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Thanks VERTEBRAL for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by VERTEBRAL.
VERTEBRAL: From the ground to the sky, from inside to outside. A space that redefines the “bathroom” as an almost spiritual site, a space focused on the individual.

Through mirrors and water, we obtain long views, reflections, and a space of ambiguity. The bathroom like a temple, a space that exalts the most intimate moments in everyday life.
▼镜子与水池 Mirrors and water

We conceive a pavilion where design, technology and nature converge in the same space that blurs the boundary between the exterior and the interior.
▼夜景 Night view

Architecture that revolves around luxury, detail and, above all, experience. The luxury in the 21st century is to have access to nature, tranquility and contemplation.

▼分解图 Axonometric

摄影:Jaime Navarro
Project Name: Water Pavilion
Year: 2019
Design and construction: VERTEBRAL
Project Location: Mexico
Photo: Jaime Navarro
审稿编辑 Hongyu
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