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Archi-Tectonics: A green Hybrid, the 800m long core artery of Archi-Tectonics’ masterplan for a 116-acre Eco-park for the 2023 Asian Games, merges two entities: a green valley with the shopping mall: the “Valley Village’.

Stretched across a mile-long site bisected by a road and river, the eco-park synthesizes a recreational landscape with flexibly programmed structures, including two hybrid stadiums and four Earth buildings, to become the new center for public life in Hangzhou and act as a green lung for the city.
The Valley Village Shopping Concept is not an inert fixture in the city but a mutant urban hybrid that creates a multifarious, ever-evolving ecology—a scaffold for biological, social, and economic growth. The hybrid design for the Valley Village reintroduces local vegetation carefully picked to preserve local biodiversity and secures the long-term viability of the Eco park with enhanced commercial activity.
▽被称之为城市绿肺的生态公园 An ecological park called the green lung of the city

▽场地被一条主要道路和河流一分为二 Site bisected by a road and river

The Valley Village Shopping Concept assists in the park’s mandate of having the eco-park remain 85% green, the recessed green valley with circular shopping pavilions, two parking garages providing underground delivery access are all topped with walkable green roofs. These roofs, combined with those of the other Earth buildings, increase onsite water retention and allow for the filtering and reuse of stormwater at the park itself. The combined green roofs have offset the impact of construction by absorbing 114,850 kg of carbon dioxide and releasing 83,408 kg of oxygen every year.
▽轴测图 Axonometric drawing

▽覆土建筑与下沉花园 Earth covered buildings and sunken gardens

“山谷购物村庄”的天然蜿蜒形态无缝融入公园的总体规划,并通过自动扶梯和人行桥高效连接到周边的街道网络。另方面,“山谷购物村庄”采用透水铺装,而排水渠则利用当地石头来最大程度减少雨水径流。“山谷购物村庄”的户外公共空间沿路设有玻璃门面的咖啡厅、餐厅、艺术画廊和商店,而针对项目特别设计的两组太阳能翼屏 (Solar Wings) 则提供了照明和遮阳,引风吹进下沉式空间,激活“山谷购物村庄”的商业活动。交通网络设于地下,在不破坏上方绿地景观的前提下提供高效的后勤运作、货运路线和连接公园所有其他区域的人行通道。地下还设有电影院和体育设施,为杭州市提供了又一休闲娱乐场所。
The organic form of the Valley Shopping Concept seamlessly integrates with the park’s masterplan and efficiently plugs into the surrounding street network with escalators and pedestrian bridges. Additionally, the Valley Village features permeable pavement, and linear drains featuring local stones that minimize stormwater runoff. Two custom-designed solar wings provide lighting, shading and channel fresh air into the valley, as well as activate the shopping artery with a series of outdoor gathering courts and glass-lined cafés, restaurants, art-galleries, and shops. The underground network offers efficient back-of-house services, deliveries, and access to all areas of the park without disrupting the natural landscape above. It also hosts a cinema and sport facilities, creating another leisure destination in the city.
▽建筑与周边环境相互融合 The building blends with its surroundings

▽地下通道 underpass

▽自动扶梯和人行天桥将周围的街道网络进行连接 Escalators and pedestrian bridges connect the surrounding street network

混合型建筑与进化型城市形态 Hybrid Architecture and Mutant Urban Forms
The architecture of the Village Valley Shopping Concept, hybrid and yet distinctive, actively activates a cool micro-climate, leisurely conditions and symbiotic living system for all beings. The Valley Village presents a future Urban building concept that absorbs carbon, transmits oxygen, and produces energy, the design dynamically adapts and reacts to the immediate environment.
▽公园夜景 Park night view

“零土”景观设计策略与“海绵城市”概念 Zero-Earth Strategy and Sponge-City Concept
A zero-earth strategy was employed: excavating the originally flat site for the underground construction of the Valley Village Shopping Concept facilitated using the removed soil to shape a landscape of up to 20-meter-high rolling hills, wetlands, bioswales, and streams. This created opportunities to introduce Earth buildings with extensive green roofs that enhance the hydrology of the park and cater to recreational outdoor activities. Overall, the eco-park has been transformed into a large sponge-city that absorbs stormwater in the restored wetlands, porous pavement and channeled throughout the site as well as from the surrounding neighborhood and streets.
▽以当地石材为特色的线性排水沟 Linear drains featuring local stones

▽采用透水铺装进行雨水收集 Rainwater collection with permeable pavement

By treating buildings, landscapes, and environments as a continuum, developments can promote the well-being of both the habitat and its inhabitants. Moreover, by blurring the boundaries between traditional architectural typologies and the limited purpose they are meant to serve, cities can begin to host mutant urban forms, as synthetic natures, that fuse formal with the informal, organic with the synthetic, and built with the unbuilt.
▽总平面图 Plan

▽建筑平面图 Architectural plan

▽立面图 Elevation

▽剖面图 Section

项目名称: 山谷购物村庄概念
完成年份: 2022
项目面积: 36,000 m2 / 365,000 sf
项目地点: 中国杭州
设计公司: Archi-Tectonics
公司网址: https://www.archi-tectonics.com/
联系邮箱: studio@archi-tectonics.com
主创设计师: Winka Dubbeldam
设计团队: Justin Korhammer, Paul Starosta, Dongliang Li, Maud Fonteyne, Soyeon Cha, Boden Davies, Alex Bahr
客户:Government: Gongshu District City Village Reconstruction Department
合作方: (建筑单位、施工单位等)
结构工程:Thornton Tomasetti
交通规划:Mobility in Chain
机电工程:Ryan Soames Engineering
摄影师: SFAP建筑摄影
Project name: Valley Village Shopping Concept
Year completed: 2022
Project area: 36,000 m2/365,000 sf
Project location: Hangzhou, China
Design firm: Archi-Tectonics
Company website: https://www.archi-tectonics.com/
Contact email: studio@archi-tectonics.com
Lead Designer: Winka Dubbeldam
Design team: Justin Korhammer, Paul Starosta, Dongliang Li, Maud Fonteyne, Soyeon Cha, Boden Davies, Alex Bahr
Client: Government: Gongshu District City Village Reconstruction Department
Partner: (construction unit, construction unit, etc.)
LDI: Zhejiang Province Institute of Architectural Design and Research (ZIAD)
Structural Engineering: Thornton Tomasetti
Transport Planning: Mobility in Chain
Landscape Design:! Landscape Design:! Melk
Mechanical Engineers: Ryan Soames Engineering
General Contractor: Zhejiang XinSheng Construction Group
Photographer: SFAP Shanghai
“ 休闲、娱乐、购物为一体的城市生态可持续性公园。”
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