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Thanks Ravetllat Arquitectura for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Ravetllat Arquitectura.


Ravetllat Arquitectura:建筑师Antoni Rovira I Trias和工程师José M. Cornet i Mas于1882年联合设计的圣安东尼市场大楼是巴塞罗那Eixample区最具代表性的建筑之一,它占据了整个街区, 形似一个希腊十字架,典型的几何形状和尺度规模与Eixample区的城市肌理相呼应。大楼中心主体结构呈八角形,被一个巨大的穹顶覆盖,这种形式是Cerdà计划中处理交叉结构建筑的典型方式。

Ravetllat Arquitectura:The Mercat de Sant Antoni building, designed by the architect Antoni Rovira I Trias and the engineer José M. Cornet i Mas in 1882, is one of the most iconic buildings in Barcelonás Eixample district. It occupies an entire block and is shaped like a Greek cross, its geometry and dimension typicle of Eixample alignments. The central octagon, crowned with a large dome, is typical of the crossing of the Plan Cerdà.


▼圣安东尼市场大楼鸟瞰 Aerial view of the Mercat de Sant Antoni building

©Adrià Goula



The market’s strategic position with respect to Ciutat Vella and the ring formed by the Ronda has placed it at the centre of a busy shopping hub that transcends the boundaries of the building itself and spills over onto the surrounding neighbourhood. Over the years, concentrating trade into this one district has led to the emergence of different constructions around the market to house temporary street market stalls. These -seasonal and Sunday – markets are without a dount worth preserving and promoting, given that they not only complement the services of the market selling fresh produce, but they also manage to turn the entire complex into one of Barcelona’s most iconic landmarks.


▼修复后的市场大楼 The restored market building

©Adrià Goula


▼修复前的市场大楼及内部八角形结构 Restored former market building and internal octagonal structure


四个新的公共空间 Four new public spaces 


The recovered triangular plazas, apart from allowing easier access and visibility to the building, will become platforms and supporters of new complementary activities.


©Adrià Goula
©Adrià Goula



They’re as well ideal spaces to host smaller format activities –such as storytelling or other spectacles- that would complement perfectly the Sunday market.


©Adrià Goula



The new layout has reduced the number of stalls and streamlined the space (passages with a width of 3 metres and stalls with a depth of 2.5 metres), allowing the surplus space in the wings to be put to other uses after enlarging the central aisle. The small new constructions that will replace the storerooms currently attached to the perimeter wall of the building will allow the creation of a passage.


▼外部通道 External channel

©Adrià Goula



The newly recovered glazed ceramic tile roof and the central dome clad in terracotta pieces blend with the rest of the market’s structural and construction elements. The height of the basement was extended to create a larger clearance height in the loading and unloading area, and one of the basements is now devoted entirely to new commercial uses. The other basements are of a single height in the central (loading and unloading) area and there are two mezzanine floors for storage and parking.


©Adrià Goula
©Adrià Goula


堡垒式基础 The bastion


The old bastion was preserved in its entirety, as was most of the counterscarp, so that the trench wall of the market could be understood and enjoyed by the future generations.


©Adrià Goula
©Adrià Goula


▼平面布局 The plan

©Ravetllat Arquitectura


▼首层平面 First floor plan

©Ravetllat Arquitectura


▼地下层平面 Underground plan


▼建筑结构 Building structure

©Ravetllat Arquitectura


▼建筑剖面 The section 

©Ravetllat Arquitectura
©Ravetllat Arquitectura




项目地点:西班牙 巴塞罗那
景观/建筑公司:Ravetllat Arquitectura
设计师:RavetllatRibas (Pere Joan Ravetllat, Carme Ribas)
图片来源:Adrià Goula

Project Name: Rehabilitation of Sant Antoni Market. Barcelona
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Ravetllat Arquitectura
Author: RavetllatRibas (Pere Joan Ravetllat, Carme Ribas)
Social Media
Website: www.ravetllatarquitectura.com
Instagram: @ravetllatarquitectura
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ravetllatarquitectura/
Photographer: Adrià Goula



审稿编辑: Simin

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