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Thanks Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter.
RRA:Chemin des Carrières是一条在风景中如饰带般起伏的采石场轨道旅游路线,它象征着我们想重新探索征服法国阿尔萨斯Rosheim-St Nabor铁路的雄心。路线中时而隐藏、时而显露的铁路遗迹仍在向人们提示着该地的过往。如果我们想要为采石场开辟出一条新的旅游服务路线,就必须适应沃斯亚当地丘陵起伏的地形地貌,而这种追踪过程本身就是一场对当地地貌和历史的讲述。
RRA:Chemin des Carrières, the Quarries’ Track, is a lace undulating in the landscape, an invitation to travel as our ambition behind the reconquest of the Rosheim-St Nabor railway in Alsace, France. Ominous, sometimes hidden, the vestiges of the railway still mark the reading of the site. The desire to create a route to serve the quarries had to adapt to the undulating landscapes of the sub-Vosges hills and the very form of the tracing tells the history of the landscape and the men.

The journey to discover forgotten landscapes or to take a different view on everyday landscapes is addressed to both local users and tourists. Like the old track that offered a dual function (industrial and passenger transport), the route has a double vocation where the functional must rub shoulders with the imaginary of travel. Along the 11km path goes a story, which the stops split into five chapters of different sequences of landscapes offering varied universes and highlighting remarkable sites. Unusual elements punctuate the way, aiming at awakening the visitor’s senses, and water is encountered repeatedly.

Saint-Nabor tells the story of luck. Closed for years and ongoing a “renaturalisation” process, the quarries symbolize the reconquest of the vegetation on a former industrial site. On one of the highest platform created by the machine, will the traveler discover the most spectacular work: a promontory in corten steel offering a wide view on the valley of Rosheim and the plain of Alsace. From this viewpoint inspired by a four-leaf clover, the visitor will feel lucky to enjoy the view of such a beautiful territory.

Rosheim tells the story of the past. Realized by intertwined circles in corten steel, the pavilion has a labyrinthine character and play with irregular concave and convex interior, which the visitors are free to roam. The train tracks are conserved in that area, benches are built, and openings are created to open or close the sculpture to chosen views of the surrounding landscape allowing for viewing, seating – reflexion and contemplation.

Leonardsau站点表达的是这片土地的故事。游客在经过一条长长的绿色隧道后,会来到两块巨大的耐候钢板装置门面前,它在森林走廊的尽头连接着另一头的开放景观,突出了圣奥迪尔山(Mont St-Odile)的远景,从而体现了探索发现的设计理念。
Leonardsau tells the story of the land. After a long green tunnel, two large corten steel plates amplify the opening effect at the end of the forest corridor to the open landscape, embodying a gate and opening a perspective towards Mont St-Odile, which develops the idea of discovery.

Boersch tells the story of water. The river, which historically allowed connection to the world and tells about the true cleanliness of a place. It is a dynamic element in the landscape, running to the ocean. We enlarge the riverbed and build a large open space amphitheater to access the water.

Ottrott tells the story of travel. Former train station, the stop materializes the history of the railway and highlight the presence of the heritage (balance, bridge, crane, pump…). In a fabric of housing buildings, the reservoir, symbolizing water, and concrete crossings connect housing to historical elements and landscape.

© Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter
▼水边站点 Boersch

▼幸福之门站点 Leonardsau

▼幸运“四叶草”观景站点 Saint-Nabor

地点:法国 罗斯海姆
客户:Communauté de Communes des Portes de Rosheim
大小:11公里/ 4 M€
设计团队:Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter与Parenthese Paysage合作完成
图片:Florent Michel 11h45
Type: Landscape
Location: Rosheim, France
Program: Reconversion of a train track with cultural pavilions and installations
Client: Communauté de Communes des Portes de Rosheim
Size: 11km / 4M€
Commission type: Invited competition (2016)
Status: Completed (2019)
Design Team: Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter in collaboration with Parenthèse Paysage
Photo Credits: Florent Michel 11h45
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