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Thanks Landing Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Landing Studio.
Landing Studio:“基础空间计划”是由马萨诸塞州交通部发起的一项全州范围的倡议计划,旨在更新高架桥下的空间,以改善城市和生态性能。“基础空间1号”是一个试点项目,横跨波士顿市中心,全长近半英里。
Landing Studio:The Infra-Space program is a statewide initiative with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to re-evaluate spaces under viaducts for better urban and ecological performance. Infra-Space 1 is the pilot project, spanning nearly a half-mile in length through the middle of downtown Boston.

▼基地平面 Site Plan

The project includes a stormwater management landscape that diverts the runoff from the viaduct, improved maintenance access, public recreation, and a series of scaffold structures that support operable lighting and art installations.

The project received 2019 AIA National Honor Award for Regional and Urban Design, a 2017 Waterfront Center Honor Award, a 2014 BSA Unbuilt Design Award, and a 2018 WalkBoston Golden Shoe Award.

▼雨水管理 Stormwater Management

▼夜晚的娱乐空间 Public Recreation

▼场地径流结构 Site River

▼太阳能轴测分析图 Solar analysis axonometric

▼篮球场矢量平面 basketball plan vector

▼剖面图 Section

地点:美国 波士顿
建筑:Landing Studio
面积:30万平方英尺- 50万平方英尺
Project name: Infra-Space1: Underground at Ink Block
Location: Boston, MA
Architect: Landing Studio
Year: 2017
Size: 300,000 sqft – 500,000 sqft
Engineering: VHB
更多 Read more about: Landing Studio