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Soil in Design :Located in Diqing Prefecture of Yunnan province, Snub-nosed Monkey National Park is a naturally scenic site covering more than 300 square kilometers. Attracting visitors from around the world, its high altitude, pollution-free air, and abundant vegetation lent it the status as the last home of the black snub-nosed monkeys. The architect was commissioned to renovate and upgrade the outdated facilities near the park’s entrance to fulfill more diverse needs.


▽林里亭夜景Woodland Pavilion from afar

▽临水的钢台引人亲近自然Steel counter near stream


场地与条件 Site & Conditions


The entrance site is a natural slope comprised of walnut groves cut into varying sizes by roads and parking lots; a babbling brook flowing with snowmelt mountain water cuts through the site from north to south; its trickling noise soothes any weary mind upon encounter.


▽露天电影广场Open air movie terrace


需求与策略 Program & Strategy


The client’s intention was to set up campsites and new service facilities near the park’s entrance, allowing visitors to remain close to nature whilst residing in the forest. The architect’s strategy was simple: to minimize interference with nature by using retractable tents – alternatingly placed along the stream, so each tenant can enjoy a view to the water as they drift into sleep. Moreover, the architect restrained the extent of intervention by only building two new pavilions elsewhere – thereby meeting the most essential needs for reception and dining.


▽篝火广场全景Fire pit amphitheater

▽篝火广场近景Fire pit amphitheater

▽公共区域Campsite public area


▽帐篷内景Tent view from interior

▽帐篷阳台Tent balcony


一、林里亭 Woodland Pavilion

功能与形式 Function and Form:


Adjacent to the road, Woodland Pavilion serves as the campsite’s reception area. United under a single shed roof, the architect compacted the front desk, lounge, storage, and other functions into an interconnected whole. A long, custom-crafted table flows and twists through its space, allowing activities to unfold around it – all the while keeping a variety of other layout options available for change.


▽林里亭一角Roadside facade with lower eaves


▽临近道路一侧檐口低垂Roadside edge defined by louvers


▽吧台对望Interior scenery

▽亭内布置Interior furnishings

▽亭内多功能桌台Twisting stone counter

▽亭中石台Stone counter within Woodland Pavilion


▽透过格栅的林景Forest as viewed from interior

▽亭里望林Forest as viewed from interior


结构与材料 Structure and Material:


Woodland Pavilion was constructed out of light-steel structure painted in dark colors, appearing slender and clean. The long table and walls are built out of locally sourced stones from the park, exuding a rustic charm.


▽朴素的材料搭配 Masonry and steel as main materials

▽体型明确的单坡屋面Stone walls with staggered heights


▽林中望亭View from forest

▽林中望亭View from forest


界面与装饰 Furnishings and Décor:


Towards the road, the pavilion’s roof is sloped down to obstruct noise into the building; on the other side, the roof is raised and extended, framing a full view of the forest beyond. Both sides are lined with floor-to-ceiling operable louvers. When opened or closed, coupled with spherical lights scattered within, the pavilion appears playful yet boundless.


▽道路一侧望亭View from road further down

▽朝向景观一侧屋面抬起Woodland Pavilion’s roof raised towards the forest


二、溪边亭 Streamside Pavilion

功能与形式 Function and Form:


The function of Streamside Pavilion is to serve as a dining spot. Its original site had an outdated stone terrace which have been repeatedly repaired. Bounded by the stream with snowmelt water, as well as two graceful, timeless trees rooted near its edge, the platform naturally lent itself a place in the architect’s mind upon first visit as an idyllic resting spot – hence his expression “a platform awaits a pavilion”. This new pavilion is also very simple: a single shed roof propped up by ten square columns, sloping in parallel to stone terrace’s direction of descent, as if ground and roof were a singular entity.


▽遁入自然的亭Hidden platform pavilion

▽临溪吧台Streamside countertops

▽融于自然的亭台View of Streamside Pavilion from opposite side

▽远望临溪亭Streamside Pavilion from afar


结构与材料 Structure and Material:


Streamside Pavilion employed the same slender structural language from before; except this time, the roof’s edge is defined by the stone terrace’s outline. In addition, walls of newly added service space are made with natural stone, becoming one with the platform.


▽存在多年的石台与古树成为新亭的地基a platform awaits a pavilion

▽临溪亭全貌New pavilion roof parallel to terrace’s line of descent

▽纤细简明的结构体系Slender light-steel structures


▽钢台与结构柱相连Connection detail of steel counter and column


界面与装饰 Furnishings and Décor:


Unlike Woodland Pavilion and its busy décor, Streamside Pavilion strived for simplicity and clarity, allowing maximum transparency to its surrounding features. The only new intervention is a continuous, horizontal plane of steel weaved between the sloping roof and terrace. From left to right, depending on its height to the terrace steps, it is simultaneously a bar counter, table, and bench. Twisting and turning through space, its proximity to nature and whimsical form attracts visitors to enter and explore.


▽水平钢台成为临溪吧台Steel countertop and bar stools

▽水平钢台成为座椅Steel counter as bench

▽水平钢台临近景观布置Horizontal steel counter floating above the terraced steps

▽水平钢台临水抱树Steel counter weaved around tree

▽水平钢台与倾斜的屋顶和地面Angled roof parallel to terraced platform and horizontal steel counter


▽转折的钢台成为一件家具Turning detail of steel counter


结语 Final Remarks


For the two pavilion’s construction, the architect was essentially fully immersed on-site: designing on-the-spot, site supervision, occasional adjustments – it all lent the process the added upside of immediacy and instant problem-solving. Different from conventional design process, where stages between drawing to construction were clearly outlined, this intervention was more impromptu, even casual – but neither was it naïve or loose. It was an overall joyful design-build experience.


▽林里亭平面 Plan

▽临溪亭平面 Plan




设计方: 金磊 北京土驻设计事务所创始合伙人 主持建筑师
设计团队:金磊 Angrybircai 王霹雳 孟寒
客户:滇金丝猴国家公园 北京柒影文化传媒有限公司

Project Name: To Build Pavilions for a Haven: Revitalization of Shangri-La’s Yunnan Snub-nosed Monkey National Park environment improvement
Project type: Architecture/Landscape
Designer: Jin Lei, Founding partner of Beijing Tuzhin Design Office, presiding architect
The email address is jinleiarchitecture@126.com
Project Design: 2022.8
Year completed: 2022.10
Design team: Jin Lei Angrybircai king Pili Meng Han
Project address: Tacheng Town, Weixi County, Shangri-La, Diqing Prefecture, Yunnan Province
Floor area: 200 square meters
Copyright: Jin Lei
Client: Yunnan Golden Monkey National Park Beijing Qiying Culture Media Co., LTD



审稿编辑:  Maggie

更多 Read more about: 北京土驻设计