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Thanks Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Photos provided by Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio.
园影景观摄影工作室: 曲水园是城隍庙的附属园林,始建于清乾隆十年(公元1745年)。全园蜿蜒起伏,十分精致。园中银杏参天,藤萝缭绕,古木林立,四季花卉长新,是上海市五大古园之一。以下图片由园影景观摄影工作室拍摄提供。
Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio: Qushui Garden, an attached garden to the Town God Temple, was first built in 1745.The whole garden twists and turns, very delicate. It is one of the five ancient gardens in Shanghai, with ginkgo biloba, vines, ancient trees and flowers growing in all seasons. The following pictures are taken and provided by Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio.
▼视频 Video

▼山茶多姿、绣球繁茂、荷花出浴 Camellia scene, hydrangea luxuriant, lotus bath

▼鹅卵石小径 Cobblestone path

▼古朴典雅的曲水园让人闲步深思 Qushui garden of primitive simplicity and elegance makes people ponder

摄 影:园影景观摄影工作室
Project name: Shanghai Qushui Garden
Location: 612 Gongyuan Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai
Project Type: Classical gardens
Photographer: Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio
更多 Read more about: 园影景观摄影工作室