Landscapechildrens sports, EducationAmericaMetcalfe Architecture & DesignAbington Friends School by Metcalfe Architecture & Design
architecture, LandscapeEducationBangladeshKashef Mahboob Chowdhury/URBANAFriendship Centre by Kashef Mahboob Chowdhury/URBANA
LandscapeEducation, SquareAmericaDAVID RUBIN Land Collective1The University of Pennsylvania Pennovation Works by DAVID RUBIN Land Collective
LandscapeEducationAustraliaGuymer Bailey Architects1Kimberley College Year 7 Flexible Learning by Guymer Bailey Architects
LandscapeEducationAmericaINTERSTICE ArchitectsUniversity of San Francisco Center for Science and Innovation Landscape by INTERSTICE Architects
Landscapechildrens sports, EducationNew ZealandChrysalis GroupCollingridge and Smith ArchitectsChrysalis Childcare by Collingridge and Smith Architects
LandscapeEducation, office parkSingaporeGrant AssociatesInstitute Of Technical Education by Grant Associates
LandscapeCultural Space, EducationAmericaBill and Melinda Gates FoundationGGNBill & Melinda Gates Foundation Campus by GGN
LandscapeASLAEducationAmericaGLS Landscape | ArchitectureUC Berkeley Residence Halls & Bike Sheds by GLS Landscape | Architecture
LandscapeASLABotanic Garden, childrens sports, Education, ParkAmericaChicago Botanic GardenMyk-dChicago Botanic Garden Learning Campus by Myk-d