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Thanks to 1:1 Landskab for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text descriptions and photos provided by 1:1 Landskab.


1:1 Landskab:从当地柔软的河流三角洲汲取灵感,演绎为学校公园铺装和景观区域的几何形状。这种融合式设计不仅有助于创造趣味型外观,其线条还可以发挥与所需功能相关的作用。

1:1 Landskab:The soft forms of the river delta serve as the inspiration behind the geometry of the paved and landscaped areas of the School Park. This fusion in and of itself helps create a playful appearance, where the geometry can play a role in relation to the desired functions.



链接城市 Tying the city together


Skoleparken will be part of the recreational green loop tying the new district Nærheden to Hedehusene. As with the rest of the loop in general, Skoleparken is designed to improve opportunities for breaks, activities and play while also tying the surrounding area – which includes Læringshuset, Springcenteret, SuperBrugsen and a future community centre for the district’s residents – into one big green urban space.




People will be able to use the park as a passage as well as an alternative route, but also for longer stays. The idea behind the park is to work with the traditional building blocks of a park – paths, fields and benches – and set them up in untraditional shapes and ways rather than introduce new building blocks.



特色树种 Exotic trees


The landscape draws inspiration from the soft, meandering structures of the flood delta, packed with an interesting variety of trees selected for special criteria such as their colours; swamp oak, sweetgum, sweet cherry, staghorn sumac and ginkgo, to name a few.



形态 Soft geometry


The main paths will be paved with asphalt, onto which a ‘challenge path’ especially intended for schoolchildren will be painted. The south-facing part of the park will be a break area paved with a combination of gravel and concrete slabs, where pupils can hang out after school or eat lunch. Paths with exercise-friendly rubber surfacing trace through the green hills amidst the tall grass, which will only need to be mowed once or twice a year thus promoting biodiversity. This soft geometry creates niches and small break areas, resulting in a good balance between spots for large and small groups.



平衡和运动 Balance and motion



The green hills make for an enticing exercise spot with their winding, steep rubber paths that provide a fun challenge. Interspersed among the paths are rubber balancing balls for play or exercise, as well as balancing stumps, balancing benches with black rubber surfaces and groups of large boulders where you can hone your motor skills.

A large play sculpture will be located at the transition area between Læringshuset and the School Park, serving as a landmark for the area.




项目地点:丹麦 海泽胡瑟讷
景观设计事务所:1:1 Landskab
客户:Udviklingsselskabet Nærheden P/S

Project name: Skoleparken
Completion Year: ongoing
Size: 3750m2
Project location: Hedehusene, Danmark
Landscape Architecture Firm: 1:1 Landskab
Clients: Udviklingsselskabet Nærheden P/S



审稿编辑:Via Wang

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