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Turf Design Studio:悉尼公园在过去的20年里已经取得了很大的成就,从工业及废物处理用地到现在44公顷公园用地的转变,使它已经成为了悉尼南部郊区不断发展壮大的社区的一项重要资产,而此次C.A.R.E.S.辖区的翻新工程作为整个公园主要升级工程的一部分,也在公园结构中创造了更具凝聚力的景观的策略。
Turf Design Studio:In the last two decades much has been achieved to transform the Sydney Park site from its former industrial history and waste disposal into 44 hectares of parkland and a vital asset for the growing communities of Sydney’s southern suburbs. Refurbishment to the C.A.R.E.S. Precinct forms a part of major upgrade works to the park; a strategy towards creating a more cohesive landscape within the structure of the park.

Turf Design Studio & Environmental Partnership主导了公园自行车跑道和区域的设计,此次完成的工程是他们对悉尼公园的最新贡献,因为此前不久他们才刚设计了悉尼公园的水循环利用项目。TDEP的主要设计目标是坚持与2006年为该公园制定的总体规划愿景相一致的设计语言。
Turf Design Studio & Environmental Partnership led the design of the bike track and precinct. The completed works are TDEP’s latest contribution to Sydney Park, following shortly after their design of Sydney Park’s Water Re-Use project. TDEP’s main objective was to uphold a design language that was in line with the masterplan vision developed for the park in 2006.

The track offers a range of opportunities and challenges for both young children and pre-teens; a contemporary replacement of the previous roadway focused track. Even the ‘big kids’ have found their place there (as seen in this skateboarding post on instagram – https://www.instagram.com/p/Bfm0oIDH1MP/). The existing Cycling Centre remains and the Gymkhana has been relocated to make room for new BBQ facilities and picnic areas; providing patrons and families with opportunities to stay and play.

TDEP continues to be involved in other planning and design projects for Sydney Park, including the Wetland Explorer; an overall design strategy aimed to educate children and visitors about the processes of the wetlands and Sydney Park’s ecology.

景观设计/首席顾问:Turf Design Studio & Environmental Partnership
地点:澳大利亚 悉尼
Project name: Sydney Park Children’s Bike Track
Landscape Architecture / Lead consultant: Turf Design Studio & Environmental Partnership
Client: City of Sydney
Location: Sydney, Australia
更多 Read more about: Turf Design Studio