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PIG DESIGN:”The cafes in the city and the footprints left in the mountains and forests both represent the wonderful aspects of modern life. I often find myself lost in between these two worlds.”——Li Wenqiang
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自然性与时间性,是PIG DESIGN从始至今在研究和热衷的话题。无论基础空间的尺度或业态,借助设计的力量,将生机、阳光、记忆、玩乐深刻关联,也重塑自然与商业、文化、社区、城市的可能关系。
Since its founding, PIG DESIGN has been dedicated to researching and promoting naturalness and timeliness in all its projects. Regardless of the project scale and type, PIG DESIGN harnesses the power of design to create environments that foster vitality, sunshine, memory, and fun, thus reshaping the possible connections between nature and business, culture, community, and city.
定位于户外生活方式集合体,WILD BACK野回恰处在幽静的西湖和熙攘的闹市之间,抵达这里仿佛进入另一个时空。石块、草坡、山脉营造出荒野场景,沿着无限接近自然的营地,如同历经一场未知徒步。
Featuring an outdoor lifestyle, WILD BACK is nestled between the serene West Lake and the lively city, offering a different realm for patrons. The natural elements of stones, grassy slopes, and mountains come together to create a wilderness oasis. Exploring the untouched camping ground, visitors will feel like embarking on an exciting hiking trip, filled with anticipation and discovery.
▽城市中的荒野场景 A wilderness scene in the city
城市Outdoor,找回野性 City Outdoor, rediscover the wildness of nature
坐落黄龙世贸中心的沿街商业界面,占地2000方的WILD BACK,成为杭州户外新地标。通过饮食、装备、活动等多元户外生活方式体验,探索适应未来的经营模式,倡导人们去感受自然、唤醒内在。
Located on the front street of the commercial complex Huanglong World Trade Center, WILD BACK covers an area of 2,000 square meters, establishing itself as a new outdoor landmark in Hangzhou. With its wide range of diverse outdoor lifestyle experiences such as food, equipment, and activities, WILD BACK embraces innovative business models that are future-proof and it strives to encourage people to connect with nature and awaken their inner selves.
堪称户外界大神的日本品牌SNOW PEAK雪峰,亦将户外装备店入驻于此。其所推崇的“拉近距离、找回野性”,与WILD BACK都市自然主张默契和鸣,在新自然视角的提示下,共同构建有温度的社群价值认同。
SNOW PEAK, a renowned Japanese brand in the outdoor industry, has established an outdoor equipment store in this location. SNOW PEAK’s mission to foster a reconnection with nature and humanity aligns perfectly with WILD BACK’s advocacy for urban nature. Together, these two brands create a sense of community with the friendly value and identity of embracing the natural world.
延续SNOW PEAK户外精神与WILD BACK荒野主题,PIG DESIGN完成了野回GRILL&EATERY西餐厅的景观、室内、家具全案设计。项目呈现出一种截然不同的转变,但未脱离PIG以往创作的母题:自然。
PIG DESIGN has successfully completed the landscape, interior, and furniture design for the GRILL&EATERY Western Restaurant of WILD BACK, which continues the outdoor spirit of SNOW PEAK and the wilderness theme of WILD BACK. The project showcases a unique shift in design, yet it stays true to PIG’s previous creations by incorporating nature as a theme.
GRILL&EATERY of WILD BACK strives to establish an unspoiled natural haven within the urban landscape and seeks to make necessary adjustments to the overly refined and polished aspects of modern living. The wilderness represents an unaltered state, showcasing the true essence of nature. It is a realm brimming with challenges and mysteries, offering profound significance to life’s journey.
▽随意而不加修饰的景观置石自然散落 Random and unmodified landscape stone naturally scattered
Moreover, charcoal grilling offers a unique dining experience that takes people back to the original relationship between humans and fire. The “outdoor” has been regarded as an aesthetic proposition beyond its functions in this project. When dining in a restaurant surrounded by nature, one can truly feel a sense of symbiosis with the environment. The overall design of the project aims to create a narrative of dining in the wilderness.
自然衍生,随机大于计划 Naturally growing, more randomness less plan
The design’s flexibility is fused into commercial buildings, which are typically considered the most “worldly” types of buildings. The inclusive public courtyards imbue new meaning into the space, making it a micro-landscape that gently transitions between the building and the city. This not only facilitates visual communication but also creates an ideological presence.
The dwarf wall, adorned with the brand logo, serves a dual purpose. It not only adds aesthetic appeal to the landscape but also acts as a symbolic representation of a miniature station for pedestrians to rest. Placed on the ground, it subtly hints at the entrance. The pavilion and corridor area resemble the rain-sheltering eaves one might come across while exploring the outdoors. The 1.4-meter extension facilitates a gradual and gentle introduction of both rain and sunlight.
