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Thanks ES-ARCH enricoscaramelliniarchitetto for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by ES-ARCH enricoscaramelliniarchitetto.
ES-ARCH enricoscaramelliniarchitetto:教堂广场是一个覆盖着斑岩的大型表面,两侧是沥青市政道路和一条可以俯瞰湖泊的长人行道。广场周围分布着一系列服务设施(市政厅、邮局、医院、教堂),在较高的位置还有运动场、礼堂和幼儿园。这些服务设施的集中导致了汽车的持续存在,已成为整个地区的一大特征。汽车停在广场上,让广场变成了一个“停车场”,很明显,这种使用方式导致了人们对空间的单一感知,认为广场就是一个停车场。这是一个开放的空间,场地边缘破碎,缺乏通常划分广场的体量。也是一个边缘空间,一个沉浸在乡村的广场,其中景观占主导地位。通过对空间的形态解读,我们意识到广场的一些不足(体量和立面),决定了它在非典型元素(湖上阳台)存在下的独特性。
ES-ARCH enricoscaramelliniarchitetto: The Church Square is a large surface covered with porphyry, flanked by the asphalted municipal road and a long sidewalk overlooking the lake. The area around the square is characterised by a series of personal services (Town Hall, Post Office, Medical Service, Church) and in an elevated position we find the sports field, oratory and kindergarten. The concentration of these services determines the continuous presence of cars that, at small intervals, characterises the entire area. Cars are parked on the square, which turns into a level car park. It is evident how this use leads to a univocal perception of the space. The square is perceived and used as a car park. It is an open space with fragile edges and lacking the volumes that normally delimit squares. It is a marginal space. It is a square immersed in the rural territory in which the landscape aspect dominates. The morphological reading of the space allows us to state that the square originates from some deficiencies (volumes and elevations) and determines its uniqueness in the presence of atypical elements (balcony on the lake).

The administration’s need is to restore a lost identity to the place. The square is configured as a place for fast car parking. Pedestrians (residents, tourists) use the square marginally and for them there is no possibility of safe stopping. The fact that there is no parking in the vicinity of the services (Town Hall, Post Office, doctor’s surgery) means that there is a desire to continue using the square with the possibility of fast parking/stopping. This requirement in principle means that all possibilities for combined use between cars and pedestrians must be sought. The square is also occasionally used for parties/weddings/communions and it is therefore necessary to have the possibility to have space where several people can stop at the same time. A further request is to enhance the view towards the lake and the walkway as a belvedere. The budget is limited and co-financed by the Region through a COVID call for tenders. There was no participatory process extended to the community for reasons of time and the imminent funding deadlines.

The design of the square seeks to bring order to a place predominantly used as a car park. By means of a new paving, the project enlarges the scope of the square and introduces some simple elements that help to design the public space. A series of white concrete benches defines the edges. A new fountain reflects the surroundings and allows direct contact with the water. A green pool, between two long benches, is occupied by wild field flowers.

广场的边缘还新设立了一个独特的场所:一个像巢穴的小型庇护所,保护着新的露台——一个欣赏湖景的专属空间。将广场 “扩宽”的基本设想延伸了广场的概念,设计“取消”了街道,并拓宽了通往教堂和市政厅的人行道。统一色调的铺面上覆盖着重复的黑色图案,与教堂的黑色铺砌形成对比。“黑色的石头”分散在广场上,直至在面向湖泊的阳台处消失,在广场的水平空间和湖泊及其山谷的全景之间形成了一种新的关系。
A new place materialises on the edge: a small shelter, like a nest, protects a new terrace, a privileged space to admire the lake landscape. The founding assumption of the ‘widening’ of the square extends the perception of the square, ‘annulling’ the street and widening the pavement towards the church and the Town Hall. The homogeneous colouring of the paving is overlaid with a repeated black pattern that defines a relationship with the black paving of the church. The ‘black stones’ accompany the movement in the square. The balcony towards the lake is reconquered, a new relationship is realised between the horizontal space of the square and the panorama of the lake and its valleys.

The project has unconsciously awakened the community’s sense of belonging to the place. Before it was perceived as a car park, now as a public space. The lack of a built contour makes it a ‘rural square’, surrounded by meadows. The vocation as a space for parking cars has been internalised by the project. Children accompanied to the kindergarten by car, play with the benches and water from the fountain. Tourists (trekkers) linger under the shelter to admire the view. The elderly rest on the benches while waiting for the doctor. It should be emphasised that all these activities have a short duration, fugacious. Small moments that are consumed in the course of the day. When the church celebrates weddings, communions or other occasions, cars leave space for people to occupy the long bench under the jasmine tree for the ritual photos, or in the square they await the exit of the bride and groom. A square on the edge with codified rules and times of use in a tolerable coexistence between pedestrians and cars. The objective of giving an identity and recognisability to the place seems to have been achieved.

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目地点:意大利 STAZZONA(CO)
景观/建筑公司:ES-ARCH enricoscarameliniarchiteto
首席建筑师:Enrico Scaramellini
设计团队:Arch. Daniele Bonetti, Studio BiancoMastai
客户:Comune di Stazzona
图片来源:Marcello Mariana Fotografia
Completion Year: 2021
Project Location: STAZZONA (CO) ITALIA
Landscape/Architecture Firm: ES-ARCH enricoscaramelliniarchitetto
Website: www.es-arch.it
Contact e-mail: scaramellini@es-arch.it
Lead Architects: Enrico Scaramellini
Design Team: Arch. Daniele Bonetti, Studio BiancoMastai
Clients: Comune di Stazzona
Photo Credits: Marcello Mariana Fotografia
Photographer’s Website: marcellomariana.it
“ 设计充分利用场地的优势与不足,用简单的设计符号和语言打造了具有场所感和归属感的公共空间。”
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