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rankinfraser Landscape Architecture:The Bowline是一条新的活力旅游路线和带有观景台的高架线性公园,由废弃的Bowline高架平转桥改造而成。这条高架旅游路线取代了A814公路上的一个危险的交叉通道,创造力连接格拉斯哥、洛蒙德湖和特罗萨克斯国家公园的国家自行车7号线路的越野路段。Bowline高架桥的完工标志着Bowling港口大型振兴计划的一个重要阶段,其中包括铁路拱口和港口周围的公共区域的复兴。这项与当地社区合作进行的转型项目为运河带来了新的活力和经济效益,并颂扬了Bowline在苏格兰工业历史上的重要作用,同时也开发了一个与福斯&克莱德运河西部门户相称的新休闲目的地。
rankinfraser Landscape Architecture:The Bowline is a new active travel route and elevated linear park with viewpoints which brings back into use the disused Bowling Viaduct and its listed swing bridge. The elevated travel route eliminates a dangerous road crossing on the A814, creating a new off-road section of National Cycle Route 7 connecting Glasgow to Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park. The completion of The Bowline marks a significant stage in the wider regeneration of Bowling Harbour that includes the regeneration of railway arches and public realm around the harbour. This transformational work, undertaken in partnership with the local community, has brought new businesses, activity and economic benefits to the canal and celebrates Bowling’s important role in Scotland’s industrial past, developing a new leisure destination befitting of the western gateway to the Forth & Clyde Canal.

The design of the 700m long route is comprised of several distinct character areas that correspond to the surrounding landscape context and the three viaduct sections that span the Forth and Clyde Canal, the North Clyde rail line and the A814. The design takes cues from the existing structures, with new steel elements inserted within key locations in order to re-imagine the former industrial structure as a new destination and travel corridor. The access ramp and viewpoints are designed as contemporary reflections of the historic structures which they sit alongside, transforming the viaduct and providing it with a new lease of life for future generations.

The design of the new steel and iron elements seek to strike a balance between respecting the existing structures yet reading as contemporary interventions, ensuring the timeline of change can be understood. They bring the visitor into contact with historic elements which have been inaccessible for years, connecting east to west, touching the canal towpath, basin, swing bridge, arches, road and rail bridges, all the while affording views of the beautiful surrounding landscape.

Material choices and detailing reflects the industrial, robust nature of the site, with concrete, steel and iron used to create a ‘feel’ which is particular to this place. These reflect the existing concrete and metal structures in a way which is new, recognisable and exciting, further emphasising Bowling’s place on the map.

Planting complements and further emphasises the design through a combination of woodland planting in the east and west, out of which the viaduct and bridge structures emerge, and colourful carpets of ground cover species capable of growing within the thin soil depths on the bridges. Blocks of Birch trees evoke the period of dereliction which saw self-seeding of pioneer species, as nature began to re-emerge on the site.

夜幕降临后,the Bowline采用的动态变色LED照明设计增强了新修复的吊桥和公路桥的历史桥梁结构。独特的解说牌和定制的导视图被巧妙地融入整体景观设计中,有助于人们导航,同时也将场地的历史过往展现在人们面前。
After darkness, lighting at the Bowline has been designed to enhance the newly restored Swing Bridge and Road Bridge historic girder bridge structures with integrated dynamic colour change LED feature lighting. Interpretive graphics and bespoke way finding totems have been sensitively integrated into the overall landscape design. These assist with way-finding whilst bringing to life and communicating stories of the site’s history.

项目名称:The Bowline
项目地点:英国 苏格兰 邓巴顿郡西部
设计公司:rankinfraser Landscape Architecture
首席建筑师:rankinfraser Landscape Architecture
设计团队:Blyth&Blyth. Foto-ma. Four-by-Two.
客户:Scottish Canals.
合作伙伴:MacKenzie Construction. Sustrans
图片来源:Keith Hunter Photography
Project Name: The Bowline
Completion Year: 2021
Scale: Linnear park of circa 700l.m
Project Location: West Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Landscape/Architecture Firm: rankinfraser Landscape Architecture
Website: www.rankinfraser.com
Contact e-mail: davidmuir@rankinfraser.com
Lead Architects: rankinfraser Landscape Architecture
Design Team: Blyth&Blyth. Foto-ma. Four-by-Two.
Clients: Scottish Canals.
Collaborators: MacKenzie Construction. Sustrans
Photo Credits: Keith Hunter Photography
Photographer’s Website: www.keithhunterphotography.com
“ 把新的元素置入原有的结构之中,利用设计体现桥的历史变革。”
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