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Akb Architects:Pointe Au Baril 是加拿大最壮观的淡水景观之一。它位于多伦多以北三小时车程的地方,以其散布在乔治亚湾沿岸的许多前寒武纪岩石群岛而闻名,这些群岛形成了狭窄的水道,即使是经验丰富的船夫也会觉得在这里航行充满挑战。该地区吸引了许多定居者和季节性居民,他们都对这里原生态的美景怀有深深的敬意。
Akb Architects:Pointe Au Baril is among the most dramatic freshwater landscapes in Canada. Located three hours north of Toronto, it is known for its many Precambrian rock archipelagoes scattered along the coast of Georgian Bay, forming narrow waterways that even experienced boaters find challenging to navigate. The region attracts permanent and seasonal residents who share a profound respect for its untouched beauty.
Whistling Wind Island is one of the furthest islands from the mainland to be inhabited. Surrounded by open waters and expansive sky, it is continually exposed to changing water levels and mercurial weather patterns where morning sunshine can change to unexpected hail storms by the afternoon. The robust wind conditions make Pointe Au Baril the ideal location for the owner to enjoy his passion for kite surfing.

The cottage comprises a cluster of buildings, each scaled proportionately to the island’s one-acre size. Four pitch-roofed structures, harmoniously clad in silver-weathered cedar shingles, appear as though tossed around by the wind. In certain light conditions, they are barely discernible from the brownish-grey rocks surrounding them.

The main cottage is at the highest elevation. A bunkie, a sauna, and a boat storage containing a small fitness room are located on different outcroppings and reachable via wooden plank gangways that link to boat landings and fill gaps between rocks.

与许多只为一处景观而建的度假别墅不同,别墅主屋和 Bunkie 小屋的大部分侧面都建有环绕式露台,可以欣赏到各个方向的美丽景色。它们以不对称的方式在地面呈扇形展开,台阶顺应自然的岩石地形设置,弱化了前后入口的空间感。三层可开启玻璃墙提供了多种在室内外轻松移动的方式,从而打破了传统的朝向。可伸缩的墙壁还能控制热量,使室内凉风习习。深凹的窗户点缀着建筑立面,悬挑的窗檐雕刻在建筑主体上,既能遮挡夏日的烈日,又有助于减少太阳辐射热量。
Unlike many summer homes sited in favour of one vista, the cottage and bunkie are surrounded on most sides by wrap-around decks for taking in panoramic views in every direction. Their asymmetric shapes fan out over the terrain with steps angled in harmony with the natural topology of the sediment rock. There is very little sense of front and back entry points. Triple-pane operable glass walls dissolve a traditional orientation by providing multiple ways to move with ease between indoors and out. Retracting walls also provide natural thermal control with cross breezes cooling the interior. Deeply recessed windows punctuate the façade, with overhangs that are carved into the mass of the building which provide shade from the high summer sun and help to reduce solar heat gain.

天然材料 Natural materiality
别墅的主屋由一个开放式厨房、一个宽敞的用餐区和一个客厅组成,客厅中的壁炉墙由当地的 Muskoka 花岗岩板制成。定制的雪松粉刷木板横向铺设在墙壁上,与该处水天一色的地平线遥相呼应。教堂式的天花板上铺设了与之相匹配的木板,以现代的方式诠释了传统小屋中的山墙式木结构。
同样的材料也应用在 Bunkie 小屋中,使内部拥有被天然木墙、天花板和地板完全包围的温暖感。同样,每栋建筑的屋顶和外墙都连续覆盖着红雪松木,使每栋建筑的外形都具有立体感,窗户和内部空间就像是从一个坚固的整体中雕刻出来的。这些建筑在视觉上的坚固让人感到舒适,因为人们知道这些建筑可以抵御大自然的极端天气,而室内适度的规模和温暖的感受则提供了一个舒适的庇护所,尤其当夕阳西下时,人们的这些体会将最为强烈。由于窗户巨大,建筑内部还非常适合观看这座群岛夏季特有的暴风雨。
The main room of the cottage is comprised of an open kitchen, a generous dining area and a living room featuring a full-height fireplace wall made of local Muskoka granite slabs. Custom-made cedar whitewashed boards on the walls run horizontally to echo the continual presence of the location’s dominant water and sky horizon line. Matching wood planks line the cathedral ceiling, providing a contemporary interpretation of a gabled wood form found in traditional cottages.
The same material application is used in the bunkie, giving both interiors the warmth of being fully enveloped by natural wood walls, ceilings and floors. Likewise, the exterior of each building is continuously clad on the roof and walls with Western Red Cedar shakes, creating a stereotomic reading of each form from which the windows and interior volumes appear to have been carved out of an otherwise solid mass. The visual solidity of these buildings fosters comfort in knowing these dwellings can withstand the extreme weather patterns of nature, while the modest scale and tactile warmth of the interiors provide a cozy refuge that is experienced most intensely when the sun sets. Given the large windows, the building interiors are ideal for watching the dramatic summer storms that are characteristic of Pointe Au Baril.

