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Thanks A24 Landschaft for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by A24 Landschaft.
A24 Landschaft:汉堡大公园“Planten un Blomen”在Elbe河、Alster河和市中心之间形成了一条绿色走廊。三场国际花园展使公园内部布满了各种园艺设计。这个公园有一个显著特征,那就是从外面看它像一个“绿色的立面”,新的入口穿过这个绿色的立面,突出并小心地保护着宝贵的林地。一条长而有棱角的斜坡,两侧是钢架,引导游客进入公园的同时,精心编排设计了公园的历史元素。
A24 Landschaft:Hamburg’s great park “Planten un Blomen” forms a green corridor between the Elbe river, the Alster and downtown. Three international garden shows have filled the park’s interior with horticultural design. One of the distinguishing features of the park is that it looks like a “green façade” from the outside. The new entrance slices through this green façade, accentuating and carefully preserving valuable woodland. A long angular ramp, flanked by steel, leads the visitors into the park while orchestrating the park’s historical design elements.

▼平面图 Master Plan

The new fence across from the TV Tower stresses the park’s enclosed character by surrounding the mass of trees like a sash. It also creates a uniform look from the old northern entrance to the southern entrance. The fence is made of steel lamellae with slight variations in form, giving the impression of movement. Depending on where the onlooker is, the fence reveals varying degrees of the park. The trees seem to push up against the fence, as if changing its form.

客户:Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
项目周期:2008年 – 2011年
文本:A24 Landschaft
图片:Hanns Joosten
Client: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
Budget: 1,1 Mio. Euro
Time: 2008 – 2011
Size: 1,3 ha
Text: A24 Landschaft
Photos: Hanns Joosten
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