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Thanks studio MADe for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by studio MADe.
studio MADe:顺天艺术平台作为韩国顺天市旧城复兴愿景的一部分,致力于在密集的城市环境中恢复和谐感和创造空间停顿感。为了实现这一目标,该项目开辟了一个向天空开放的广场,唤起人们心理上的“放空”体验,并与韩国中世纪建筑的庭院相呼应。
studio MADe:The Suncheon art platform, built as part of the vision to rejuvenate the old city, strives to restore a sense of harmony and a moment of pause in its dense urban context. It accomplishes this by carving out an open-to-the-sky square that evokes the experience of a psychological ‘void’ and echoes the courtyard typology of medieval Korean architecture.

The intervention creates a seamless connection between the historic city and the river, making it a public threshold to approach the old city. It also acknowledges the necessity for green spaces in urban contexts by providing space for dense plantations on site, emphasising the importance of fostering natural ecosystems in large metropolitan environments.

该建筑的建筑语言与比例系统源自传统的韩国建筑——它采用了传统的测量方法“ka”,即3.60 米。整体结构允许适度的增量增长,并可以在需要时增设地下空间。
The building’s architectural vocabulary and proportioning system are derived from traditional Korean architecture – it employs the conventional measurement ‘ka’, which equals 3.60 meters. It allows for modest incremental growth with the possibility of adding underground rooms when needed.

The heavy granite base and light steel pavilions atop lend a contrasting material experience. The project comprises playful contrasts – between the underground cave and the built pavilion, movement and pause, density and void, and gravity and lightness.

The architectural quality is inspired by the surprise and joy of discovering a hidden cloister within an urban forest en route to the dense fabric of the old city. Overall, the architectural meaning has evolved through a reinterpretation of traditional to contemporary, reinforcing a sense of continuity with the community’s memory.

▽项目场地/平面图 Site plan

▽项目总平面图 Master plan

▽艺术平台设计平面图 Suncheon Art Platform plan

▽项目剖面图 Section

▽项目轴侧图 Axonometric drawing

▽项目模型 Project model

项目地点:韩国 顺天市
景观/建筑公司:studio MADe +eSou Architects
首席建筑师:studio MADe
设计团队:Madhusudhan Chalasani, Mario Galiana Liras, Mario Yanez Aller, Carlos Gonzalvo, Bharat Kumar, German Muller, and Niharika Sanyal.
结构工程:NRC Structure Consulting Structural Engineers Co.
机电工程师:HANA Consulting Engineers Co., Ltd.
图片来源:Youngchae Park
Project name: Suncheon Art Platform
Completion Year: 2022
Size: 8372 m2
Project Location: Suncheon (Suncheon-si), South Korea
Landscape/Architecture Firm: studio MADe +eSou Architects
Website: studiomade.org
Contact e-mail: made@studiomade.org
Lead Architects: studio MADe
Design Team: Madhusudhan Chalasani, Mario Galiana Liras, Mario Yanez Aller, Carlos Gonzalvo, Bharat Kumar, German Muller, and Niharika Sanyal.
Clients: Suncheon City Council
Structural Engineering: NRC Structure Consulting Structural Engineers Co.
Mechanical and Electrical Engineers: HANA Consulting Engineers Co., Ltd.
Photo credits: Youngchae Park
“ 用设计给城市带来惊喜。”
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