主屋占地 1800 平方英尺,内设两间卧室、一间共用浴室和一间洗衣房,此外还有公共厨房、餐厅和起居室。Bunkie 小屋是主别墅的缩小版,可容纳四人,有两间卧室和一间共用浴室。它的核心是一个大型石板壁炉,将卧室与带餐桌的小厨房以及带双人沙发的休息区隔开。燃木壁炉作为两座小屋的核心,不仅能让人尽情享受自然生活,而且还是唯一的热源,使建筑内无需其他机械备用系统。
At 1,800 square feet, the main cottage houses two bedrooms, a shared ensuite bathroom, and a laundry room in addition to the communal kitchen, dining and living areas. The bunkie is a smaller version of the cottage, designed to sleep up to four in two bedrooms with a shared bathroom. A large flagstone fireplace at its core separates the bedrooms from a kitchenette with desk and lounge area with a pair of loveseats. While woodburning fireplaces in both indulge the sensation of elemental living, they are also the sole heat source, eliminating the need for mechanical backup systems.

与自然和谐共处 In sync with Nature
Whistling Wind Island rigorously addresses the challenges of building sustainably. The two primary residents are built upon the original footprints of preexisting structures. Triple-pane operable glass walls provide natural thermal control while deeply recessed windows punctuate the façade. Overhangs carved into the mass of the building provide shade and reduce solar heat gain, while woodburning fireplaces in both buildings eliminate the need for mechanical backup systems.

Pointe Au Baril 的度假季是短暂的,因为它受制于乘船进入岛屿的月份。到了 11 月,湖面开始结冰,度假季也随之结束。为了保护建筑物度过严冬,类似车库的嵌入式铝制卷门会滚落下来遮住窗户,浮动码头也会被从水中移走。
Water usage is also kept to a minimum, with low-flow plumbing fixtures and the only “bathtub” being Georgian Bay itself. A tankless, on-demand hot water system for the dishwasher and laundry reduces the amount of water required, and shortly, an outdoor shower will provide another lake-water bathing option. The lighting fixtures were selected to mimic the soft mood of candlelight and exterior lighting was eliminated altogether, in respect to the night sky and the moon’s reflection on the water. The interior glow is enough to illuminate the surrounding decks.
The cottaging season in Pointe Au Baril is short-lived as it is governed by the months in which the islands can be accessed by boat. By November, the ice begins to form on the lake, bringing the season to a close. In order to protect the buildings through the harsh winter months, recessed aluminum garage-like doors roll down to cover the windows and the floating docks are removed from the water.

▽场地平面图 Site plan

▽主屋平面图 Cottage plan

▽Bunkie 小屋+ 船库平面图 Bunkie + Boathouse plans

▽场地立面图 Site elevation

▽Bunkie 小屋立面图 Bunkie elevation

▽桑拿房立面图 Sauna elevation

▽船库立面图 Boathouse elevation

▽主屋立面图 Main cottage elevation

项目名称:Whistling Wind Island
项目地点:加拿大 安大略省 Pointe Au Baril
建筑事务所:Akb Architects
首席建筑师:Kelly Buffey, Robert Kastelic
设计团队:Donald Peckover, Byron White, Tim Wat, Antonio Morais, Nicole Rak
客户:Name withheld
家具:Anne Hepfer Design Inc.
Project name: Whistling Wind Island
Completion Year: 2024
Size-Cottage: 1800 sf
Bunkie: 970 sf
Sauna: 95 sf
Boat storage and fitness room: 265 sf
Island: one acre
Project location: Pointe Au Baril, Ontario, Canada
Architecture Firm: Akb Architects
Website: https://www.akb.ca/
Contact e-mail: communications@akb.ca
Lead Architects: Kelly Buffey, Robert Kastelic
Design Team: Donald Peckover, Byron White, Tim Wat, Antonio Morais, Nicole Rak
Clients: Name withheld
Furniture Curation: Anne Hepfer Design Inc.
Photo credits: Doublespace
Photographer’s website: https://www.doublespacephoto.com/
“ 一座可以享受自然的狂野与柔美的岛上度假屋。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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