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TETRO:弗洛里亚诺波利斯(Florianópolis)是位于巴西南部海岸的一个岛屿,自然的生机与活力在这里展现得淋漓尽致,尤其是海洋与山脉。它拥有清澈的海滩与洁白的沙滩,并且不同于其他海滩的是,这片海滩中的岩石十分引人注目。这座岛屿距离陆地约 800 米,通过三座桥梁与陆地相连,其中最具标志性的是 Hercílio Lu z大桥,它自建成以来一直被视为弗洛里亚诺波利斯的象征。

Ponte 住宅就坐落在这样的环境之中,高悬于海边的山坡上,面朝大陆与山脉,力求以一种微妙的方式回应环境,并作为一种超越功能性的建筑表达脱颖而出。这座住宅坐落在卡库佩(Cacupé)海边,与周围环境和谐地融为一体,它从自然与当地特色中汲取灵感:桥与水中的石头都成为了其设计的灵感来源。

TETRO:Florianópolis is an island located on the southern coast of Brazil, where nature manifests itself exuberantly, especially through the sea and mountains. Its beaches with crystal clear waters and white sand stand out from others in the country due to the striking presence of rocks in the middle of the sea. The island, located about 800 meters from the mainland, connects to it through three bridges, the most iconic being the Hercílio Luz Bridge, a symbol of Florianópolis since its construction.

It is in the midst of this scenario, hanging on a hillside by the sea and facing the continental mountains, that Casa Ponte appears, with a project that seeks to respond in a sensitive way to the environment, standing out as an architectural expression that transcends function. residential. Located on the banks of the Cacupé sea, this residence integrates harmoniously with the surroundings, taking inspiration from nature and local characteristics for its design: The bridge and the stones in the water become the great inspirations.



大面积的钢结构屋檐解决了太阳入射的问题,突出了对效率与美学的追求。这种解决方案不仅满足了实际需求,最大限度地减少了夕照的影响,还通过在桥面和阳台使用钢材与穿孔板,向 Hercílio Luz 大桥表达了微妙的敬意

The approach to dealing with solar incidence, through generous structured steel eaves, highlights the search for efficiency and aesthetics. This solution not only meets practical demands, minimizing the effects of the setting sun, but also pays a subtle homage to the Hercílio Luz Bridge, through the use of steel and perforated sheets used on the floor of the bridge and the house’s balconies.




The main structure of the house can be described as two beams that emerge from the ground and rest on two pillars. The bedrooms and social areas develop around these beams.




On the lower floor, the swimming pool, suspended over two other rooms, advances towards the sea. Inside, there are natural stones that make reference to the local nature.



住宅朝向经过精心规划,可将眺望大陆内海和卡塔林内塞拉(Serra Catarinense)的雄伟山脉。这样的布局不仅充分利用了该地区的优美风光,还为住户营造了一种独特的氛围,让他们沉浸在无尽变幻的迷人景色中。

Casa Ponte’s carefully planned alignment towards the west offers a privileged view of the continental sea and the majestic mountains of the Serra Catarinense. This positioning not only takes advantage of the scenic beauty of the region, but also creates a unique atmosphere for residents, who find themselves immersed in stunning panoramas that transform throughout the day.



▽设计图纸 Design drawing




项目名称:Ponte House

责任建筑师:Carlos Maia, Débora Mendes e Igor Macedo
地点:巴西 圣卡塔琳娜州 弗洛里亚诺波利斯 Cacupé (-27.527574、-48.524760)
竣工年份:2024 年
摄影:Joana França
撰稿人:Bruno Bontempo, Bianca Carvalho, Bruna Maciel, Saulo Saraiva, Sabrina Freitas
结构:MV estruturas
水电:CA engenharia
园林绿化:Jardim e Cia; Terraço Paisagismo

施工:LR Coelho
窗户和玻璃:Lohn Esquadrias
大理石制品:MG superfícies
空调:I9 climatização
天窗:Continente inox
支架:Lfs soluções metálicas
泳池安装:Nardi Piscina

Project Name: Ponte House
Website: http://www.tetro.com.br/
E-mail: tetro@tetro.com.br

Responsable Architects: Carlos Maia, Débora Mendes e Igor Macedo
Location: Cacupé, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil -27.527574, -48.524760
Completion Year: 2024
Total Built Area (m²) : 1000 m²
Photography: Joana França
Contributors: Bruno Bontempo, Bianca Carvalho, Bruna Maciel, Saulo Saraiva, Sabrina Freitas
Structure: MV estruturas
Hydraulic; Electric: CA engenharia
Lighting Design: Allume
Landscaping: Jardim e Cia; Terraço Paisagismo

Construction: LR Coelho
Windows and Glasses: Lohn Esquadrias
Cladding, finishing, floors and countertops: Cosentino
Woodwork: Bontempo
Marblework: MG superfícies
Air conditioning: I9 climatização
Skylights: Continente inox
Brises: Lfs soluções metálicas
Metal structure: CLW
Pools Installation: Nardi Piscina



审稿编辑: SIM

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