目前已接近河边走廊内完成20英里长,4000英亩的公共公园。用于随后的设计WRT | Planning + Design的总体规划和方向建立通过连接林荫道四个区域公园,沿肯塔基低洼蜿蜒和侧翼茂盛山坡。通过超前的发展曲线的保护开放的空间,路易斯维尔使用的绿地,积极塑造未来的发展。WRT | Planning + Design与客户合作开发了超越城市界限的城市发展更可持续的模式,在帕克兰这是该地区的东向发展和未来绿色社区的基础设施的绿色前沿还有待。

The Floyds Fork River is located on the eastern edge of the Louisville Metro area in Jefferson County, Kentucky. The Parklands of Floyds Fork (the Parklands), is a 20-mile long, 4,000-acre public park currently nearing completion within the river corridor. WRT | Planning + Design’s master plan and subsequent design established direction for four regional parks connected by a greenway, meandering along the lush Kentucky bottomlands and flanking hillsides. By securing open space ahead of the development curve, Louisville is using parkland to proactively shape future development. WRT | Planning + Design worked with the client to develop a more sustainable model for urban growth beyond the city limits, in which the Parklands is the green frontier of the region’s eastward development and the future green infrastructure of communities yet to be.


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