city itself.



“苗圃花园”代表了自然过程的一个大循环。它生长在当地的苗圃中,一旦装置拆除,它将成为一个分散的集体花园。其植物组成部分将成为苗圃和蒂米什瓦拉-2023 欧洲文化之都的记忆实体,改善城市的景观。

The Nursery’s Garden represents a large circuit of natural processes. It grew in the local nursery and, once the installation is dismantled, will become a diffuse collective garden. Its vegetal components become the memory of the Nursery and of Timisoara—2023 European Capital of Culture, improving the city’s landscape.


▽未来植物在城市中的位置分布 Future location of the plants in the city

▽拼贴效果图 Collages


▽轴侧图 Axonometric drawing


▽平面图 Plan


▽立面图 Elevation




​组办单位:Ordinul Arhitectilor din România – Filiala Teritoriala Timis
团队​:Anca Teslevici, Alexandra Trofin, Ema Cristescu, Georgiana Spiridon, Antoniu Sicra​
​概念设计: MAIO Architects — Maria Charneco, Alfredo Lérida, Guillermo López, Anna Puigjaner
​联系方式:Guillermo Lopez — info@maio-architects.co
合作伙伴​:Simone Marcolin, Ilaria Donadel, Filippo Tognocchi, Ignasi Sarria
​结构与照明设计:Studio Nomadic — Victor Popovici, Silvia Tripsa, Nicoleta Postolache
设计与自然:Studio Peisaj — Alexandru Ciobota, Raluca Rusu
结构:Echo Universal — Balint Karoly
脚手架​:ABT Motion Rigs, Salt Box
专业合作者:Blaser — Bogdan Sere, DeBoot — Silvian Tecu, Melbo Instal — Emilian Zmeu, Emesis —Mihai Cojanu, Irigarden — Catalin Lubenita
场地管理:Bianca Pasc, Molnar Ovidiu
合作方:Horticultura S.A., Universitatea de Stiintele Vietii „Regele Mihai I” din Timisoara, Comunitatea GreenFeel Timisoara
​能源供应:Banca Transilvania

ORGANISER: Ordinul Arhitectilor din România – Filiala Teritoriala Timis. Team: Anca Teslevici, Alexandra Trofin, Ema Cristescu, Georgiana Spiridon, Antoniu Sicra
CONCEPT AUTHOR: MAIO Architects — Maria Charneco, Alfredo Lérida, Guillermo López, Anna Puigjaner
CONTACT: Guillermo Lopez — info@maio-architects.co
WEBSITE: www.maio-architects.com
CONCEPT COLLABORATORS: Simone Marcolin, Ilaria Donadel, Filippo Tognocchi, Ignasi Sarria
ARCHITECTURE PROJECT AND LIGHTING DESIGN: Studio Nomadic — Victor Popovici, Silvia Tripsa, Nicoleta Postolache
DESIGN WITH NATURE: Studio Peisaj — Alexandru Ciobota, Raluca Rusu
STRUCTURAL PROJECT: Echo Universal — Balint Karoly
SPECIALITIES COLLABORATORS: Blaser — Bogdan Sere, DeBoot — Silvian Tecu, Melbo Instal — Emilian Zmeu, Emesis —Mihai Cojanu, Irigarden — Catalin Lubenita
SITE MANAGEMENT: Bianca Pasc, Molnar Ovidiu
PARTNERS: Horticultura S.A., Universitatea de Stiintele Vietii „Regele Mihai I” din Timisoara, Comunitatea GreenFeel Timisoara
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