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WTD: The display area of Riverside Seasons consists of a public land and a demonstration garden. The public green space belongs to the generation, located at the crossroads, backed by the residential area of Riverside Four Seasons, and on the west side is the Xiabao Trail, a tributary of the Nanguan River in Taizhou, with the river bisecting the residential clusters in two. On the south side, it is separated from Taizhou Central Mountain Park by a road, and surrounded by Children’s Park and Luqiao Park, etc. The small plot of land is wrapped in forest greenery.




The location of the city corner gives the site a natural public attribute, which can be used as a new form of urban shared space to stimulate the vitality of the community. As the site was built on behalf of the client, the client’s design brief also included a multi-functional place for the owners to socialise and carry out community activities, with a combination of functional, artistic and ecological values.


▽地块被包裹在森林绿意中 The plot is wrapped in forest greenery



We utilised a pure forest as a landscape base to continue the natural ecology of the surrounding area into the site. Wetland pine is the main tree of the pure forest, evergreen in all seasons, with straight and upright trunks, dense foliage and shade, strong and fast-growing. The pine forest is irregularly distributed among them, like a wild jungle growing along the riverbank. The gaps in the understory are zigzag trails that guide one into them. Above the dense forest, a white translucent structure suspended in mid-air looms, becoming the visual focus of the entire space.


▽场地平面生成动画 The site plane generates animation

▽半透明构筑物犹如漂浮在森林半空 Translucent structures seem to float in the middle of a forest




The structure is made up of two square boxes, one inside and one outside. The length of the inner glass box is 5.7 metres, we broke the traditional thinking that the glass between the upper and lower beams could not participate in the structural stress, and innovatively put forward a new type of component which is constructed by the upper and lower cantilevered steel beams together with the glass between the layers to form a combination of deep beams.

It integrates the structure, the equipment, and the workroom into a constant support system in the building, and the perimeter is made to be column-free cantilevered and flexible in use, which is its first feature. Secondly, it rearranges the scale in modules of one metre two, one metre five and two metres four, making the structure, the aesthetics more controllable and precise, as well as the standardisation of the entire modular production.


▽构筑物爆炸图 Structure explosion diagram

▽木质平台也为人们提供丰富的活动空间 The wooden platform also provides a rich space for people to move around



The outer layer is made of a thin steel mesh structure and is surrounded on all sides by larger square boxes. The gaps between the inner and outer boxes are still filled in with wetland pines, which have an upright and wild texture, and the atmosphere of the forest is continued in the composition of the building. The bottom space takes advantage of the original height difference of the site to form a wooden platform with a wide area, which extends outwards to the riverbank and the forest, creating a more open area for activities in the periphery. We keep an open lawn near the river, and the lawn and the wooden steps form a theatre on the lake, which is convenient for people to gather, camp and move around.


▽借助场地原始高差设计的林阶梯成为天然的剧场空间 Using the original height difference of the site, the forest steps become a natural theater space



The two levels of the structure filter light and the environment, create an additional level of activity, and increase the transition space. From the inside out, the interior of the glass box provides a 360-degree view through a translucent grid that drives the sensory experience, with the white mist of the morning misting through the forest, the sunlight penetrating through the grid through the shifting shadows of the trees, and the wind whipping through the pines in a subtle rustle that is totally immersive. From the outside in, the structures are hidden in the forest, with some of the boundaries peeking out, giving a different picture of the landscape cut by nature from different angles.


▽构筑物如同从森林长出 The structure is like growing out of the forest



The structure combines multiple practical functions such as a café, a bookstore, and a rest area, creating an understory public activity area for pedestrians to rest and socialise amidst the grass and forest. Its artistic and avant-garde aesthetics constitute an eye-catching point in itself, constantly attracting new crowds to take photos, make cards, and post them on self-media platforms, generating a long-lasting Netflix effect.


▽构筑物兼具咖啡馆和书吧、休息区等多元实用功能 The structure has multiple practical functions such as cafe, book bar and rest area



At the entrance to the park on the west side of the core site, there is also a municipal utility pipeline that runs across the river and cannot be relocated. We built a wooden platform on top of it to avoid hiding this sightline disadvantage. The platform is open, cascading downwards and wrapped by a glass fence at the edges, not only constituting a natural platform for viewing the river, but also serving as a complementary space for community activities.


▽将原本不利因素转为观景点 Turn a disadvantage into a scenic spot



In addition to the public attributes, the park also maintains an intimate connection with the private residences. Inside the Four Seasons’ live-action display area, a thinly constructed urban floor-to-ceiling window serves as a boundary wall, breaking down the visual barrier between the inside and outside of the neighbourhood and blurring the boundaries between the neighbourhood and the park.


▽城市橱窗打破社区内外视线屏障 City Windows break down the visual barrier inside and outside the community



By welding orthogonal steel webs in the middle of the two parallel steel plates above and below, the window structure forms an overall bidirectional force-transferring structural system, which achieves high structural rigidity and strength with a small section height. Community residents can freely enter the park through the entrances and exits set up on the side, just like walking into their own backyard garden.


▽样板花园主入口 Model garden main entrance



As a ‘social atom’ in the city, the pocket park is a small-scale open space with diverse functions, complex uses and activation of the neighbourhood. In this project, we respect the original height difference of the site, continue the large ecological base, and implant contemporary aesthetic landscape architecture as functional space and fluidity, which is a shared urban pocket park and a hub for the community to connect with the city and beyond.


▽公园总平面 General plan of park

▽剖面图 Section




公园设计团队:李卉 李彦萨 余治富 石桂霖 夏雪 周震宇 欧键 郭雪灿 李淑君 田洛豪 李理 张华盛  杨平 张燕 范执鸿 韩瑞章 史浩南 张书桢 兰明姝 宋照兵 李艾峻 刘翔宇
示范花园设计团队:李卉 李彦萨 苏漾 朱小慧 李荣 杨婷婷 李理 张华盛 张燕 范执鸿 韩瑞章 张书桢 兰明姝 潘俊岑 宋照兵 李艾峻 张维峰
景观面积:10124.5㎡(公园)/ 2443㎡(示范花园)

Project Name: Taizhou Fangyuan Langcheng Riverside Four Seasons Park Demonstration Area
Project Address: Luqiao District, Taizhou
Owner: Taizhou Fangyuan Langcheng Real Estate Co.
Landscape Design: Wisto Design
Park Design Team: Li Hui Li Yansa Yu Zhifu Shi Guilin Xia Xue Zhou Zhenyu Ou Key Guo Xuechan Li Shujun Tian Luohao Li Li Zhang Huasheng Yang Ping Zhang Yan Fan Dihong Han Ruizhang Shi Haonan Zhang Shuzhen Lan Mingshu Song Zhaobing Li Aijun Liu Xiangyu
Demonstration Garden Design Team: Li Hui Li Yansa Su Yang Zhu Xiaohui Li Rong Yang Tingting Li Li Zhang Huasheng Zhang Yan Fan Dihong Han Ruizhang Zhang Shuzhen Lan Mingshu Pan Juncen Song Zhaobing Li Aijun Zhang Weifeng
Structure Design Consultant: Shanghai Dachuan Architects
Structural Design of Structures: Dr Jianfeng Chen’s Team
Park landscape construction: Zhejiang Dingyi Ancient Architecture and Landscape Engineering Co.
Demonstration Park Landscape Construction: Taizhou Qianzi Municipal Landscape Engineering Co.
Landscape area: 10124.5m2 (park) / 2443m2 (demonstration garden)
Completion: 2024.07
Photography :PrismImage




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