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Gustafson Porter + Bowman:继高速列车线路被迁至地下后,瓦伦西亚中央公园成为该市迄今为止最重要的重建项目之一。该项目占地共66公顷,已获得7300万欧元的投资,将创建一个新的现代公共公园,以颂扬该地区的文化。这个占地为23公顷的公园将成为城市的社交中心,将以前被铁路分割的东西两部分居民区连接起来。最终,它还将连接城市的其他地区和南部43公顷的重建区域。
Gustafson Porter + Bowman: Following the relocation of high-speed trains below ground, Valencia’s Parque Central is one of the city’s most significant redevelopments to date. The 66-hectare site has received €73m of investment and will create a new contemporary public park which celebrates the culture of the region. This 23-hectare park will become the social heart of the city, uniting eastern and western neighbourhoods that were previously divided by the railway. Eventually it will also connect other areas of the city to a 43-hectare redeveloped Southern zone.
▽总体规划 Master plan

该项目以突出的特征和贯穿始终的“水”为定义,旨在将瓦伦西亚的历史、文化和地理特征提炼成一个引人入胜的当代公园和可持续的城市公共空间。受瓦伦西亚作家Ausiàs的一首诗“Aigua plena de seny”(充满智慧的水)的启发,我们的设计承认瓦伦西亚作为欧洲历史上主要贸易和文化中心的独特地位,以及它位于几个独特的生态区之间,成为连接图里亚河保护区、农业基地(La Huerta)、阿尔布费拉自然公园和地中海的纽带。
Defined by bold features and the use of water throughout, the project aims to distil the historical, cultural and geographical uniqueness of Valencia into an engaging, contemporary park and sustainable urban public space. Inspired by a poem written by Valencian writer Ausiàs March, ‘Aigua plena de seny’, (water full of wisdom), our design acknowledges Valencia’s unique position as a major trading and cultural centre in European history and its location between several ecological habitats: the Turia River reserve, the agricultural plain (La Huerta), the Albufera Natural Park and the Mediterranean Sea.
▽已建成阶段实景图 The completed stage

The first phase (11.5ha) is comprised of a series of varied, multi-level gardens and re-purposed railway buildings that collectively serve as a focal point for a range of age groups and community uses. It is characterised with areas for art, sports, recreational activities, and community events that refer to three quintessential Valencian characteristics: water, food, and the Mediterranean landscape.

References to the local tradition of ceramics and earthenware are expressed through the design of ‘bowls’, which provide a unifying gesture with water as its overarching theme. These bowl-like spaces or ‘Ullal’ in Valencian, are created through sculpted landforms, and when completed will create spaces for art, programmed activities, the community, history and cultural events. Water pools, jets, and channels welcome people to the park and encourage interaction and play.

The colourful and sensory planting palette draws on the flora and fauna of the region and has become a vital new ecological component within the city. Materials such as marble, granite, and Calatorao limestone, typical of Valencia, are used with compacted gravel for pathways throughout the park.

该项目于2011年在国际竞赛中获胜,当时Gustafson Porter+Bowman与瓦伦西亚的Nova Ingeniería项目管理公司和Grupotec工程公司以及巴塞罗那的建筑师Borgos Pieper成立了合资企业。
Developed over eight years, the first phase has precipitated urban renewal in the adjacent urban district of Russafa, now popular with cafés, bars and boutique shops. Following the construction of the remaining two phases over the coming years, the completed 23ha park will unite neighbourhoods that are currently divided by railway lines.
The project was won in international competition in 2011, when Gustafson Porter + Bowman formed a joint venture with Valencia-based firms Nova Ingeniería Project Management and Grupotec Engineers, and Barcelona-based architects, Borgos Pieper.

▽项目区位 Location

▽“碗”状场地 Bowls with Area Names

▽公园场地分析 Site analysis
▽总平面布局图 Master Plan

▽公园结构(植被)分析 Park Structure,Vegetacion

项目名称:Valencia Parque Central
项目地点:西班牙 瓦伦西亚
景观/建筑公司:Gustafson Porter + Bowman
首席建筑师:Borgos Pieper Architects
设计团队:GP+B, Borgos Pieper Architects, Nova Ingenieria 以及 Grupotec
客户:Valencia Parque Central Alta Velocidad 2003 S.A.
合作伙伴:Escofet、Urbidermis、Mata、Durbanis、Colomer、Setga、BDU、Kompan、Action Park
图片来源:Richard Bloom
Project Name: Valencia Parque Central
Completion Year: 2019 (first phase)
Scale: 23-hectare (11.9 hec.first phase)
Project Location: Valencia, Spain
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Gustafson Porter + Bowman
Website: https://www.gp-b.com/valencia-parque-central
Contact e-mail: ecarranza@gp-b.com
Lead Architects: Borgos Pieper Architects
Design Team: GP+B, Borgos Pieper Architects, Nova Ingenieria and Grupotec
Clients: Valencia Parque Central Alta Velocidad 2003 S.A.
Collaborators: Escofet, Urbidermis, Mata, Durbanis, Colomer, Setga, BDU, Kompan, Action Park
Photo Credits: Richard Bloom
Photographer’s Website: www.richardbloom.co.uk
“ 设计灵感来源于当地传统陶瓷,以‘碗’的概念结合了公园的独特形态、空间走势和‘水’的设计主题使公园成为一个统一的总体。而最终形态则展示了一组大小不一的容器,每个容器中保存了艺术、活动、人物、山水、历史和文化的回忆。”
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