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Thanks BOX Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by BOX Studio.


BOX盒子实践景观事务所:  由时代中国率先而为,在广佛商圈、千灯湖中轴首造“TIC时代·全球创客小镇”,以创客精神,汇聚产业、商业、教育、生态、文化、居住价值于一体,掀开湾区全新形象篇章。

BOX Studio:  Taking the lead of Times China, we will first build “TIC Times · Global Maker Town” in Guangfu Business Circle and Qiandeng Lake. With the spirit of maker, we will bring together industry, commerce, education, ecology, culture and residential values, and open a new chapter of the Image of the Bay Area.




The whole design takes the future as the starting point, through the orderly geometry, staggered light and shadow, in a minimalist style, combined with special materials language. As the origin, it leads the new life style of the lantern Lake axis and tells the new story of the city.





When carrying on the spatial design, from the fundamental departure breaks the convention, redefines the spatial module. Make use of the space sloppily irregular, build”orderly disorderly”collision feeling, break refresh is the dawn of hope. Let the design and the time dialogue, leaves the invisible impression memory with the entity.




The geometric concept shapes the curved corridor, breaking the original square space and connecting the volume which is scattered in the rectangle in series.


▼廊道空间 Corridor space




Feel the spirit of the site to adapt to the site temperament, according to the site of the old memory, needs to create a “meaning” and “Fun” . Extreme curves and rhythmic composition, large-scale Circular Mirror water and the building accidentally meet closely linked. Makes the space atmosphere quietly changes, in the limited site to stimulate the infinite imagination. Visible invisible to enhance the space texture, so that the space has a more rhythmic sense of movement and temperament.


▼大尺度的圆形镜面水景 Large-scale circular mirror waterscape



As the building is reflected in the water, two arcs form an eye between the void and the solid. Look through this eye to the intersection of time and space.





The combination of the circle and the rectangle, enriches the sense of hierarchy and radiates the attractive appeal. A little emanate from the spiral path, with the Green Lawn set in the middle. The extension of the overall circular composition at the same time lead people to the center of the arts, people and natural space for integration. People can move forward through the imaginary interface, and the space flows through the people’s feelings and behaviors.


▼草坪空间鸟瞰 Aerial view of lawn space

▼下沉草坪 Sinking lawn

▼草坪空间外侧设计休闲坐凳 Design leisure stools outside the lawn space



Simple fold line shows the beauty of geometry, take the Youtiao as the design element. Let the work in the magnificent things, can also stay in the ordinary things. Viewed from a distance, the circular and square are interlaced, the grass and pavement are warm and cold, and nature and architecture are integrated.




The geometric blocks made up of straight lines and triangles are stacked and recombined to form different artistic spaces and postures, showing the power of geometry itself. The Spiritual Fortress stands still, waiting to meet you.


▼精神堡垒 Spiritual fortress




The vertical geometry block surface construction, achieves the profound artistic conception. The Gallery of the art center was designed with a patio designed to let natural light into the interior of the building. Form the crisscross of time, let the nature and the building melt into one body.


▼光影斜照下的艺术走廊空间 Art corridor space under oblique light and shadow



“如果物化的空间没有哲学性和逻辑的加持,它们存在或不存在都没有显然的价值” 。——余霖


When we design the space, we break away from the conventional, redefine the space pattern of various uses and attributes, and let the space leave the spirit and rhythm outside the space entity on the physical level.


▼效果图 Effect picture

▼节点详图 Node detail

▼推进过程 Advancing process



The Art Center olors.is an integration of architecture, landscape and interior. The whole landscape is made of 1.7 million tiles of 14 colors.


▼施工现场照片 Construction site photos

▼施工细节图 Construction details



In design, we’re always trying to create nature in our lives. Create in the view, in the feeling of the Communist Party of China. We give our designs traces of time, which can be a change in the world, or they can be an appraisal of the world. At the same time to give more flexible space, so that the building and the environment, so that the appearance of the city has a new content and thickness.


▼施工过程与呈现 Construction process and presentation





景观方案单位 :DOMANI 东仓建设 余霖
景观深化单位 :BOX盒子实践 (BOX博克斯林景观事务所)
建筑设计单位 :DOMANI 东仓建设 余霖
室内设计单位 :DOMANI 东仓建设 余霖
园林景观施工单位:农芳园林 博雅园林
精神堡垒制作单位 :敦行公共艺术

Project Name: Times Global Maker Town Art Center
Project owner: Times China
Owner team: Xiang Jie, Fu Jiaqi, Tan Huoji, Yang Huan, Li Hui, Ling Hefeng, Chen Manzhi, Xu Heng
Landscape plan unit: DOMANI Dongcang Construction Yu Lin
Landscape Deepening Unit: BOX Practice (BOX Boxlin Landscape Office)
Architectural design unit: DOMANI Dongcang Construction Yu Lin
Interior design unit: DOMANI Dongcang Construction Yu Lin
Landscape Construction Unit: Nongfang Gardens Boya Gardens
Spirit Fortress Production Unit: Dunhang Public Art
Photography team: beyond vision
Project location: Foshan, Guangdong
Completion time: 2021



审稿编辑:王琪 -Maggie

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