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Thanks Sam Crawford Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Sam Crawford Architects.
Sam Crawford Architects:澳大利亚设计公司Sam Crawford Architects (SCA)在悉尼世纪公园中设计了一座新型步行和骑行桥,其灵感源于“bara”鳗鱼的形状以及它们横越池塘到太平洋的迁徙过程。
SCA总监Sam Crawford说:“长鳍鳗鱼的形状、运动和颜色反映在桥梁设计的形式和用材上。这座桥颂扬了古老的土著文化,是大型世纪公园对于环境敏感的一种回应,同时也将其与悉尼市中心附近地区连接起来。”
Sam Crawford Architects: The design of a new pedestrian and cycle bridge in a major park in Sydney by Australian firm Sam Crawford Architects (SCA) was inspired by the shape of ‘bara’ eels and their migration to the Pacific Ocean from the very pond it traverses.
Sam Crawford, director of SCA said: “The shape, movement and colour of the long-finned eels is reflected in the form and materiality of the bridge design. The bridge celebrates ancient Indigenous culture and is an environmentally sensitive addition to the vast Centennial Parklands, linking them to surrounding areas in inner Sydney.”

桥的动态外形引起了人们对鳗鱼“降河洄游性”生活模式的关注,当地达瓦尔人有一个重要的传统:他们将鳗鱼从公园的池塘中带出来,随后鳗鱼将穿过水渠和运河,从内陆到博特尼湾(Botany Bay),然后到达数千公里外的新喀里多尼亚岛( New Caledonia)附近的产卵地。
The dynamic expression of the bridge draws attention to the incredible and ancient migration of the eel to reproduce, an important aspect of the local Dharawal people’s traditions.* Their journey takes the eels from the park’s ponds, slipping through storm-water drains and canals and sliding and wriggling overland to the salt water at Botany Bay, and then to spawning grounds near New Caledonia thousands of kilometres away.
The sinuous curved shape of the bridge recalls the movement of the eels which swim slowly by means of lateral movements of the body. As they move, they shimmer. The bridge’s railings are made of different coloured anodised aluminium fanning out at the centre, echoing the skeletal structure and dynamism of the eel. They shimmer in the sunlight, reflect off the surface of the water, just like the eels’ silvery underbelly. Colours were selected for camouflage and movement.

Sam Crawford继续说道:“40米长的大桥轻盈地坐落在池塘上方,成为一个与自然环境融为一体的标志性入口。不同于公园其他入口体现的欧式风情,这座桥的设计是为了纪念几个世纪的土著文化。当然它也参考了公园现有基础设施的材料和色彩。”
“The 40 metre long bridge sits lightly above a pond system, making an iconic entrance but also sitting harmoniously within the natural environment. Other gateways to the park all reflect European sensibilities but our design commemorates centuries of Indigenous culture. And it also references the materiality and colours of the park’s existing infrastructure,” he said.
This new accessible gateway replaces a decaying and inaccessible pedestrian bridge. It connects the park to a new light rail station, broader pedestrian/cycle networks and surrounding suburbs. “This contemporary connection to the much-loved park also has environmental values at the heart of the design. It protects banks from erosion, preserves habitat for endangered species, and provides visitors with an opportunity to directly engage with the pond ecosystem.”
The bridge widens at the centre to form a viewing platform, a place of repose, allowing pedestrians to pause and appreciate the aquatic and bird life, and flora, such as endangered banksia scrubs and native grasses.

材料经过精心挑选,具有低维护、耐久性和100%可回收性。当地的斑桉树被用作扶手和路缘,砂岩用于铺路和挡块。桥面采用轻质、防滑的玻璃纤维增强塑料网 (FRP)。出于颜色、光泽度和固色度考虑,采用了阳极氧化铝栏杆,它和上部彩钢结构一样都是100%可回收的材料。
Materials were carefully chosen for their low maintenance, durability, and 100% recyclability. Local spotted gum is used for handrails and kerbs, sandstone for paving and retaining blocks. Lightweight, non-slip fibreglass reinforced plastic mesh (FRP) was selected for the bridge deck. The anodised aluminium balustrade was chosen for its colour, sheen, colourfastness, and 100% recyclability. The painted steel super-structure is also 100% recyclable.

To minimise disturbance to the pond ecosystem just three piles were driven into the pond-bed. A four prong cruciform steel structure from each pile supports the bridge and provides both lateral and longitudinal stability. To ensure accuracy and minimise waste the entire structure and balustrade was assembled offsite and reassembled on site. 3D shop drawings ensured accuracy of each connection and component prior to fabrication.

A second stage of the project will provide interpretation and way finding, marking this important gateway to the Parklands.
“The project continues SCA’s vision to design community projects of high public value contributing both to liveability and sustainability, whilst respecting the land and culture upon which they sit.”

▽设计图纸 Drawings

地点:澳大利亚 悉尼 Dharawal Country / Centennial Parklands
客户:Centennial Park & Moore Park Trust
奖项:2022 年澳大利亚建筑学院新南威尔士州小型项目建筑奖——入围
项目团队:Sam Crawford、Ben Chan、Imogene Tudor、Ken Warr
解读策略:Lymesmith With Christie Fearns Graphic Design
无障碍设计:Morris Goding Access Consulting
岩土工程:Jk Geotechnics
结构工程:Simpson Design Associates
工程造价:Altus Page Kirkland
建造商:Christie Civil
摄影师:Brett Boardman
Location: Dharawal Country / Centennial Parklands, Sydney, Australia
Client: Centennial Park & Moore Park Trust
Status: Built
Size: 40 m Long
Awards: 2022 Australian Institute Of Architecture Nsw Award For Small Project Architecture – Shortlisted
Project Team: Sam Crawford, Ben Chan, Imogene Tudor, Ken Warr
Interpretation Strategy: Lymesmith With Christie Fearns Graphic Design
Accessibility: Morris Goding Access Consulting
Geotech: Jk Geotechnics
Structural Engineer: Simpson Design Associates
Surveyor: Opus
Quantity Surveyor: Altus Page Kirkland
Builder: Christie Civil
Photographer: Brett Boardman
“ 鳗鱼的迁徙过程催生了这座蜿蜒桥的设计。”
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