LandscapeBridge, Ecological Wetland, Park, Public Space, Urban renewal, WaterfrontChinaYudao Landscape DesignholiXinglong Lake Lakeside Woods Library By Yudao Landscape Design
LandscapeBridge, Park, Public Space, Urban renewalBritish rankinfraser Landscape ArchitectureThe Bowline by rankinfraser Landscape Architecture
LandscapeBridgeNetherlandsNEXT architectsThe New Connection – N69 The Greenest Road by NEXT architects
Album, LandscapeideaBridge, Park, Public Space, Urban renewal, WaterfrontBrooklyn Bridge Park, a twenty-two year long exploration of urban renewal
LandscapeBridge, Public Space, StructureChinaCR land四周建筑Arch-ExistDongan Lake Sports Park Landscape Corridor Of Chengdu Fisu World University Games By Atelier sq
LandscapeBridge, Mountain Park, TourismNorwegianCarl-Viggo HølmebakkVøringsfossen Waterfall Area by Carl-Viggo Hølmebakk
LandscapeVideoBridge, Rural Reconstruction, StructureChina罗宇杰工作室Timber Bridge In Gulou Waterfront By LUO Studio
LandscapeVideoBridge, Public SpaceChinaBrearley Architects + UrbanistYuandang Bridge by Brearley Architects+Urbanists
architecture, LandscapeVideoBridge, StructureItalyZaha Hadid ArchitectsStriatus Arched 3D Concrete Printed Masonry Bridge by Zaha Hadid Architects + Block Research Group
LandscapeBridge, ParkPortugalCarlos Castanheira ArchitectsThe Canopy Walkway in Serralves by Carlos Castanheira Architects
LandscapeBridgeAmericaDiller Scofidio + RenfroPark Union Bridge in Colorado Springs by Diller Scofidio + Renfro
LandscapeBridge, Park, urban planning, WaterfrontChina东大设计Dongguan “Three Rivers and Six Banks” waterfront demonstration section by DONGDA (SHENZHEN) DESIGN CO., LTD.
LandscapeBridgeCzech RepublicJan Mourek, Marek Blank, Petr TejFootbridge in Lužec nad Vltavou by Petr Tej+Marek Blank+Jan Mourek
LandscapeBridgeIsraelRolka studio, Schwartz Besnosoff architectTechnion Entrance Gate by Rolka studio + Schwartz Besnosoff architect
architecture, LandscapeBridgeIsraelBO Architecture Landscape Architects LtdThe Gdora Bridge by BO Architecture Landscape Architects Ltd In association with Arch. Ofri Gerber