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Thanks Alexander Symes Architect for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Alexander Symes Architect.
Alexander Symes Architect:本案位于澳大利亚伊拉瓦拉地区,是一个年轻家庭的小型附加住宅。建筑坐落在陡峭的场地上,整体被抬高,环绕在一棵有60年树龄的胡椒树树冠之间。该项目按照国际被动式建筑标准建造,秉承真正的可持续性核心理念,具体体现在天然材料面板、高性能设计和强亲生物性方面。两个悬臂式的侧翼各有一个绿色屋顶,上面种满了澳大利亚本土植物,使建筑与景观融为一体。
Alexander Symes Architect:Pepper Tree Passive House is a small secondary dwelling to a young family’s home in the Australian Illawarra region, perched on a steep site and elevated into the canopy of the site’s eponymous 60 year old Pepper Tree. Built to the international Passive House standard, true sustainability is at the core ethos of the project – embodied between the natural material palette, high performance design and strong biophilic connection. The two cantilevered wings each host a green roof, filled with native Australian plants, blending the building into the landscape.
▽俯视 Aerial View

▽临街立面 Street Elevation

▽外立面 External Facade

▽现有房屋 Existing House

The secondary dwelling provides a much needed separate office space for the clients’ growing company, as well as providing space for guest accommodation and being geared for short-stay accommodation. The works to the existing home improve the thermal comfort of the space and create new entertaining spaces throughout. Between the natural and raw material palette including extensive timber use, endemic rooftop gardens and tree canopy deck, the biophilic connection of the entire site is strengthened with its immediate environment.
▽入口楼梯 Entry Stairs

Nestled into the tree canopy of the Pepper Tree, the secondary dwelling sits lightly on the steep site and elevates the natural ground via its green roofs, with the recycled Shou Sugi Ban cladding allowing the building to blend into its environment. Previously exposed to the street corner below, the wrap-around deck to the existing home creates spaces for entertaining that provide both a noise and visual buffer to the street, and direct views over the street tree canopies towards Mount Kembla. The project adds much needed usable floor space to the suburban site without overdeveloping or sacrificing biophilic connection.
▽庭院 Courtyard

▽建筑立面材料 Shou Sugi Ban

By using salvaged and waste materials throughout, costs were significantly reduced without sacrificing material quality. Passive House standard and 12kW photovoltaic panel system means that the project’s overall grid energy consumption is only 14% of a comparable sized home (86% reduction), significantly reducing the lifetime cost to the clients. As opposed to thermally upgrading 160m2 to the passive house standard, only 60m2 will actually be comfortable in future peak climatic conditions. This approach provides a precedent for creating small future-proofed additions so that we can be climate adaptive without the massive cost of upgrading all existing dwellings.
▽客厅 Living room

▽客厅办公室 Living Office

▽餐吧 Breakfast Bar

▽厨房 Kitchen

▽卧室 Bedroom

▽洗衣处 Laundry

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目名称:Pepper Tree Passive House
项目地点:澳大利亚 新南威尔士州 Unanderra
景观事务所:Grant Clement Landscape Architect
首席建筑师:Alexander Symes Architect
客户:Souter Built
合作伙伴:Paiano Design
图片来源:Barton Taylor
Project Name: Pepper Tree Passive House
Completion Year: 2021
Scale: 60m2
Site size – 617m2
Project Location: Unanderra, NSW, Australia
Landscape Firm: Grant Clement Landscape Architect
Website: www.alexandersymes.com.au
Contact e-mail: alexander.symes@alexandersymes.com.au
Lead Architects: Alexander Symes Architect
Clients: Souter Built
Collaborators: Paiano Design
Photo Credits: Barton Taylor
Photographer’s Website: https://www.bartontaylorphotography.com/
“ 立足现在,思考未来,在可持续发展的被动式建筑方案中注入自然的诗意。”
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