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Thanks Engraff Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Engraff Studio.


Engraff Studio 于2015年在罗马尼亚布加勒斯特成立,是一家专注于概念艺术、建筑和产品可视化设计的创意工作室。



Engraff Studio:Founded in 2015 in Bucharest, Romania, Engraff is a creative studio specialized in concept art and visualization of architecture & product design.

Working with global clients from industries like architecture, design & manufacturing or branding & advertising, we produce photorealistic still or motion 3D renders.

With the help of our team’s background in architecture and creative fields, the latest 3D technology and love for CGI, we brew custom render and concept recipes to meet every visualization need out there.



天坑住宅 The Pit

“天坑住宅”是主创Stefan Mantu构想出的一个安全庇护所,对于我们这些在城市的混乱中迷失的人来说,它其实更像是一个天然避世之地。它在不改变自然资源的情况下,既是野生环境对现代人类需求的一种适应,也是自然对我们需求的一种转换。这个地方宁静而舒适,空气中都是苔藓和泉水的气味,其建筑设计旨在最大限度的减少对洞穴的影响,寻找现代人类的可持续生活空间。

The Pit is an imaginary safe place, what could be an escape for those of us overwhelmed by urban chaos. It is an adaptation of a wild environment to modern human needs, without alteration of natural resources, and also a transposition of nature into our needs. The place is peaceful and cozy, smelling like moss and springs, and its architecture is a minimal adjustment of the ‘mother-ship’ cave, done to accommodate the modern human looking for a sustainable living.



世外办公空间 Off The Grid Office

“Off The Grid Office”,是Stefan Mantu与大家分享的最新概念,其设计目的只有一个——用来说明人类与自然联系的持续需求。在这个想法的引领下,设计师把开放空间的概念搬到了偏远的山区,达到用周围的自然环境帮助把工作带到自然中,同时也让自然融入到工作之中的目的。

I would like to share with you my latest concept, “Off The Grid Office”, created with only one scope – to illustrate our constant need of bonding with nature. With this idea pressuring my mind, I have moved the open space concept to a a remote area, where the surroundings helped me bring work in the nature and nature into work.



设计公司网址/Website: www.engraff.ro
社交媒体/Social media
Behance: https://www.behance.net/Engraff
Instagram: @engraffstudio #engraffstudio https://www.instagram.com/engraffstudio/
Facebook: @engraffstudio #engraffstudio https://www.facebook.com/engraffstudio/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/engraff-studio
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user37782346
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChHaLlgRwsrOGyDa2pV8XFQ