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Thanks Thorbjörn Andersson for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Thorbjörn Andersson.
Thorbjörn Andersson:这是一个充满了各种感官体验的地方。巴塞尔诺华校园药材园,它不仅仅是一个药理学研究试验台,同时也是一个拥有着神秘气味、变幻的颜色和季节的,可休闲赏景、可学习研究的地方。
Thorbjörn Andersson:The Physic Garden is a place to celebrate sensuous phenomena of all kinds. It is a place where mystic scents, changing colors, and seasonal variety can be enjoyed and studied. It is also a test bed for pharmacological research.

This Physic Garden at Novartis Campus is based on the monastery garden where, in ancient times, monks developed their knowledge about the pharmaceutical properties in plants, a knowledge that provided the foundation for today´s research efforts. These were often hidden places, laboratories in the outdoors, secluded from public life, containing secrets of utmost importance.
▼设计手稿 Design Sketches

▼项目平面图 Master Plan

Consequently, the Physic Garden at Novartis is hidden, spatially organized as a theatre, or as a labyrinth, or as an onion with many layers. The garden is semi-enclosed, and the visitor enters through a zig-zag movement between backdrops of tall hedges of yew (Taxus) and beech (Fagus). The garden reveals itself step by step. The one who searches will find; a statement which is as relevant to the researcher of today as it was to the medieval monk.
▼之字型小径 The zig-zag path

Having arrived at the center, a sunken planting bed opens up, containing 31 species of pharmaceutical plants organized in a striped pattern. The slightly sunkenness of the basin adds to the preciousness of the plants, and placed inside the frame of a low granite wall, these fragile specimens become untouchable.
▼线性种植的药用植物 The pharmaceutical plants organized in a striped pattern

▼饮用水装置 The drinking fountain

They are viewed from slightly above, and we can read the flower bed as a colorful and textured painting or a striped carpet. Bridges of light construction, without railings, span the sunken bed, permitting the daring visitor a closer examination of the plants, each of which is labeled with an engraved bronze plaque mounted at the edge of the bed.

▼池沿上刻有对应的植物名称 The engraved bronze plaque mounted at the edge of the bed

Along the sides of the sunken bed are four “log racks”, a collection of logs stacked in piles whose forms complement the screens of hedges, and are also reminiscent of a library. The types of wood selected represent tree species from which substances have been extracted and used in ethnopharmacology.

▼“原木架”手绘稿 The sketch of log racks

All in all, 70 plant species are on display in the Physic Garden.

地点:瑞士 巴塞尔 诺华校园
景观设计:Thorbjorn Andersson @ Sweco architects
团队:Pege Hillinge, Johan Krikstrom, Johnny Lindeberg, Emma Norrman(植物),vTherese Egnor(植物),Alexander Cederroth(灯光),Markus Mostrom(图形),Pal Svensson(饮水喷泉)。
咨询公司:Schonholzer + Staufer GmbH/ Beat Rosch, Basler + Partner(结构工程)。
摄影:Jan Raeber and Sweco Architects
Project: The Physic Garden
Location:Novartis Campus, Basel, Switzerland.
Landscape architect: Thorbjörn Andersson @ Sweco architects
Team: Pege Hillinge, Johan Krikström, Johnny Lindeberg, Emma Norrman (plants),vTherese Egnor (plants), Alexander Cederroth (light), Markus Moström (graphics), Pål Svensson (drinking fountains).
Client: Novartis Pharma
Consultants: Schönholzer + Staufer GmbH/ Beat Rösch, Basler + Partner (structural engineering).
Area: 2800 sqm
Opening: 2012
Photographs by: Jan Raeber and Sweco Architects
更多 Read more about:Thorbjörn Andersson @ Sweco architects