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IK LAB:AZULIK很高兴宣布在墨西哥的图卢姆开设了一个支持研究、改造和创造的体验场所。AZULIK Uh May是一个多面灵活的综合体,包含了一系列创造性空间:创新艺术空间、致力于时尚和设计的实验室、工艺美术学校、艺术录音室,聚集了来自不同领域的艺术家和在各个领域不断创新的思想领袖。
IK LAB:AZULIK is delighted to announce the opening of an experiential site to support research, transformation and creation in Tulum, Mexico. A multi-faceted and flexible complex, AZULIK Uh May will encompass an array of creative spaces, including an innovative art space, a lab dedicated to fashion and design, an arts and crafts school, a state of the art recording studio as well as residencies for artists and innovative thought leaders from a diverse range of fields.

由社会企业家Roth( Eduardo Neira )创建的AZULIK Uh May将详细叙述其生态灵感度假胜地AZULIK Tulum以及邻近艺术空间IK LAB Tulum所反映的愿景: “AZULIK Uh May将鼓励并支持我们与这个时代最优秀的精神相遇,致力于探索个人与社区重新联系的新形式,我们都希望通过向土著部落学习来学会与环境和谐相处,并帮助他们通过各种表现形式的艺术庇护来应对当代生活的挑战。”
Founded by social entrepreneur Roth (Eduardo Neira), AZULIK Uh May will expand upon the vision reflected in his ecologically inspired resort AZULIK Tulum and the adjacent art space IK LAB Tulum: “AZULIK Uh May will encourage and favor the encounter of the finest spirits of our times committed to exploring new forms of reconnecting as individuals and as a community alike, united by the shared desire to learn from the native tribes to live in harmony with the environment and to help them navigate the challenges of contemporary life under the aegis of art in a myriad of manifestations.”

11月30日的开幕式将聚焦分享、发展和保护环境的理念及项目实施,进一步促进古今社区的和谐共处和相互对话,将举办一场慈善拍卖会,为由Roth (Eduardo Neira)创立的“ENCHANTING TRANSFORMATION”基金会支持的工艺美术学校筹款。此次拍卖将展示AZULIK可持续性发展的内部时尚品牌Anikena的半定制时装作品,以玛雅月亮仪式的形式呈现。此次拍卖还将包括与IK LAB合作的艺术家的作品,有机会与知名客座教师一起参加大师班,以及参与AZULIK的一系列定制体验。而现场所有收益将直接用于支持工艺美术学校的发展。
The opening ceremony on November 30 will focus on sharing, developing and implementing ideas and projects to embrace and protect the environment and further the harmonious coexistence and mutual dialogue of ancient and modern communities. A charity auction will be held to raise funds for the arts and crafts school supported by ENCHANTING TRANSFORMATION, the foundation created by Roth. The auction will showcase demi-couture fashion pieces from AZULIK’s sustainable in-house fashion brand, Anikena, presented in the form of a Mayan moon ritual. The auction will also include artworks by artists collaborating with IK LAB, the opportunity to participate in masterclasses with acclaimed guest teachers and a series of bespoke experiences from AZULIK. All proceeds will go to support the development of the arts and crafts school on site.

除了11月30日的特别仪式之外,AZULIK Uh May的启动仪式还包括将于12月1日在IK LAB Uh May举行的首次展览。由IK LAB艺术总监Claudia Paetzold策划的《Conjunctions》展览将汇集Ernesto Neto、Paulo Nazareth和Oskar Metsavaht三位艺术家的艺术作品。
In addition to the special ceremony on November 30, the launch of AZULIK Uh May will feature the opening of the inaugural exhibition at IK LAB Uh May on December 1. Curated by Claudia Paetzold, IK LAB’s Artistic Director, Conjunctions will bring together works by Ernesto Neto, Paulo Nazareth and Oskar Metsavaht.

