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Thanks Original Design Studio, TJAD for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Original Design Studio, TJAD.
Original Design Studio, TJAD: The project is situated in the core area of Taizhou City, at the mouth of Taizhou Bay on the south bank of Jiaojiang River. As a critical starting point for Taizhou’s “Development on both sides of the same river and across the river”, the advance section of public space on the south bank of Jiaojiang River takes advantage of the opportunity of upgrading the seawall. It focuses on the theme of “Gathering Jiaojiang River Bank, Harmonious Life” to create a “super seawall” that is super safe, super connected, super ecological, super memorable, and super active. The project aims to enhance the protection standard of the seawall, introduce compound urban functions, promote ecological protection, and transform the public space on the south bank of Jiaojiang River into a “living belt”. It truly realizing the melting pond in the city, returning the pond to the people, revitalizing the pond in the industry, and enriching the pond in the culture.
▽超级海塘顶视图,the top view of seawall

1.安全海塘Safe seawall——
The design’s basic demand is to upgrade the seawall’s protection standard. The seawall’s protection standard has been increased from once in 50 years to once in 100 years, and two ecological slope protections have been added to achieve twice water blocking. Additionally, ecological slope consolidation technology has been used to ecologize hard revetment, forming an ebb and flow zone that echoes the tide. The slope protection is sturdy and resistant to erosion, which can effectively enhance the stability of the tidal flat and greatly improve the seawall’s safety.
▽临江鸟瞰图,the aerial view

▽(对比)原始驳岸,the original revetment

▽(对比)生态固坡,ecological slope fixing

▽工业驳岸再利用,reuse of industrial revetment

2.记忆海塘Memorized seawall——
The design conducted prototype research on the large-scale sand and stone field left along the original site, extracted the dune-like unit and linear conveyor belt elements to echo the site’s memory, transformed the dune into a green hill, and upgraded the track to a walking track. Combined with the second-level flood control platform along the riverbank, 15 groups of conical units form a “Super Bowl” viewing system that can be entered, climbed, crossed, and enjoyed through different spatial combinations of upright and inverted. Besides viewing, you can look back to the rumbling work scene in the sand field.
▽江岸原址大规模沙石场及传送带, sand and stone field (original state)

▽结合二级防汛平台的“超级碗”系统, the ‘Super Bowl’ system

▽“超级碗”观游系统, the roaming system of ‘Super Bowl’

3.生态海塘Ecological seawall——
Due to natural factors such as river tides, typhoons, and seawater, as well as human activities such as construction, flood discharge, and silt removal, the ecological environment of the original site was not good. The design has implanted an artificial wetland system to promote the riverbank from brown to green. The ecological team has innovatively proposed the combined process of “horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland + surface flow constructed wetland + submerged plant pond”: a complete purification system formed by taking the horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland as the primary treatment process and supplemented by secondary purification assistance of surface flow wetland. A water pump is set at the southeast end of the area to draw water from Yongning River and enter the horizontal subsurface flow wetland in the humvee and stepped shape of the southern block for one-time treatment, then merge into and flow through the nearby surface flow wetland. After being lifted by a water pump, it is transported into the “beer can” facility through a canal. After being disinfected by ultraviolet light, it flows out of the children’s paddling pool in the north plot in the form of a waterfall or a waterfall, and flows into the surface flow wetland and submerged plant pond for secondary purification. Finally, it is discharged into Jiaojiang River.
▽湿地净化系统分析图, analysis of wetland system

▽生态海塘, ecological seawall

▽叠池戏水, the ‘water-play pool’

The design incorporates a softened seawall using polyurethane slope protection material, which eco-fies the previously rigid revetment and creates a diverse vegetation habitat for plants such as reeds and cattails. The tidal fluctuations also create a tidal flat with varying plant communities, providing a space for animals and plants to thrive and return to the riverbank.
▽生态分析图, analysis of ecological system

▽多层次生态岸线, multi-level ecological shoreline

The design makes full use of the gap space between two sluice gates, and creates a multi-level observation platform that connects the two isolated hydraulic facilities. The platform consists of seven sets of slanting stairs as the main support structure, which combines the structural form and the roaming path. Transparent glass boxes are inserted as public service functions, providing citizens with the best viewing point for overlooking Jiaojiang. The hundred-meter-long bridge spans the seawall and extends into the estuary, bringing a unique experience to get close to the natural beach.
▽(对比)双闸驿站原始场景, the original scene of sluice(original state)

▽(对比)双闸驿站—百米长桥视角, super-sluice-view of 100 meters long bridge

▽双闸驿站生成分析图, generating analysis of Super-sluice

By connecting the gaps, linking the riverfront, passing-through three passages, introducing new functions, and innovating the structures, the previously isolated hydraulic facilities have been transformed into vibrant waterfront public spaces. These nodes have added warmth and vitality to the once dull and lifeless areas along the riverbanks.
▽双闸驿站—永宁河视角, super-sluice — View of Yongning River

▽双闸驿站市民活动场景, super-sluice-scene of civic activity

5、乐活海塘Lively seawall——
The Double-sluice posthouse and Super Bowl, which grow out of the dike, has brought abundant activity space for citizens. From the rooftop terraces to the 100-meter bridge stretching out into the Jiaojiang River, from the suspended walkway to flower pools and waterfalls inside the Super Bowl. the Super Sea Wall offers a diverse, multi-dimensional, warm, memorable, and vibrant waterfront experience for people of different backgrounds.
On September 9, 2022, the first section of seawall was officially opened, and the average daily passenger flow of 30,000 was witness to the charm of the “Super joy”.
▽百米长桥夜景, Night view of the 100-meter Long bridge

▽超级海塘夜景,night view of Super sea pond

技术图纸Technical drawing
▽椒江南岸滨江公共空间 (先行段) 总平面图,master plan

▽双桥闸驿平面图, super-sluice – plan

▽双桥闸驿立面图, super-sluice – elevation

摄影师网站: http://www.zyarch.cn
Architectural Office: Original Design Studio/TJAD
Lead Architects: Zhang Ming, Zhang Zi, Ding Chun
Design Team:Chen Kaiyang, Ding Kuo, Wang Xunan, Lin Yuyang, Liu Bingrui, Zhang Wenjun, Wu Yanyang, Jiang Yuwei(Intern), Liu Hao(Intern)
Structural Team: Wang Jinhua , Wang Rui, Zhang Zhun
Ecological Team: Wang Jieqiong, Wang Min, Cheng Shuiping, Wang Rongrong, Chen Mengxuan , Chen Junyan,Song Haoyang
Mechanical and Electrical Team: Zhao Shiguang, Wang Chenlu(Water Supply and Drainage), Shi You, Jiang Haoqing (Electrical), Shao Zhe, Lu Hong (HVAC)
Lighting Team: Yang Xiu, Ma Yue, Wang Xiaoxiao, Chen Yu,Yu Guo , Wang Panpan
Planting Design Team: Li Yaqian, Gao Weihong
Hydraulic Engineering Team: Zhu Xiaochen, Wang Yi
Seawall Design: North China Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., East China Investigation, Design and Research Institute
Location: South Bank, Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
Construction Company: Taizhou Jiaojiang Urban Development Investment Group Co., Ltd.
Completion Year: 2021
Landscape Area:3.5 hectares
Photography: ZY Architectural Photography, Original Design Studio
Photographer’s Website: http://www.zyarch.cn
“ 原本孤立的水工设施转变成具有温度的滨江公共空间节点,江岸的灰色地带也转变为充满活力的绽放地带。”
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