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Thanks TROP: terrains + open space for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by TROP: terrains + open space.
TROP:Terrains+Open Space:仁恒滨江园示范区位于钱塘江畔,通过纯白极简的建筑与灵动若水的景观相结合,呈现出一派艺术氛围浓厚的空间。设计师首先重新梳理整合了空间的形态与节奏。伴随着参观的步伐,空间节奏张弛结合、抑扬有度,建筑实体与景观院落们有机地结合在一起,形成步移景异的游园感。而空间的简约与纯粹中适当地点缀以雕塑,更给人以艺廊般的体验。
TROP:Terrains+Open Space: The Times Garden is located by the Qiantang River, which appears to be an artistic space based on minimalist architecture and a painting-like landscape. Each exterior space is created as a coordinating sequential network to make the visiting experience feel visually interconnected with surrounding interiors.
When thinking about Hangzhou, the Qiantang River, the West Lake, Longjing tea and Xixi Wetland Park are the most recognized features in the world. As the landscape architect wants to give the project a unique character, the design found its muse from Qiantang River and the West Lake. To respond to the neat architecture form, the landscape design uses mainly square patterns and layout to represent the local features. As soon as stepping into the park, the creek streams with the tea garden aroma, composing the overture.
Firstly, the designer reorganizes the space and rhythm. Through the combination of intense and relaxing feelings in rhythm and cadence, which varying sceneries with changing viewpoints. While the simple and pure space with sculptures provides an art gallery experience.
▼入口竖向水景 Entrance water feature
The central water garden expresses serenity and Zen. In the afternoon, strolling in the art building, passing through the space of opposite scenes of different angles with the waving tree shadow and the whispering breeze, the West Lake is concentrated in the small garden. As night falls, the base of the water garden gradually reveals light, interpreting the charm of the night.
▼中心水苑 The central water garden

Following the visitors, people will experience the tea fields, creeks, waterfalls, wetlands, and lake and bamboo forests in turn. Through the experiential landscape, the characteristic spaces are organically integrated into the demonstration area of the Times Garden to create a unique new name card of the city.
▼中心水苑施工过程 Construction process of the central water garden
▼竖向水景施工过程 Construction process of the entrance water feature
▼平面图 Plan
设计公司:T.R.O.P : terrains + open space
联系邮箱:admin@trop.land; shanghai@tropstudios.com
主创设计师:Pok Kobkongsanti
设计团队:Peerasit Saengwanloy, Thongchai Sinsansiri, Yunya Tang, Yichiao Lin, Kittinan Sookpan, Xu Ke
Project name: The Times Garden
Year of completion: 2019
Project area: 3400㎡ within the red line+1800㎡ outside the red line
Project location: Hangzhou, China
Design company: T.R.O.P : terrains + open space
Company website: https://www.trop.land/
Contact email: admin@trop.land; shanghai@tropstudios.com
Lead designer: Pok Kobkongsanti
Design team: Peerasit Saengwanloy, Thongchai Sinsansiri, Yunya Tang, Yichiao Lin, Kittinan Sookpan, Xu Ke
Client / Developer: Yanlord Land Hangzhou Company, Hangzhou Binjiang Real Estate
Partners: GAD, GM landscape design, W.DESIGN
Photo credit: Holi landscape photography
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