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VKA:乌克兰第四大城市第聂伯罗市 Yavornytskoho 街道提升改造项目旨在将街道空间改造成步行友好的区域。
VKA: The project of revitalizing Yavornytskoho Street in the city of Dnipro aimed to transform the space into a pedestrian zone.

Converting a regular street into a pedestrian-friendly area provided people with the opportunity to combine strolling with exploring the neighboring historical areas through a modern and vibrant space filled with places for quiet and active recreation for adults and children.

Yavornytskoho 街道空间成为连接城市相邻历史区域的便捷通道,尤其是 Soborna 广场和舍甫琴科公园。这个现代化、功能性强且极具吸引力的城市空间使居民和游客能够轻松穿梭在各个著名景点之间,欣赏到它们的美景,并了解其独特的历史意义。
The space became a convenient connection between the adjacent historical areas of the city, particularly Soborna Square and Shevchenko Park. Creating a modern, functional, and attractive space enabled residents and visitors to move easily between these remarkable locations and enjoy the beauty and historical significance of each.

▽街道夜景 Night view of the street

▽平面图 Plan

▽设计分析 Design Diagrams

完成年份:2019 年
规模:7000 平方米
项目地点:乌克兰 第聂伯罗
首席建筑师:Vasyliev Evgen, Kuzmenko Andrii
设计团队:Tetyana Gaponenko, Maksym Klochenko
Project Name: Yavornitskogo pedestrian street
Completion Year: 2019
Scale: 7000 sq m
Project Location: Dnipro, Ukraine
Landscape/Architecture Firm: VKA
Website: https://www.vka.com.ua/
Contact e-mail: vasyliev.kuzmenko@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Vasyliev Evgen, Kuzmenko Andrii
Design Team: Tetyana Gaponenko, Maksym Klochenko
Clients: Dnipro city
“ 历史街道在经过景观提升设计后,转化成为具有多功能价值的步行友好街道,为市民提供更加多元的城市活动选择。”
更多 Read more about:VKA