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Thanks BO Architecture Landscape Architects Ltd for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by BO Architecture Landscape Architects Ltd.
BO Architecture:桥梁工程结构,其本身目的是作为连接两地的通道,但它其实也可以为人们提供情感体验:在桥上行走,有时会带来一种兴奋感和良好的开朗感,从高处往下看更会增强这种感觉,而且在很大程度上会增加沉思的维度。
BO Architecture:A bridge is an engineered structure whose purpose is to facilitate passage from one location to another, but it can also provide an emotional experience: the movement between two points can sometimes provide a sensation of excitement and expansive good feelings. Looking down from a great height intensifies the sensation, and, for the most part, adds a meditative dimension.
As part of our initial brainstorming about designing the bridge over the Gdora stream, we sought a way to reflect these sensations along with maintaining a bond to the past and present values imbued in the locale.

格多拉大桥全长220米,行人和骑自行车的人可以通过位于Kiryat Bialik的东南入口经过Haamakim街,向Kiryat Ata方向行驶。这座桥与格多拉河平行,连接着未来长廊的两个部分,长廊将沿着整个河流和城市的东部边界延伸。这座桥可以说是通往基里亚特·比亚里克(Kiryat Bialik)市的门户通道。
The Gdora Bridge spans 220 meters, for pedestrians and cyclists to pass over Ha’amakim Street at the southeastern entrance to Kiryat Bialik heading towards Kiryat Ata. The bridge runs parallel to the Gdora stream, connecting the two parts of a future promenade that will pass alongside the entire length of the stream and the city’s eastern border. The bridge essentially serves as the gateway to the city of Kiryat Bialik as well as acting as a passageway.

BO Architecture接受委托为当地行人和骑自行车的人设计一座连接溪流长廊两侧的桥梁,该项目作为Ha’amakim街道更新项目的一部分,将跨越Matronit电车中心,把街道扩展为四车道。Gdora (Fuara)河流经城市周围的农田,向南流入Kishon,经过Ha’amakim街下的一条地下通道,然后再次流向街道两侧的明渠,与各种各样的动植物、水生植物、鸟类、无脊椎动物和河岸上常见的植被组合在一起形成美好风景。
As part of the Ha’amakim renewal project, expanding the street into four lanes with the Matronit tram running through the center, BO Architecture was commissioned to design a bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, that would connect the two sides of the streams’ promenade. The Gdora (Fuara) stream, which drains the fields surrounding the city and flows southward into the Kishon, flows in an underground channel underneath Ha’amakim street, and surfaces again to an open channel on either side of the street, where a wide variety of flora and fauna, water plants, birds, invertebrates and vegetation typical of waterways lives along the banks.

我们主要针对三个主要目标受众进行设计:缓慢行走的行人、快速过桥的骑自行车者、以不同速度通过Ha ‘amakim街的司机和徒步者,他们主要从下面体验这座桥。
The zone designated for design, is characterized by large eucalyptus trees along the banks of the stream and on both sides of the street.
Our planning challenge was to design for three major target audiences: pedestrians who may be walking slowly, cyclists passing rapidly over the bridge, and drivers and those on foot passing through Ha’amakim Street at varying speeds who experience the bridge from below.

The Gdora stream and the swampland that characterized the area in the past are part of its history and present memory of place, forming our inspiration for designing the bridge on several levels: form, feeling of place, and experience of movement.

形式 Form
The historical axes of flow of the Gdora area were impacted by the type of soil and amount of water. The winding route of the water before it was diverted into the channel became the foundation for the design of the bridge. In a similar manner, we wanted to preserve the old eucalyptus trees, which lead to the need to twist the bridge in accordance with their location on site.
场所感 Feeling of place
The thicket of reeds and water plants that characterize the stream, along with the movement of the plants in the wind served as the source of inspiration for all of the bridge’s elements: the vertical elements; comprising of two rows of diagonal poles, each in a different angle and different height, within which the curving contour is placed. The railing is made of two surfaces: the external plates are made of tin, with circular holes exhibiting patterns of vegetation typical of streambeds, while the internal surfaces comprise of handrailing made of vertical elements.

When the bridge is illuminated, the two planes provide a haze effect, similar to that of a thicket of reeds. The light source is placed in the safety barrier, illuminating its sides, creating a tunnel of light for pedestrians and cyclists on the bridge and looking like a reed thicket to the drivers passing underneath the bridge. At the edge of each vertical element is a light that imitates that of fireflies in the night sky.

运动体验 Experience of movement
Passing over the bridge provides a different experience to that of passing under the bridge, but what they share is the discovery of transition from seeing the bridge from a distance and seeing it up close. The visual experience one gains from the bridge changes as day transitions into night.

The twisting curves of the bridge create an interesting walking experience. During the day, the eucalyptus trees and the water are seen clearly; whilst the nighttime bridge is a pipeline of light whose walls are emphasized by handrails and lighting at the top of the poles of varying heights dotting the route.
Drivers and pedestrians on Ha’amakim Street, spotting the bridge from a distance, will see it as a metallic snake hanging on diagonal poles. A closer look reveals the network of rods making up the handrail. At night, the bridge stands out from afar like a line of light with firefly-like illumination above it. As people draw near, they will be able to distinguish the light in the haze formed by the tin plaques with the pattern of rods enveloping the bridge from the outside.

Different cultures view bridges as a parable of life which one must cross. In this project, we are attempting to add another dimension of amazement, observation, discovery and a sensation of mood elevation.
▼项目总平面 Plan

▼桥梁立面细节 Elevation Detail

▼桥梁标准剖面 Typectal Section

▼桥梁细节剖面 Detail Section

建筑设计:BO Architecture Landscape Architects Ltd 与建筑师 Ofri Gerber 合作
设计团队:Beeri Ben Shalom, Orna Ben Ziony, Lital Haimovich Rosenberg, Liat Oren, Ofri Gerber
工程:Eli Ohayon – Z. Hemli – E. Oyahon Engineering Ltd
景观设计:BO Architecture Landscape Architects Ltd
规划管理:Feuerstein – Gazit Engineers Ltd.
项目管理: Zohar Dekel-A. Bloch Infrastructure Ltd.
建筑承建:Anton Brothers Ltd
桥架:Yaakov Edri
图片版权:Yoav Peled
Project Name: The Gdora Bridge, Kiryat Bialik, Israel
Architecture Firm: BO Architecture Landscape Architects Ltd. In association with Arch. Ofri Gerber
Website: https://en.bo-landscape.co.il/
Contact e-mail: office@bo-landscape.co.il
Firm Location: kiryat tivon , Israel
Design Team: Beeri Ben Shalom, Orna Ben Ziony, Lital Haimovich Rosenberg, Liat Oren In association with Arch. Ofri Gerber
Clients: Yefe Nof Transportation, Infrastructure Constructions LTD.
Engineering: Eli Ohayon – Z. Hemli – E. Oyahon Engineering Ltd
Landscape: BO Architecture Landscape Architects Ltd
Planning management: Feuerstein – Gazit Engineers Ltd.
Project management: Zohar Dekel-A. Bloch Infrastructure Ltd.
Construction contractor: Anton Brothers Ltd
Bridge frames: Yaakov Edri
Completion Year: 2019
Gross Built Area: 1500 square meter
Project location: Kiryat Bialik, Israel
Photo credits: Yoav Peled
Photographer’s website: https://peledstudios.com/
Photographer’s e-mail: info@peledstudios.com
更多 Read more about: BO Architecture Landscape Architects Ltd