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Thanks TROP: terrains + open space for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by TROP: terrains + open space.
TROP:Terrains+Open Space:静安世纪项目位于中国上海市静安区。虽然地处繁华热闹的都市中心,但它北侧是建成多年的商业广场,西侧是尚在开发的大型商业中心,周围并无任何自然景色可借。场地是块一览无余的开放区域。作为建筑主要展示面与市政人行道之间仅有的一块空间,该景观部分也是访客进入示范区的主要流线。要如何在这30x20M的空间内给访客留下耳目一新的印象和打动内心的体验是本次设计的难点。
TROP:Terrains+Open Space: The site of Yanlord Jing’an Century is situated in one of Shanghai’s core central districts, Jing’an, and will be developed into residential apartments surrounded by cultural institutions, offices, and commercial developments. The landscape area is a 30x20m rectangular space. Being the only connection between the pedestrian and the sales gallery requires its design to catalyze a fresh impression and to convey the brand identity of “Returning to The Essentials”.
▼场地鸟瞰 Overlooking of the site

The site constrains and the need to leverage the inspiration led to 4 stages of a visiting experience:
Stage 1 – Arrival appearance
The purpose of the opening stage is to create a boundary appearance to complement the architecture. When visitors arrive, the first impression should be a clean elegant box-shaped gallery building. The landscape designer expands the architectural visual language by applying a similar material to the feature wall along the public walkway. Since the landscape area is relatively compressed, comparing with the volume of the building. The design opens a window on the feature wall to bring spatial fluidity to this area. In this way, the arrival not only offers a sense of urban context leaking a view from the street but forecasts a surprise factor within the riverside forest as well.

Stage 2 – The Journey
As the site starved for green space, the second experience aims to create a niwa (Japanese), a small controlled area, that reveals a representation of mother nature. At the entrance, the planting announces an opening of the niwa, and invites people through a meandering waterscape. As visitors walk into the forest court, they can feel a softer and more relaxed environment and sense the artistic taste from the layered sculptural planters. By leveraging landform, the boundary walls morphed into organic multi-dimensional green waves to facilitates the feeling of being in a forest wonderland. Walking over halfway, the water reflection lights up the whole space. With the waterscape, visitors can wander around or look into the varying sceneries with changing viewpoints. Together, the layered greens and water reflection make the space full of peace and mystery.

Stage 3 – Landscape of senses
At the third stage, the ornamental garden immerses oneself in the beauty of landscape and creates an illusion of an urban escape. Two white cloud marble benches float above the greeneries directing people towards well-composed perspectives. One can enjoy listening to the sound of gurgling water around, as well as watching the cascade at the front and the misty forest from afar. The sense perceptions – color and textures, temperature, movements and aromas – all are eloquently and artistically presented in the landscape.

▼爵士白坐凳在曲线花池中 The white cloud marble benches float above the greeneries

Stage 4 – Enclose one’s self
The final stage is the viewing courtyard extending from the interior to the west, blocking the interference of the west parking lot on the indoor sight, as well as providing a comfortable and beautiful background garden for visitors to negotiate and visit.

▼室内 Interior

For planting, we strive to design an integrated forest experience full of freedom and vitality. The designer carefully selects the trees based on seedling height, crown width, branch points, and overlap rate. The spatial composition allows people’s eyes to navigate through the foreground, middle ground, and background. We hope that the trees will continue to grow into forest creating amazing dancing shadow patterns in the future.

▼平面图 Plan
项目名称:仁恒静安世纪展示区 – 都市水岸森林 The Urban Riverside Forest
项目面积:3000 ㎡
设计公司:T.R.O.P : terrains + open space
联系邮箱:admin@trop.land; shanghai@tropstudios.com
主创设计师:Pok Kobkongsanti
Project name: The Urban Riverside Forest
Year of completion: 2020
Project area: 3000 ㎡
Project location: Shanghai, China
Design company: T.R.O.P : terrains + open space
Company website: https://www.trop.land/
Contact email: admin@trop.land; shanghai@tropstudios.com
Lead designer: Pok Kobkongsanti
Design team: Fusang Ren, Kehan Zhou, Huamei Yin, Tianheng Xiong
Client / Developer: Yanlord Land Shanghai Company
Partners: Tianhua group, GM landscape design
Photographer: Holi landscape photography, Fusang Ren
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