Thanks TERRITOIRES for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by TERRITOIRES.
TERRITOIRES:The «Porte des Lilas» is one of the 33 entry points of the significant parisian ring road. It marks the boundary of the inner city of Paris and appears actually as the main traffic mediator connecting the suburbs to the city. The parisian ring road, called «périphérique» in French, follows a historical frame, located on the former position of Thiers fortifications, built in 1844 and destroyed in 1929. Set up between 1954 and 1973, nowadays it designs a strong break in the urban circulations, especially for pedestrians, providing strong noises and pollutions. The need to cover the ring road at the Porte des Lilas answers to a desire expressed by people to finally be able to enjoy a proper quality of life and a friendly urban environment.

The project organizes the garden around a large open space in the center, that matches the layout of the device. The vegetation is concentrated on both sides. The central space is dedicated to the lawn and the meadow is left free. The vegetables gardens are located along the axis that links the boulevard to the viewpoint. The pond in the center is the place to harvest rainwater in addition to a large underground tank. Thanks to the pond, the garden can be grown and shown, and develop a living environment. On each side, under the trees, lay the other functions of the garden (children’s playground, reading room, home of the gardeners…).

可持续发展战略是Serge Gainsbourg花园项目的一个主要关注点。大多数想法和投入从第一天起就受到环境问题的驱动。我们的出发点是将一个令人讨厌的区域转变成一个可以容纳和拥抱生活的地方,并通过一系列综合的可持续管理原则来管理这里。采用环保的方法并不是要构建一个系统,或者一种情形,而是我们必须建立一些关键要素,并建立一个动态的系统,包括一个自给自足和时间智能系统。许多细节都是这个特殊项目的一部分。不仅仅是能源、水和材料,还有动植物、空气、老化过程……
The sustainable strategy is a major concern in the Garden Serge Gainsbourg project. Most ideas and inputs were, from day one, driven by environmental concerns. The starting point was to transform an area of strong nuisance into a place able to host and craddle life, ruled by a series of integrated sustainable management principles. To have an environnemental approach is not to build a system, or a « state ». We had to set up some key elements and put in place a dynamic, including a self-sufficent and time-smart system. Numerous details were part of the equation for this particular project. Not only energy, water and materials, but flora, fauna, air, aging process…
WATER : Using a clever but simple rainwater management, we spare resources and organize the recycling and recovery of water, in a mostly closed-loop system. The system recycles rainwater provided by the roofs of the surrounding buidings. This water is then stocked into a tank and connected to a semi-automatic irrigation system, with a secondary emergency circuit of non-drinkable water in case of heavy drought. By all means, clean water supplies are spared. The heart and soul of the garden is our large circular pond. The pond acts as a reservoir for the garden. The water within is filtrated by natural decantation.

FLORA – TREES – FAUNA : bring nature back in an urban space was one of the goals of our landscape planning. The ring road, beside being a heavy automobile traffic road, is also a corridor followed by the winds to carry traveling seeds. We naturally used these traveling plants, spontaneoulsy brought to our garden. They happen to have great colonization (yet not invasive), autonomy and survival abilities, which is a handy package when it comes to populate a garden with difficult life conditions (dry, hot, windy…). We chose to be exemplary in our species choice: no exotic trees, construction wood coming from SFC labeled forests. Vegetal wastes of the garden are meaningful in the biological process. They are sorted and left to naturally decompose and feed the ground as compost. Time plays its part. Insects and birds can naturally populate the area. Fauna can also develop naturally within the pond of clean, untreated water.

ENERGY: energy savings are possible with a functionnal lighting expression. Our garden is bathed with sunlight during the day, and closed at night. Leds are aligned along metallic fences and the two long beams each side of the central way. These beams are connected to the peripherique speed control system and both their intensity and colour change with the traffic speed, creating colourfull light waves for the drivers to see. Leds last longer and have a smaller energy consumption. They also allow the flora and fauna of the garden to rest during their natural nightlife cycle. The window frames of the cabins of the shared gardens become lanterns during the night. Another light effect is provided directly by the cars lights which reflect on the steel plates of the exterior fence.

MATERIAL: all materials used in our garden (concrete, steel, wood) were chosen for their longevity. The rocks used to make our special concrete come directly from the Seine river. We also chose to use clay pebbles instead of polystyren balls to oxygen our soils.

MAINTENANCE : the garden maintenance is limited to control of species, and management of the areas dedicated to human use, such as paths and shared gardens. The goal of this project was to let the nature be and shape the lanscape, following a few directions we engineered so the magic could happen. Human intervention is minimal. We maintained a higher height of cut for the loan, in order to maintain a certain humidity level, increase the strength of the grass, and slow the frequency of loan cuts. Not only this simple principle is ecological, but it ensures a lower cost for loan maintenance and gives the garden a more natural look. Several biological process against usual nuisances were put in place (plants disease, exotic plants invasion, pest control…) The soils were not chemically decontaminated and herbicides are organic farming certified. Associations and individuals, both users of the shared gardens, must all sign an green agreement.

▼平面图 Master Plan

▼分析图 Drawing

▼剖面图 Sections

▼模型 Model

项目名称:Serge Gainsbourg garden
主创设计师及团队:Philippe Convercey; Franck Mathé; Etienne Voiriot; Marta Puig I Bosch; Guillaume Mougenot; Florian Sommer; Sebastien Perret
项目地点:巴黎,Porte des Lilas
图片来源:Nicolas Waltefaugle
合作伙伴:Lafon&Gelin architectes; Intégral 4; ATPI; Light Cible
客户:巴黎/ SEMAVIP
项目中使用的品牌/产品:Escofet, Santa Cole
Project name: Serge Gainsbourg garden
Design year: 2008
Completion Year: 2011
Leader designer & Team: Philippe Convercey; Franck Mathé; Etienne Voiriot; Marta Puig I Bosch; Guillaume Mougenot; Florian Sommer; Sebastien Perret
Project location: Paris, Porte des Lilas
Landscape Area: 24000 m2
Photo credits: Nicolas Waltefaugle
Partners: Lafon&Gelin architectes; Intégral 4; ATPI; Light Cible
Clients: City of Paris / SEMAVIP
Brands / Products used in the project: Escofet, Santa Cole
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