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Turenscape : An urban waste dump has been transformed into a designed experiment: a nature-based wastewater remediation system. Several types of constructed wetland were combined to form an immersive living landscape in which the correlations between design variables and ecosystem performance can be observed and quantified, while simultaneously yielding a landscape for exploration and education. The project showcases how wastewater and land can simultaneously provide clean water, ecosystem benefits and scientific data, as well as beauty.
目标与挑战 Site Challenges and Objectives
Covering an area of 26 acres, the site is a 6-foot high mound, made of urban waste and debris. A pre-design site survey indicated that there are no hazardous materials on site and therefore no potential health risk for future visitors. The design intent is to remediate the dumped materials on site, create a nature-based water purification system and recycle the wastewater to restore the degraded wetland, while creating a much-needed public space and much-needed scientific data about the performance of nature based solution.
▽场地原状 Site undisturbed
设计策略 Design Strategies
The design strategy of this project was deeply inspired by the terraced paddy landscapes that retain water on steep slopes, irrigate by gravity and fertilize rice plants by recycling the human and animal waste from villages upslope. By simple cut and fill, the dump mound was terraced and planted with various wetland plants.
▽场地鸟瞰 Aerial view
特色1:生态湿地的形式——“梯田”和“陂塘” Forms of Ecological Wetlands — “Terraces” and “PI Ponds”
The design strategy of this project was deeply inspired by the terraced paddy landscapes that retain water on steep slopes, irrigate by gravity and fertilize rice plants by recycling the human and animal waste from villages upslope. By simple cut and fill, the dump mound was terraced and planted with various wetland plants.
▽梯田与坡塘 Terraced fields and sloping ponds
特色2:生态湿地的净化流程——四种湿地组合循环 Purification process of ecological wetland — four kinds of wetland combination cycle
Three types of wetland systems were designed for water filtration: (1) the free water surface terrace (FWST) system, where the water surface in the terraced wetland is exposed to the atmosphere; (2) the subsurface flow terrace (SFT) system, in which water flows through a subsurface bed constructed from appropriate media; and (3) retention pond systems or oxidation ponds.
▽生态湿地景观 Ecological wetland landscape
特色3:生态湿地的植物——美,且能净化水质 Ecological wetland plants — beautiful, and can purify water
Each of the three wetland systems has advantages and disadvantages. By combining these different type of wetlands together, a high-performance living system can be created to remove various pollutants from the wastewater. Altogether, five combinations of the three wetland types were designed for observation. The cleansed water is then discharged into the adjacent wetland to help restore the degraded wetland ecosystem. The design showcases how wastewater and land can provide clean water, ecosystem benefits and scientific data, as well as beauty.
▽丰富自然的地被植物 Rich in natural ground cover
特色4:生态湿地的观赏点——锦绣云台 The ornamental point of ecological wetland — Splendid Yuntai
A network of boardwalks connecting observation points, platforms and pavilions was designed to allow data collection and provide an immersive landscape experience. A deck on the top of the terraces gives visitors an overview of the entire project and the surrounding landscape. This kind of living, nature-based experimental water remediation system is enabling students and engineers to study the relationship between multiple input variables, including plant species and area and length of the wetland edge, and key output variables, including the performance of the wetlands in terms of the removal of various pollutants and the subsequent impact on biodiversity. Beauty is another output of this design-as-experiment, given that it was commissioned as an expo project.
▽湿地观景台 Wetland viewing platform
总结 Result: Data production and aesthetic experience
Less than two years after its completion, the design is already showing promise. First-hand data has been collected that is helping students and professionals understand the natural water-remediation process, and the correlations between design variables and their performance are being analyzed to guide future design practice. Each day, 4 million gallons of pre-treated wastewater from the local water treatment plant is cleansed. That is helping to restore the 50-acre adjacent wetland, and save 1.0 million kWh of electricity per year compared to conventional water treatment processes. Meanwhile, an urban dump has been successfully transformed into an immersive living landscape experiment that helps visitors see pollutants (including chloridion and other uniquely colored minerals) in a visually striking manner.
项目2022获国际大奖 Project 2022 won an international award
项目名称:邯郸园博会 – 清渠如许
项目地点:中国 河北省邯郸市复兴区
Project name: The Handan Wastewater Purification Terraces
Year completed: 2020
Project area: 10 hectares
Location: Fuxing District, Handan City, Hebei Province, China
Design Company: Turenscape
Company website: https://www.turenscape.com/home/index.html
Contact email: info@turenscape.com
Chief Designer: Yu Kongjian
Design team: Native design
Client: Handan Fuxing City and Traffic Construction Investment Co., LTD
Photographer: Zhang Jin Video Studio
“ 设计师采用生态修复策略,将城市废弃中水引向山顶,重塑绿色环境。”
审稿编辑 Maggie
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