▽景观延伸的内部空间 The landscape extends the interior space
折叠窗可最大限度消释内与外的界线,也使空间随时间和季节的变化而自行调节室内微气候。踏入WILD BACK,大块岩石如同悬崖,枝桠从斜旁伸出,枝叶大大小小密布,在方寸之地向上生长,充满了生命张力。
Folding windows offer a seamless transition between the indoors and outdoors, while also allowing for natural regulation of the indoor microclimate with the changing seasons. In WILD BACK, the interior features large rocks resembling cliffs, with branches extending from the sides. The branches and leaves are densely covered with foliage at random, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere in a small area.
The interior design of the space aims to maintain the existing architectural structure and textures while highlighting the natural imprints that time has left. The furniture, including the custom-made tables and chairs, is reminiscent of piles of firewood to convey simplicity, roughness, and a casual ambiance. The wine rack on the bar is made of large sections of wood combined with light strips, creating a three-dimensional effect through the reflection of the light and stainless steel.
憨拙之趣,积蓄设计的新动能 A sense of roughness, fueled for design
Li Wenqiang, a self-proclaimed “unorthodox designer”, prioritizes the meaning of the project itself. He avoids conformity and values originality, ensuring that he can convey a unique narrative that cannot be easily replicated. The project concept began with a hand-drawn organic variant of a dining table, which led to the discovery of a dining atmosphere that is in harmony with nature. From there, the design logic of the entire space was developed.
The ruggedness of the environment enables us to unleash our vitality and foster genuine connections. WILD BACK satisfies the longing for the outdoors and provides an opportunity to reconnect with nature and simplicity, away from the complexities of identity and past experiences. Embracing discomfort in nature allows us to appreciate true comfort. By avoiding superficial mediocrity and embracing the freedom of “undefined” design, PIG DESIGN strived to break down barriers of social class and recognition. This “cross-over” approach could also bring people together through cross-over resonance, fostering a sense of unity.
联想到隈研吾曾为SNOW PEAK打造Field Suite Spa,通过内外无缝连接的20,000个木柴,给人一种普通建筑中没有的“野性”。这一由内而生的通感,也适用于对WILD BACK“林中小木屋”式结构形态的意象阐释,酒窖如一座设计师亲手搭建的木屋,饱经时间雕琢的老木头与随意搭建的临时感营造出巨大反差。
The SNOW PEAK Field Suite Spa, designed by the renowned architect Kengo Kuma, boasts a unique “wildness” that seamlessly connects the indoors and outdoors with 20,000 pieces of logs. This inner openness is also evident in the WILD BACK’s “cabin in the woods” structural form. The wine cellar, made with old wood that has been weathered over time, resembles a cabin crafted by the designer himself casually, creating a striking contrast.
“The artistic insight involves a sensitive perspective that takes into account specific life states and seeks to create intuitive forms that align with human ecology.” Perhaps the function itself can be transformed into beauty. By avoiding redundant lines and exaggerated shapes, PIG DESIGN has skillfully utilized utensils to create subtle touches, objects, and perceptions. This approach has allowed them to divide and define the space, presenting the material in its most authentic and optimal state.
而基于迭代升级的价值想象,品牌空间以何种形式触达消费者才会激发兴趣和对话?PIG DESIGN相信品牌空间始终将仰赖人的经验、直觉、创造及想象力,WILD BACK正是基于人类的亲自然与共居天性为持续生长的原动力。
Brand upgrading has the potential to enhance the value of a company. However, the challenge lies in the form of effectively connecting with and captivating consumers through brand space. PIG DESIGN proposes that the success of brand space is ultimately determined by individuals’ experiences, intuition, creativity, and imagination. WILD BACK emphasizes the innate human desire to connect with nature and cohabitation, thus empowering sustainable development.
▽平面图 Plan

项目名称|野回 WILDBACK
项目地点|中国 杭州
设计公司|皮爱纪设计 PIG DESIGN
设计团队|杨志伟 沈滔滔
照明设计|Yaank 向杨照明设计
Project name|WILDBACK
Location|Hangzhou, China
Client|Hangzhou Cuihuhan Investment Co., Ltd.
Design company|PIG DESIGN
Chief designer|Li Wenqiang
Design team|Yang Zhiwei, Shen Taotao
Construction firm|Hangzhou Dianchang Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd.
Lighting design|Yaank
Furniture design|PIG DESIGN
Props design|Zhejiang Deyao Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Logo production|Jump Time Signage
Main materials|Stone, exposed aggregate, recycled wood board, metal, paint
Photography|Qi Shuoqian
Design time|February 2023
Completion time|August 2023
“ 在喧闹的城市中,以石块、草坡、山脉营造出荒野场景,让使用者在此感受自然、唤醒内在。”
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