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Thanks OFFICE MUTO for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by OFFICE MUTO.
OFFICE MUTO:该项目位于希腊锡弗诺斯岛,它通过利用植根于场地本身及其周边建筑的庭院来进行结构布局,这一庭院也构成了建筑的精髓。
OFFICE MUTO:The project offers structure through the use of a courtyard rooted in both the site itself and its surroundings architectures — This court constitutes the bare essence of the building.

一方面,Vigla 地区有许多传统的羊圈,这些羊圈由简单的矩形体量组成,毗邻小庭院,通过将内部空间与更大的外部空间相连,可以增加动物的生活空间。
On the one hand the site of Vigla is characterized by its numerous traditional sheepfolds; composed of simple rectangular volumes adjoined to small courtyards that allow to increase the living space of the animals by associating the interior space to a larger outside space.
On the other hand, the place itself is defined by a not very common platitude that exposes the plateau to strong winds — giving all the more relevance to the architecture of the surroundings sheepfolds.

The use of a courtyard around which the building could be articulated allows to create a set of solid formal coherence, but it also helps to protect from strong winds in order to extend the relatively reduced interior living space to a much more generous and less expensive outdoor area.

Following that logic, each element of the project is materialized by a simple rectangular volume connected directly to the courtyard without secondary circulation. Between — and through — these volumes, openings toward the landscape articulate the relation of the courtyard to its surroundings.

The stones used to build the walls were extracted from the ground while digging the foundations and the underground cistern that collects rainwater. Then associated with the necessary concrete elements, they together develop a simple mineral architectural language, reinforcing the horizontality of the building and the unity of the courtyard.

▽项目图纸 Project drawings

项目地点:希腊 基克拉泽斯 锡弗诺斯
地块面积:5650 m²
建筑师:Alexandre Pavlidis
摄影师:Simone Bossi,Alexandre Pavlidis
Name: House with a garden
Place: Sifnos, Cyclades, Greece
Year of conception: 2019
Year of completion: 2023
Budget: 650.000€
House surface: 270 m²
Plot surface: 5650 m²
Architecture office: OFFICE MUTO
Architecte: Alexandre Pavlidis
Photographer: Simone Bossi, Alexandre Pavlidis
Website: officemuto.com
Instagram: @officemuto
“ 设计师从传统的畜牧建筑中汲取灵感,利用户外庭院及半开放的空间来组织住宅的交通流线,在扩展生活范围的同时帮助抵御季节性的强风,增加了建筑的环境适应性。”
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