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MVRDV:地拉那金字塔(Pyramid of Tirana)最初是为纪念阿尔巴尼亚统治者恩维尔·霍查(Enver Hoxha)而建的一座博物馆,如今已摇身一变,成为一个新型文化中心。MVRDV 重新利用原建筑的混凝土结构,使其成为一个开放的“雕塑”立于新的公园中。一个个彩色的“盒子”散落在公园和建筑周围,里面容纳了咖啡馆、工作室、工作坊、创业办公室、孵化器、节庆活动场地,还以及供阿尔巴尼亚青年免费学习各种技术知识的教室。建筑倾斜的外立面还增设了台阶,让城市居民能够在这座建筑杰作的表面行走。

MVRDV:The Pyramid of Tirana, originally built as a museum dedicated to the communist dictator Enver Hoxha, has been dramatically transformed into a new kind of cultural hub. Reusing the concrete structure, the Pyramid is now an open sculpture in a new park. The park and the sculpture are home to an ensemble of colourful boxes, scattered in and around the original building that house cafés, studios, workshops, start-up offices, incubators, festivals, and classrooms where Albanian youth will learn various technology subjects for free. Steps have been added to the building’s sloping façades, allowing the people of Albania to literally walk all over the showpiece of the former dictator.


© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode


地拉那金字塔于 1988 年作为博物馆首次开放,此后历经多次变化,曾被用作广播电台、夜总会、会议场所、演播中心等,在 1999 年科索沃战争期间,还被用作北约的临时基地。不断变化的用途,加上以前未能完整实施的翻修计划,这一系列遗留的拼凑改建工程,使得建筑内部杂乱无章,光线昏暗。近几十年来,如何处理这座建筑的问题一直备受争议。然而,2015 年公布的一项研究表明,大多数阿尔巴尼亚人反对拆除这座建筑,2017 年,政府宣布改造这座“混凝土巨石”的计划,满足了人们的愿望。该计划在阿尔巴尼亚裔美国人发展基金会(AADF)和地拉那市政府的助推下实现,将该建筑改造成一个培养阿尔巴尼亚年轻人的环境。

对许多阿尔巴尼亚人来说,金字塔是战胜政权的象征,而 MVRDV 的设计灵感则来源于他们重新占据这座建筑的方式。这座破败的建筑长期以来一直是地拉那年轻人的休闲场地,他们会爬上倾斜的横梁然后从上面滑下来——然而这并非没有风险。现在,沿着斜坡上升的台阶让所有年龄段的人都可以爬到建筑顶部。在西侧,电梯为那些无法攀爬台阶的人提供了到达顶部的通道,而一根保留的倾斜横梁,让人们仍然可以从顶端滑到底部。

First opened as a museum in 1988, the Pyramid of Tirana has led numerous lives. Since the fall of the communist regime, the building was variously used as a radio station, a nightclub, a conference venue, a broadcast centre and, during the 1999 Kosovo War, a base for NATO. The ever-changing uses, along with incomplete previous renovation plans, left behind a patchwork of alterations that made the interior cluttered and dark. In recent decades, the question of what to do with the building proved highly controversial. A study published in 2015, however, showed that the majority of Albanians were opposed to demolishing the building, and in 2017 this desire was honoured when the government announced plans to transform the concrete monolith. This promise was carried out with the help of the Albanian-American Development Foundation (AADF) and the Municipality of Tirana, with the decision made to turn the building into a nurturing environment for young Albanians.

For many Albanians the Pyramid is a symbol of victory over the regime, and MVRDV’s design was inspired by the way that they had reclaimed the building. After the death of the dictator, the deteriorating structure had long served as a hangout spot for Tirana’s youth, who would climb the sloping beams and – not without risk – slide back down. Now, steps rise up the sloping sides, allowing people of all ages to climb to the top of the building. On the western side, a lift gives access to the top of the Pyramid for those who can’t climb the steps, while one beam incorporates a sloped section where people can still slide to the bottom.


© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode


MVRDV 的创始合伙人 Winy Maas 说:“当我第一次看到地拉那的年轻人走过金字塔时,我被它的象征意义和令人难以置信的乐观精神深深打动了。考虑到这是共产主义国家有史以来最昂贵的建筑,而当时受压迫的阿尔巴尼亚人民正生活在贫困之中,我们在改造过程中去掉了所有美化独裁统治的标志。我们保留了一些原有的细节,让游客也能了解到这座建筑黑暗的过去。这座建筑就像公园中的废墟一样完全开放,所有彩色盒子都“匍匐”在建筑内部和周围。这座经过改造后的金字塔现已成为人民的纪念碑,纪念他们战胜并超越独裁者的能力”。

“The first time I saw the Pyramid being walked all over by the youth of Tirana, I was deeply touched by its symbolism and by its incredible optimism”, says MVRDV founding partner Winy Maas. “Keeping in mind this was the most expensive building the communist state had ever realised in a time when the oppressed Albanian population was living in poverty, we removed all symbols glorifying the dictatorship in our transformation. We did keep some of the original details so visitors are also aware of the building’s dark past. The structure is completely open as a ruin in the park, and all these boxes are ‘squatting’ in and around the structure. Once sardonically called the ‘Enver Hoxha Mausoleum’, the transformed Pyramid has now become a monument for the people and their ability to overcome and outlive dictators.”


© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode


MVRDV 团队的工作围绕着现有的结构展开,并以该结构为蓝本,增加了公共空间以及用于教育和活动的盒子。一个个容纳了教育和活动室的彩色盒子散落在建筑和公园内外,它们同样散布在建筑顶部和建筑前方的公园里,为周围的环境营造了节日的气氛。

The work of MVRDV’s design team encompasses and encircles the existing structure, using the structure as a blueprint to which publicly accessible spaces and boxes for education and events were added. A stack of coloured boxes containing rooms for education and events are scattered in and around the structure and the park. These colourful additions are also found on top of the structure, and in the park at the front of the building, giving the surroundings the atmosphere of a festival and even a “squatted” area.


© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode


地拉那的非营利教育机构 TUMO 为 12 至 18 岁的学生提供免费的课外培训,内容包括软件、机器人、动画、音乐和电影等新技术。TUMO 于 2011 年在亚美尼亚成立,随后扩展到整个欧洲,它帮助提供教育和机会,是防止“人才外流”(威胁着阿尔巴尼亚等国的经济)的一种重要工具。另一半彩色盒子将向公众开放,为咖啡馆、餐馆、创业办公室和实验室、孵化器、工作室等提供租赁空间。

Around half of these spaces will house non-profit educational institution TUMO Tirana, which provides free afterschool education for 12- to 18-year-olds in new techniques such as software, robotics, animation, music, and film. Founded in Armenia in 2011 and since then spreading throughout Europe, TUMO helps to provide education and opportunities that can be a tool against the “brain drain” that threatens the economy of countries like Albania. The other half of the coloured boxes will be accessible to the public, hosting rental spaces for cafés, restaurants, start-up offices and labs, incubators, studio spaces, and more.


© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode
© Ossip van Duivenbode



The transformation of the Pyramid shows how a building can be made suitable for a new era, while at the same time preserving its complex history, and demonstrates that historic brutalist buildings are ideal for reuse. The project also meets a number of the Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations. Rather than wastefully demolish the structure, its robust concrete shell is adapted along circular economy principles. As the majority of the structure is open to the surroundings for most of the year, only the added boxes housing the educational program need to be climate-controlled, reducing energy consumption. Social sustainability is advanced in the building’s new use, with the educational programme advancing education and preparing the next generation for success.


© Ossip van Duivenbode


▽设计图纸 Design drawing





项目地点:阿尔巴尼亚 地拉那

创始合伙人:Winy Maas
合伙人:Stefan de Koning
设计团队:Ronald Hoogeveen、Stavros Gargaretas、Guido Boeters、Angel Sanchez Navarro、Boris Tikvarski、Jasper van der Ven、Mirco Facchinelli、Manuel Magnaguagno、Leo Stuckardt
视觉效果:Antonio Luca Coco、Luca Piattelli、Jaroslaw Jeda、Luana La Martina、Gianlorenzo Petrini
策略与开发:Willeke Vester、Daan van Gool
版权所有:MVRDV Winy Maas、Jacob van Rijs、Nathalie de Vries

教育合作伙伴: 地拉那 TUMO
联合建筑师:iRI Architecture
承包商:Fusha shpk
结构工程:ARUP、Gentian Lipe、Luan Murtaj
MEP:ARUP、iRI、Nikolin Risilia、Artur Dado、Isuf Kore
古迹专家:Daniel Gjoni
成本预算:iRI Architecture
环境顾问:Arben Liçi
照片:© Ossip van Duivenbode

Project Name: The Pyramid of Tirana
Location: Tirana, Albania
Year: 2018-2023
Client: Albanian-American Development Foundation (AADF)
Size and Programme: 11,835m2 – educational facility, commercial, public space
Max Height: 24.5m
Height (Pyramid centre): 20.2m

Architect: MVRDV
Founding Partner in charge: Winy Maas
Partner: Stefan de Koning
Design Team: Ronald Hoogeveen, Stavros Gargaretas, Guido Boeters, Angel Sanchez
Navarro, Boris Tikvarski, Jasper van der Ven, Mirco Facchinelli, Manuel Magnaguagno, Leo Stuckardt
Visualisations: Antonio Luca Coco, Luca Piattelli, Jaroslaw Jeda, Luana La Martina,
Gianlorenzo Petrini
Strategy and Development: Willeke Vester, Daan van Gool
Copyright: MVRDV Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries

Partners: Albanian-American Development Foundation (AADF), Municipality of Tirana; Albania Ministry of Culture
Education partner: TUMO Tirana
Co-architect: iRI Architecture
Contractor: Fusha shpk
Project coordination: Albanian-American Development Foundation (AADF)
Landscape architect: iRI; JESHILE; MVRDV
Structural engineer: ARUP; Gentian Lipe; Luan Murtaj
MEP: ARUP; iRI; Nikolin Risilia; Artur Dado; Isuf Kore
Monuments Expert: Daniel Gjoni
Cost calculation: iRI Architecture
Environmental advisor: Arben Liçi
Photographs: © Ossip van Duivenbode



审稿编辑: SIM

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