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Thanks Tad.atelier for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Tad.atelier.


Tad.atelier:潘切市位于越南东南部,以美丽的海滩、洁白的沙滩和终年温暖的阳光而闻名。该建筑用地靠近市中心,地理位置优越,原本是一个 20 多年前修建的老度假村,整体地势向大海倾斜。


Tad.atelier:Located in Southeast Vietnam, Phan Thiet City is renowned for its beautiful beaches, white sand, and year-round warm sunshine. Situated ideally close to the city center, the construction land was initially an old resort built over 20 years ago on terrain sloping towards the sea.

Recognizing the land’s great potential, we decided to leverage its existing advantages and incorporate improvements to create a new, harmonious, and friendly resort. We considered using local materials and appropriate construction methods. The goal is to create a welcoming space that respects the site’s existing values while leaving room for new ideas.


▽项目整体俯视 Top View

© Tad.atelier


▽酒店住宿区 Hotel block

© Tad.atelier



The project is designed in harmony with the natural terrain by balancing excavation and landfilling, retaining most of the existing coconut trees. The main materials include easily recyclable resources such as stone, wood, steel, and unbaked bricks. To minimize the extraction of new resources, we reused some stones and wood from old structures. The row of villas along the boundary wall was also kept intact to be renovated into new villa clusters.


▽接待区 Reception block

© Tad.atelier
© Tad.atelier


▽接待区内景 Interior of reception area

© Tad.atelier
© Tad.atelier
© Tad.atelier



Instead of constructing a large structure, we divided the buildings into smaller structures, creating the feeling of a small community cluster. The central swimming pool serves as a key landscape feature and a focal point for activities. The accommodation clusters are arranged around the pool, creating an open and communal space.


▽酒店住宿区夜景 Night view of hotel block

© Tad.atelier


▽酒店住宿区域外部环境 External environment of hotel block

© Tad.atelier
© Tad.atelier


▽酒店内景 The interior of the hotel

© Tad.atelier


▽酒店内部视野 Inner view of the hotel

© Tad.atelier
© Tad.atelier


▽中心泳池 Center swimming pool

© Tad.atelier


▽围绕泳池布置的酒店 Hotels around the swimming pool

© Tad.atelier
© Tad.atelier


▽灯光映衬之下,层层叠叠的建筑体块在池畔铺展开来,宛如记忆中的村落 Under the light, the building blocks spread out by the poolside, just like the village in the memory

© Tad.atelier
© Tad.atelier
© Tad.atelier
© Tad.atelier


▽酒店区整体界面透视 Perspective of the hotel block

© Tad.atelier



We hope this project will be a testament to a slow, gentle lifestyle while still providing a new experience, akin to a “village within the city”—something that is gradually disappearing in many urban areas in Vietnam today./.


▽餐厅区域 Restaurant Block

© Tad.atelier


▽餐厅入口 Entrance to the restaurant

© Tad.atelier
© Tad.atelier


▽餐厅内景 The interior of the restaurant

© Tad.atelier
© Tad.atelier
© Tad.atelier
© Tad.atelier


▽餐厅外立面 The facade 

© Tad.atelier


▽场地现状说明 Site note

© Minh Đức


▽场地平面图 Site Plan

© Minh Đức


▽楼层平面图,1层平面图 Floor Plan-First Floor Plan

© Minh Đức


▽楼层平面图,2层平面图 Floor Plan-Second Floor Plan

© Minh Đức


▽接待大厅 Iso.Reception Hall

© Minh Đức


▽平面透视图-接待处 Floor Plan Perspective-Reception

© Minh Đức


▽酒店住宿区 Iso.48roomblock

© Minh Đức


▽住宿区剖面透视图 Perspective Section. Updated

© Minh Đức


▽餐厅 Iso.Restaurant

© Minh Đức


▽餐厅平面透视图 Floor Plan Perspective-Restaurant

© Minh Đức


▽度假村整体剖面图 Section-48 Room 

© Minh Đức


▽最终场地分析 Diagram.final

© Minh Đức




竣工年份:2024 年
客户:The Clay Mũi Né
设计团队:Vũ Tiến An | Phạm Quốc Hiệp | Võ Nữ Phương Anh | Bùi Diễm Quỳnh | Huỳnh Trọng Nhân
设计助理:Bảo Ngọc | Minh Đức | Minh Hùng | Phú Trọng | Trung Nghĩa | Thu Trang | Hoa Xuân
技术主管:Huỳnh Trọng Nhân
承包商:Thủy Mộc
家具制造商:Weekend Decor
制图:Minh Đức

Project Name: THE CLAY MUI NE RESORT- A town in a town
Design: Tad.atelier
Year of completion: 2024
Client: The Clay Mũi Né
Design team: Vũ Tiến An | Phạm Quốc Hiệp | Võ Nữ Phương Anh | Bùi Diễm Quỳnh | Huỳnh Trọng Nhân
Design assistants: Bảo Ngọc | Minh Đức | Minh Hùng | Phú Trọng | Trung Nghĩa | Thu Trang | Hoa Xuân
Technical supervisor: Huỳnh Trọng Nhân
Contractor: Thủy Mộc
Furniture manufacturer: Weekend Decor
Photography: Tad.atelier
Graphic: Minh Đức



审稿编辑: SIM

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