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RAD+ar:墙面花园(Wall Garden)是 RAD+ar 对墙体在当代建筑实践中所扮演角色及意义的一种具象性思考,设计师在其中探索墙体如何为建筑的整体美学和功能性做出贡献,展示墙体在塑造空间方面的创新使用以及它与现有自然环境的融合。
RAD+ar: Wall garden was created as a reflection from RAD+ar on the search of significance and evolving roles of walls in contemporary architectural practice, in which the designer is experimenting on how walls contribute to the overall aesthetic and functionality of buildings in showcasing innovative use of walls in shaping spaces and its integration with existing nature.
▽花园咖啡馆鸟瞰 Aerial view of the Wall Garden

Started with a question, whether it is possible to create a commercial space with simply the significance of basic architecture such as a wall, 3 slashes of straight line were drawn right in the middle of the site. With a consistent difference in their height, 3 separated walls erected playfully twirling between the existing lush existing trees. Reflection entrance garden, backyard garden, and creative amphitheater is connected thru existing trees, with indoor aircon area created as the consequential spaces in between. Spaces with no hierarchy was created, from façade to the amphitheater and garden backyard is visually connected, blending in with dancing structural walls that contribute to the overall aesthetic and functionality of buildings.
▽倒影花园内的集水区是入口空间的主要特征 The water catchment area in reflection garden is the main feature of the entrance

Architecture has never been just an end in itself; it has always had a social relevance and it is never alone, but always in dialogue with his environment. For this reason, design aims are to intertwine the interior and the exterior, to create a genuine connection with the interior environment and, at the same time, aim for a unique architectural design and special comfort. Only by achieving that can the high expectations of today’s guests be met; guests for whom the experience of nature is part of an integrated environment.

▽室内咖啡厅亦与户外环境建立联系 Indoor space also connects with the outdoor environment

墙面花园以最大程度的开放性和多孔性为城市景观做出了贡献。绿植丛林盘旋在双重遮阳的低能耗室内区域上方,建筑可以看作是掩映在绿意之下的一座迷宫。绿洲般的倒影花园内有 800 平方米的集水区,它是入口空间的主要特征,并让建筑以相对独立的方式将所有的生产用水和雨水收集起来并返回地面。墙面花园建造在商业密集区中的一片老旧停车场上,与其他许多 Tanatap 商业花园的实验设计一样,项目利用其独特的地理位置证明了一个观点,即无论宏观环境存在何种挑战,被动式低能耗商业设计在热带发展中国家仍然可以落地实现并盈利。
Wall garden celebrates its porosity being as open as possible as a contribution to the cityscape. The building was nothing more than just a maze underneath a series of greeneries that hovers double shaded – low energy indoor area. Oasis-like reflection garden, is 800sqm water catchment area as main feature of entrance, let the building to be independent and off grid, returning all the process water and rainwater harvesting back to ground within the site. Creating many causal contrast spaces that are produced from optimizing negative section spaces. Built as a commercial garden in the effort of retrofitting old parking space in the middle of compact commercial area, as many other experimental Tanatap commercial garden design, use this particular location to prove a point that regardless the macro environment challenge, a passive low energy commercial design would still be achievable and profitable in tropical-developing country.

集生态价值、舒适度和后现代主义设计于一身,Tanatap 花园咖啡馆旨在为人们提供一个亲近自然的机会,打造独特的建筑和舒适的环境。各个单元相互并列布置,以对自然最小干预的方式营造诗情画意的氛围。无论是白天还是黑夜,建筑结构的形态和位置都能给人美学享受,并以简约的结构体系创造出形式上的动态感。
Combines ecological value, comfort and post-modern design: tanatap coffee garden was designed to give people a chance to experience nature closer while providing uniquely designed architecture and comforts. The units are juxtaposed with a minimum change of nature. The arrangement of units has poetic emotion. The shape and position of structures were designed to give aesthetic emergence by both day and night and create a dynamic shape with a minimal and simplistic structural system.

The new coffee garden will serve as a public living room for the locals and a new exciting destination for everyone with a passion for music & performance. A space dedicated to nourishing curiosity, knowledge and creativity. Exposure to great art and music can be flexible and transformative. Enriching our lives with vibrant colors and taking us places we never knew existed.

由 Antonius Richard 开创的 Tanatap 正不断通过永续经营将可持续建筑的愿景发散开来,在印度尼西亚这样的发展中国家,这一设计致力于在其“开放式剧场—商业花园”中打造音乐+表演的支持型创意社区。
Initiated by Antonius Richard, Tanatap is trying to stay consistent with its vision to decentralize sustainable buildings through sustainable business. In developing countries such as Indonesia, the design was committed to host music and performance creative communities in its open theater-commercial garden set up.

▽概念推演 Conceptual Experimental

▽微气候营造分析 Micro-climate Creation

▽一层平面图 Ground Plan

▽屋顶平面图 Roof Plan

▽剖面图 Sections

社交媒体账户:@radarchitects (IG)
联系邮箱:studio@radarchitecture.net / visionary@radarchitecture.net
竣工年份:2024 年
总建筑面积:2500 m2
项目地点:三宝垄 印度尼西亚
主创建筑师:Antonius Richard Rusli
照片来源:Mario Wibowo
Project Name: Tanatap Wall Garden
Office Name: RAD+ar
Office Website: www.radarchitecture.net
Social Media Accounts: @radarchitects (IG)
Contact email: studio@radarchitecture.net / visionary@radarchitecture.net
Firm Location: Jakarta & Bali, Indonesia
Completion Year: 2024
Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): 2500 m2
Project Location: Semarang
Program / Use / Building Function: Café / Restaurant / Bar
Lead Architects: Antonius Richard Rusli
Lead Architects e-mail: visionary@radarchitecture.net
Photo Credits: Mario Wibowo
Photographer’s Website: www.mariowibowo.com
Photographer’s e-mail: mario@mariowibowo.com
“ 以墙为引,在茂林之下创造出形态上的韵律和动感,并保证了商业创意社区的功能性。”
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