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STUDIO TCS:流水瀑布是悉尼公园雨水收集和再利用项目中的一个环境艺术作品。
STUDIO TCS:Water Falls is the environmental artwork for the Sydney Park Stormwater Harvesting & Re-Use Project in St Peters.

Stormwater is harvested from the streets of the surrounding catchment and purified in biofiltration swales throughout the wetlands. The cleansed water leaves the swales in the downstream wetlands along sets of terracotta troughs and falls into the wetland ponds. The support structures provide bird perches to integrate the artwork into both the stormwater and habitat systems of the wetlands.

At the head of the recirculating system ‘water falls’ into the uppermost wetland through a series of interconnected troughs. The water falls from either end of each trough. One end falls to the ensuing lower level trough, the other to the pond below to create a series of incrementally diminishing water falls.

▼雨水收集过程 Stormwater Harvesting Process

艺术家:Jennifer Turpin & Michaelie Crawford(StudioTCS,悉尼)
尺寸:10 – 40米长
景观设计:Turf Design Studio and Environmental Partnership
合作伙伴:Turf Design Studio, Environmental Partnership, Alluvium and DragonFly Environmental
图片:Ian Hobbs Media
Artists : Jennifer Turpin & Michaelie Crawford (StudioTCS, Sydney)
Date of Completion: 2013
Dimensions: 10 – 40 metres long
Materials: terracotta pipe and painted steel
Location: Sydney Park, St Peters, Sydney, Australia
Client: City of Sydney
Owner: City of Sydney
Landscape Architects: Turf Design Studio and Environmental Partnership
Hydrology: Alluvium
Habitat Ecologist: Dragonfly
Collaborators: Turf Design Studio, Environmental Partnership, Alluvium and DragonFly Environmental
Photos: Ian Hobbs Media
2015 Sydney Design Award- Environmental Design
2015 LNL Excellence Award Sustainable Landscape for Water Falls and Sydney Park
2016 Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Award for Water Falls and Sydney Park Storm Water Harvesting Scheme
2016 the American Architecture ‘s International Landscape Architecture of the year award
2018 shortlisted for the Civic Trust Award, Europes oldest award for the built environment Photography / Videography: Ian Hobbs Media and Ethan Rohloff
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