Ernesto Neto的作品探索了自然和社会领域的基本结构,创造了一种沉浸式的体验,重新定义了观众和作品、个人和社区、物质和非物质领域之间的界限。其作品《每棵树都是一种文明的存在》(2016),用一个棉线钩针精致编织的复杂树冠将参观者包裹在其中,而《治愈之屋》(2016)则提供了一个教堂般的空间供访客回忆和冥想;为了纪念自己原住民以及非洲的背景傳承,Paulo Nazareth演绎探索了艺术家作为连接者的理念,这些演绎揭示并记录了一个由祖先智慧维系的个人和社区之间微妙的相互关系网络;而Oskar Metsavaht的沉浸式光隧道的设计以Ashaninka部落的仪式标记为灵感,通过隐喻之旅为观众提供了一个与内心世界重新建立联系的机会。
Ernesto Neto’s oeuvre explores the fundamental structures of the natural and social realms, creating an immersive experience prone to redefining the boundaries between the viewer and the work, the individual and the community, and the material and immaterial spheres. Every Tree is a Civilizing Entity (2016) embraces the visitor in an intricate canopy of delicately woven cotton crochet, while Healing House (2016) offers a cathedral-like space for recollection and meditation. Honoring his joint indigenous and African heritage, Paulo Nazareth explores the idea of artists as connectors through his performances, which reveal and record a subtle network of interrelatedness between individuals and communities sustained by ancestral wisdom. Oskar Metsavaht’s immersive light tunnel features projections inspired by the ceremonial markings of the Ashaninka tribe, offering viewers the opportunity to reconnect with their innermost self through a metaphorical journey.
装置作品欣赏 Installation view:
▼Ernesto Neto — Every Tree is a Civilizing Entity
▼Ernesto Neto — Healing House

▼Ernesto Neto — Life Blows Life

▼Guillaume Leblon — The innocent´s coat

AZULIK Uh May通过对材料和技术的精心考量,继续体现了Roth (Eduardo Neira)对保护和整合环境的承诺。他的建筑的特点是拟人化的结构,这种通过浮桥和蜿蜒的小道相互连接的结构就像是从地面自然产生的一样。其中第一个建筑是一个16米高的混凝土穹顶,穹顶上有一朵生命之花,这是一个由重叠的圆圈组成的几何形状,呈花状排列,它的基座按照fibonacci数列的比例展开。与其相邻的是Roth (Eduardo Neira)的新家,它为邂逅和相聚提供了一个特殊的空间。
AZULIK Uh May continues to demonstrate Roth’s commitment to preserving and integrating the environment through carefully considered choices of both materials and techniques. The anthropomorphous structures, characteristic of his architecture, appear to naturally arise from the ground and are connected with each other through floating bridges and meandering paths. Among the first of the structures is a 16-meter-high concrete and bejuco dome with a cupola crowned by the Flower of Life – a geometrical shape composed of overlapping circles arranged in a flower like pattern – while its base unfolds according to the proportions of the fibonacci sequence. Adjacent thereto lies Roth’s new home, which provides a privileged space for encounters and gatherings.

© Enchanting Transformation 2018. All Rights Reserved

“AZULIK Uh May抓住了这个地方的灵魂,并经过了一番精心设计来保护和拥抱体验当地的生态系统。在建造过程中,充分考虑到了碳排放,没有砍下一棵树来为建筑腾出空间,而是将建筑融入了现有的植被中。” ——罗斯
“AZULIK Uh May captures the soul of the location and has been carefully designed to preserve and embrace the local ecosystems. The construction process is mindful of the carbon footprint and not a single tree has been cut to make space for the buildings, instead the structures embrace the existing vegetation.” – Roth

在AZULIK Uh May的中心,一所专注于艺术和工艺通用语言的学校将当地玛雅人、在此居住的艺术家、国际学生和学者聚集在一起。通过分享创意体验,学校将培养和发展社区归属感。此外,AZULIK Uh May还包括一个整合了西医和千年玛雅人治疗实践的医疗设施,以及一个研究厨房和餐厅,该厨房和餐厅将探索、保存和尊重祖先玛雅人烹饪智慧的治疗美德。2019年,AZULIK Uh May还将继续开发一个项目来支持其现有设施,并不断发展和扩大一个艺术博物馆,该博物馆由一个包含特定场所设施的展馆、一个回收和可持续性研究中心以及一个新技术中心组成。
At the heart of AZULIK Uh May, a school focusing on the universal language of art and craft will bring together the local Mayan population, artists in residence, international students and scholars. Through a shared experience of creativity, the school will foster and develop the sense of belonging in a community. AZULIK Uh May will moreover encompass medical facilities that integrate Western medicine and millennia-old Mayan healing practices, as well as a research kitchen and restaurant that will explore, preserve and honor the healing virtues of ancestral Mayan culinary wisdom. Throughout 2019, AZULIK Uh May will continue to develop a program to support its current facilities, evolving and expanding to include an art museum composed of pavilions housing site-specific installations, a recycling and sustainability research center and a hub for new technologies.
项目地址:墨西哥图卢姆 Azulik
建筑设计:Eduardo Neira
Project location: Azulik, Tulum, Mexico
Project year: 2018
Architects: Eduardo Neira
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